In a world that seems to be getting increasingly more divisive, unhealthy, and chaotic it’s hard to imagine a world where love, compassion, wellness, abundance, beauty, and harmony reign supreme. But if we turn to the laws of nature as our guide and blueprint, we can begin to develop an awareness and understanding that life is simply an energetic dance of polarity that’s constantly seeking harmony and balance.
By gaining insight and understanding of this dance of energy, a person can begin to tap into their full potential, align with their life purpose, and will the power necessary to unfold it. This rhythmic movement of expansion and contraction – construction and destruction – masculine and feminine and the unified balance between these energies, is the working creative principle within the universe. We call this creative principle SO LAN CHA – the creative law of harmony and balance. By mastering these principles, we are able to practice the art of harmonious living.
In the Chinese tradition, the Yin Yang or Tai Chi symbol represents polarized energy seeking balance and harmony. Yin energy is passive, contracting, magnetic, negative or feminine. Yang energy is it’s opposite and is active, expansive, electric, positive and masculine. Daoists call the integration between Yin and Yang the Great Tai Chi (the law of harmony and balance).
In the Hindu tradition, Dancing Shiva is a symbol of this movement of energy. The dancing Lord Shiva represents the continuous flow of destructive, constructive and preservative states of energy. This is also further symbolized by the nature of Brahma, the world creator, Vishnu, the world maintainer and Shiva the world destroyer.
In addition to the Yin and Yang of the Taoist tradition, there are also other teachings that talk about the physical nature of this polarity:
- Hindu tradition calls it the Ida and the Pingala
- Yogic tradition – the Shiva and Shakti
- Christian tradition – Adam and Eve
- Kabbalah tradition – Od and Obd.
Many religious and spiritual traditions have expressed the significance of the creative and polarized energy of masculine and feminine symbolically as a key to a greater understanding of the mechanics of the universe and the law of harmony and balance.
Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.
– Three Initiates, The Kybalion
SO is the feminine, destructive and magnetic side of energy. CHA is the masculine, creative and electric side of energy. The harmonic balance and integration of SO and CHA is LAN. The rhythmic dance and continuous interplay of energy between these states is SOLANCHA.
SO energy or the magnetic contractive energy moves in a counterclockwise spiral. It is the feminine, intuitive, and emotional, the self-reflective component of introspection and the receptive quality that accumulates knowledge and understanding. Through the understanding of the SO principle, an individual can tap into their True Potential and develop more Compassion, Awareness, Mindfulness and Presence within their life.
CHA energy is the electric creative energy that moves in a clockwise spiraling manner. It is masculine and intellectual, it is concentrative and active, it is the active force of doing and one’s behavior. With a greater understanding of the CHA principle, we can align with our Life Purpose. We can also affect more change within our relative world through increased Focus, Will, Discipline, and Action.
LAN energy represents the harmonic and balanced state of SO and CHA energy. It is the balanced quality and quantity harmonic state that is sustainable, regenerative and how we recognize beauty, harmonious music and all creations that are in alignment with the natural law of harmony and balance.
LAN is the Master Key that ends suffering. It initiates wisdom and establishes overall wellness in all areas of an individual’s life. When we are able to enter this balanced and harmonious state of LAN we gain access to True Power.
The Law Of Vibration
The law of vibration states that everything within the cosmos is within a state of change, movement or vibration. That vibration is the varying degrees of frequency or movement between SO and CHA. All seeming problems, illness, disease and suffering within the world is due to some form of imbalance of energy. The universe is one large infinite musical symphony. Pain and suffering are created through wrong notes being played or instruments out of tune. When you hear this you simply recognize the disharmony. Suffering is simply life that has gone of tune. All energy is varying degrees of vibrations or sounds created through frequency.
“John:1 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God.”
Another example of this you can see in the chemical element table. If you were to take the element Sodium and combine it with the element Chlorine you will create a harmonious compound called Sodium Chloride or table Salt. Geometrically if you take a look at it you will see that it creates a perfectly balanced and harmonious square. The less balanced or stable the chemical compound the more distorted geometry. In fact, this disharmonious composition is how explosions are made.
Another scientific study of sound and vibration called Cymatics. This study utilizes sound and vibration against particles of sand or liquid on a surface displaying unique geometric patterns. The more harmonious the sound or vibrations against the surface are, the more perfected geometric patterns appear in diverse complexities while the adverse is experienced in disharmonious vibrations. You can see these examples of balance and imbalance throughout nature and the known universe. Unknowingly we recognize much of this balance in the form of symmetry which we call Beauty. No matter how complex from, the Universal to the Personal, this electromagnetic pulsating energy of SOLANCHA is in effect.
Living In Accord with the Law Harmony and Balance
Balance creates beauty while Harmony creates Unity. Once we begin to understand the pulsating rhythm of the magnetic and electric, the positive and the negative, SOLANCHA, we can begin to detect this rhythm in all areas of our lives. Whether it’s Love and Relationships, Career and Money or Health and Longevity our experienced successes or failures we can decode through the balance or imbalance of SOLANCHA. We can then turn any seeming Loss into a Winning scenario simply by rebalancing the experience in thought, action or behavior.
Some people see the concept of Karma as some sort of punished for sinful actions. The truth is that Karma is simply an effect of the Law of Harmony and Balance at work. It is through karma that life moves in a manner that is constantly seeking greater balance, harmony, and unity.
Take some time today to journal or think about the areas of your life that are out of balance.
Sometimes you might be too passive to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. You might be too focused on forcing a desired outcome that is really not aligned with your heart’s desire. Without introspection and greater awareness, it’s often hard to even know what your true desires or goals are. Perhaps you have an idea of what you want to accomplish but lack the focus or power to achieve it. No matter if your issue is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, rest assured that your solution lies in creating greater balance and harmony within these areas of your life.
Make a commitment today to embrace the principles of SOLANCHA and the laws of harmony and balance! Begin to actualize your True Potential, Power and Purpose!