Is the world around us real or do we live in a simulation of reality created by more advanced, possibly post-human beings? This question may sound crazy but lately, it has become the subject of serious academic debate.
“If you assume any rate of improvement at all, games will eventually be indistinguishable from reality,” SpaceX chief Elon Musk said before concluding, “We’re most likely in a simulation.”
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson agrees, giving “better than 50-50 odds” that the simulation hypothesis is correct. “I wish I could summon a strong argument against it, but I can find none,” he told NBC News MACH in an email.
So, do we live in a simulation? As crazy as it sounds, we are going to share with you 15 mind-blowing facts that it could be true that we live in a simulation.
15 Facts That Prove We Live In a Simulation
#1: Fractals Are Everywhere

Everything in this world – from galaxies to clouds, leaves, shells, body parts, neurons – are fractals created using repetitive mathematical patterns that can be easily programmed and projected into a simulation from a computer with simple commands. The question is where is this computer that programmed our fractal universe?
#2: Sacred Geometry

When you start paying attention to fractals, you’ll discover that everything has a connected geometry, which is mathematics. It manifests itself in a visual form in nature, at the macro and micro levels, in the movement of planets, in the petals of flowers, in atomic and subatomic structures.
#3: Holographic Design of the Universe

Fractals can indicate that the overall design of the Universe is a holographic projection, where each part contains the whole within itself.
Patterns observed in the physical world, whether in the large macroscopic Universe of spiral galaxies or at the smallest microscopic levels of subatomic particles, all point to a holographic projection, as if it were projected directly from the computer that modeled our world. What seems to us to be billions of years of creation could be just a few moments (or days) for the simulator, which is confirmed by multi-religious concepts, like seven days of the creation of God in the Bible or Kalpa Brahma in the Vishnu dream world.
#4: Virtual Reality

There is no doubt that movies’ special effects and virtual reality games will evolve. This type of entertainment is the closest to creating an absolutely realistic simulator where you can see and touch another world or another life. But what if another civilization has already created a very realistic simulation and dragged us into it? Philosopher Nick Bostrom from Oxford University believes that it is likely that we live in a simulation. Bostrom bases this on the principle that all civilizations are very likely to reach a point where their technology is so advanced that they can conduct simulations that participants will not suspect that they are in a simulation.
#5: Artificial Intelligence

The story in the movie “Matrix” begins with the fact that people created computers with artificial intelligence that took over the whole world. But in our world, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more complex every year.
Just as our ability to create video games with virtual reality shows that civilization is getting better at creating simulations, our ability to create AI shows that we are improving in creating Autonomous machines. What if the civilization that came before us, had already created an AI so sophisticated that machines took over the world and we all became power sources for them? Of course, all this is only theoretical. But this is certainly a cause for concern!
#6: Math Travels The World

Have you ever wondered why the same numbers continue to dominate in mathematics and other natural sciences? Pi (π), speed of light, Planck’s constant, gravitational constant… the list goes on. The fact that we continue to operate with the same numbers and equations that control the movement of objects indicates that our universe may be a computer program.
This is a somewhat looped argument. We can’t know for sure whether mathematical equations make the Universe work because we’re in a simulation, or whether it’s because that’s how the universe really works. Is energy always equal to mass times the speed of light squared (E = mc2) because someone designed it that way, or because that’s how things work?
#7: The Big Bang Does Not Make Sense

Neil deGrasse Tyson and theoretical physicist Brian Greene have suggested that we probably live in a simulation because the “Big Bang” theory, as the reason our universe formed, doesn’t make mathematical sense.
Green says: “We used to consider the Big Bang a singular event that gave rise to one universe, but the math shows you don’t use up all that fuel in a single big bang. In fact, the bang itself winds up generating more of the fuel which generates other bangs—other universes.”
The idea is that there are many universes, and our universe can be a simulation created by people/beings from another universe. However, the idea of multiple universes doesn’t necessarily prove that ours is a simulation if there is one.
But questioning the nature of our reality would complicate one huge concept many people consider truth, which is the existence of a God. Indeed, what does a simulated universe say about the concept of a creator?
Greene and Tyson joked that our creator in a simulated world could be a 15-year-old kid in his garage. It could explain why our world comes so close to how a kid plays The Sims. It might not be a comfort to anyone considering the simulation hypothesis to realize everything good or bad that has ever happened in your life is the result of a child’s whim.
#8: The Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1.
It is observed everywhere in the Universe as if it were a predefined code. It can be easily seen in the form of pine cones, spiral shells, galaxies, and DNA. It’s as if the creators of our Universe were happy with the original design and started copying and pasting it everywhere.
#9: Numerology

Isn’t it interesting that we can identify certain personality traits with a sequence of numbers that match you since your incarnation? In Pythagorean numerology, the Natal chart and the name map reveal exact truths about a person’s fate.
#10: The Mandela Effect

The Mandela effect (also known as “collective false memories”) is a phenomenon where a number of people remember events, sayings, or images differently than they actually are.
This phenomenon got its name when Fiona Broome detailed how she remembered former South African President Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s in prison (although Mandela lived until 2013). Broome could describe remembering news coverage of his death and even a speech from his widow about his death. Yet none of it happened.
If Broome’s thoughts occurred in isolation, that would be one factor. However, Broome found that other people thought the exact same as her. Even though the event never happened, she wasn’t the only one who felt like it did. As a result, the Mandela effect concept was “born.”
There are hundreds to thousands of examples of the Mandela effect across entertainment, logos, and even geography. Reading these examples can make you question your memory.
The Mandela Effect is therefore supposedly proof that whoever is in charge of our simulation is changing the past. Or alternately, this is evidence of parallel universes and some individuals have crossed from one universe, in which Mandela died in the ’80s, into ours, where he lived to age 95.
#11: DNA That Contains a Computer Virus

In 2017, a multidisciplinary group of researchers at the University of Washington proved that they could embed malicious computer code into physical strands of DNA. Their goal was to show that computers working in gene sequencing are vulnerable to attack. But they may also have inadvertently discovered that what we perceive as biological reality was actually computer code all along.
#12: Universe’s Strict Laws

MIT cosmologist Max Tegmark has pointed to our universe’s strict laws of physics as possible evidence that we live in a simulation: “If I were a character in a computer game, I would also discover eventually that the rules seemed completely rigid and mathematical.”
According to this theory, the speed of light — the fastest rate at which any particle can travel — represents the speed limit for transmitting information within the network of our simulation.
#13: Climate Change

Our civilization is “coincidentally” set on the cusp of environmental chaos. We could be an ancestor simulation created in hopes that we’d show our creators how to solve an energy crisis. If we found an innovative solution to the climate crisis, extraterrestrial beings might return to curb the results.
#14: Signs Of Parallel Worlds

The multiverse is based on the existence of an infinite number of worlds with infinite “settings” and “parameters”, where different parts have a common structure. If we live in the Matrix, then multiple universes become simulations running simultaneously. The Creator of these models periodically runs different variables to test plots and events and waits for results.
#15: We Can’t Prove That We Don’t Live in a Simulation

It may sound crazy but it’s easier to prove that we live in a simulation than to prove that we don’t. Nuclear physicist Zohreh Davoudi believes that cosmic rays — the most energetic particles known — would appear as pixel-like chunks if we are within a simulation, and unending beams if we’re in base reality. Meanwhile, NYU philosopher David Chalmers doubts it’s possible to prove that we don’t live in a simulation: “You’re not going to get proof that we’re not in a simulation, because any evidence that we get could be simulated.”
The validity of the simulation theory might be concerning to many, but ancient wisdom teachings have expressed these same findings but from a spiritual perspective such as the hermetic axiom “as above so below”. According to these teachings, the universe is holographic in nature which is why the universe is constructed of fractals and sacred Mathematical geometry.
Picture God or Source as a singular dot. This singular god source is all that exists and because of this can only create within itself. This can only be done by creating an illusion of complex divisions within itself. The projection comes from its own thinking self which creates the holographic nature of the universe. Our computer simulations are simply attempting to imitate this natural process. Art is imitating life and not the other way around.
While science looks for the source of the projected holographic world and the evidence of the Matrix, meditation helps us to find out the true nature of reality and who we really are. Because we are made in the image and likeness of God we possess the same ability to create within ourselves. This process is called Imagination. You can imagine anything you want in your mind and it will exist as a holographic illusion or “simulation” that exists within your own mind. The degree of complexity of your imagined world is only limited by your current degree and ability to maintain a continuous stream of concentrated thought within your own mind.
So instead of losing sleep over if we live in simulated world, we should remember that we can explore and experience the nature of the universe directly by learning to meditate.