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Inner Child Healing: 4 Surprisingly Effective Practices
The inner child is our original deep essence and the basis of our self-expression, creativity, and spontaneity. Our connection with the inner child determines how much we can enjoy life, be spontaneous and playful, and to what extent we allow ourselves to dream and creatively express ourselves. However, many of us have experienced childhood trauma […]
What is a Starseed? Key Indicators You Might Be One
Have you ever felt like you don’t quite belong on Earth, as if you’re here for a greater purpose? This feeling might be more than just a passing thought—it could be a sign that you’re a starseed. What is a starseed, you ask? It’s a concept that’s gaining traction in spiritual circles, suggesting that some […]
Abundance Haircuts In September 2024: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
Chakra Quiz: Which of Your Chakras Is Out of Balance?
The seven chakras form the core energy centers of our body, each with its unique color and position from the spine’s base to the head’s crown. These vital centers influence our physical well-being, emotional balance, and mental clarity. Our chakras respond to external stimuli, clearly signaling energy imbalances. If you repeatedly face the same issues […]
Svadhisthana Chakra: How to Activate, Heal & Balance It
Chakras play a significant role in our overall well-being and health. That’s why it’s essential to understand how to balance them effectively. In this article, I will provide a quick introduction to the 7 chakra system and offer a detailed review of the Svadhisthana chakra, its significance for our health, and practical methods to heal […]
How To Read Incense Smoke? Libanomancy Knows The Answer
Incense burning is a widespread practice that has existed for centuries and is deeply rooted in various cultures and traditions around the world. Healers, yogis, and representatives of different spiritual teachings, confessions, and religions utilize incense for a multitude of purposes. These purposes include meditation, concentration, rituals, and the purification of the energy of space, […]
Abundance Haircuts In August 2024: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
Abundance Haircuts In July 2024: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
What’s Your Wounded Inner Child Archetype? Take a Quiz!
The wounded inner child lives in our subconscious, protecting us from the outside world. It needs guidance and loving-kindness from our adult self so it can learn to trust this world and feel whole again. Until the inner child is healed, our past problems and pain will continue to reveal themselves. According to the laws […]
Feng Shui Tips for Your Meditation Room to Enhance Your Meditation Practice
When choosing a place for our meditation practice we should pay attention to different aspects. First, we must ensure that our meditation space is quiet and private so no one can disturb us. Second, we turn our meditation room into our sacred space that helps us to go deeper into meditation and recharge our energy. […]
Abundance Haircuts In June 2024: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
Muladhara Chakra: How to Activate, Heal & Balance It
Chakras play a significant role in our well-being. That’s why it’s essential to know how to balance them. In this article, I’m going to do a quick introduction to the 7 chakra system and give you a detailed review of the Muladhara chakra, its significance for our health, and how to balance it. What are […]