Narcissistic behavior is a disorder that manifests in many ways. For a somatic narcissist, it is all about physical appearance. If you’ve met someone whose self-love is more about how he looks, he might be a somatic narcissist. In this guide, we want to explore how somatic narcissist functions. More so, we’ll share with you 7 key signs to look out for when you are interacting with a somatic narcissist. Let’s get to it!
Categories of Narcissists
Psychologists classify narcissists into three categories:
- a cerebral narcissist;
- a sexual narcissist;
- a somatic narcissist.
Now, a cerebral narcissist will want to assert his values on you based on his superior view of his intellect.
In contrast, a sexual narcissist sees his sexual prowess domineering over everyone.
However, a somatic narcissist will want you to acknowledge his worth based on his physical appearance. We are discussing these types today.
The Typical Somatic Narcissist
Have you ever met persons obsessed with the finer details of their appearances? They will spend hours in front of the mirror each day to prepare for the day. If it is a woman, she will talk endlessly about her hair, latest beauty treatment, or clothes. For men, they tend to spend lots of time and money at the gym to achieve and maintain the body image they want.
7 Tell-Tale Signs That You Are Dealing With a Somatic Narcissist
#1: Appearance Comes First

A somatic narcissist will spend an unreasonable amount of time and money to get the perfect body image they want. For example, they prefer exotic dining and designer wear. They will also pay hefty subscriptions to join a premium fitness club. Such persons will also spend most of their income on cosmetic surgery, trying to correct their looks.
On the same note, a somatic narcissist will always find fault in other people’s appearances. For example, they will make nasty jokes about an obese person. Alternatively, they make it their business to follow up and set unrealistic standards for others.
Do you know those persons who give unsolicited advice on how to dress up around them? Well, it gets worse when a somatic narcissist leads a team. He will try and impose his eating and fitness habits on to the other team members. It does not matter whether such practices will suit the team or not.
#2: They Have No Intimate Sexual Relationship

Sex partners are often mere objects of pleasure to a somatic narcissist. For, they view the sexual act as a means to conquer the other. Hence, they will seduce and have several partners at the same time. In turn, they validate their view of themselves by feeling sexually desirable to multiple partners. Yet, they will not show any emotional involvement in the relationships. It is their way to conquer and move on to the next target without getting hurt in the process.
#3: They Are Self-Centered

Like other narcissists, a somatic narcissist always thinks about his interests above those around him. For example, when you excel as a team, he will want to take credit for the feat. A typical somatic narcissist shows no empathy for those around him. Instead, this single relation will further drain the emotions of anyone near him.
#4: A Sadistic Sense Of Pleasure

Does your partner find pleasure in bringing you down? Then, you could be dealing with a somatic narcissist. Some somatic narcissists enjoy hurting others to gratify themselves. Take, for example, your boss scolding you for your executive image around customers. It only means that he sees you as a threat to his ego. In turn, he will give you unfounded punishments to try to discourage you from looking superior before him.
#5: They Will Not Accept Negative Criticism

A somatic narcissist is never the type to receive negative criticism without putting up a fight. His self-righteous image of himself makes him get aggressive when probed for his flawed works. In response, such a person can become abusive or violent to deny responsibility for his actions. They do this to avoid any humiliation and emptiness for accepting that they are in the wrong. To spot this sign in a somatic narcissist, try taking part in an exercise that will conflict with their interest. If he overreacts or behaves irrationally, then that’s your proof right there.
#6: Their Needs Come First

A typical somatic narcissist will appear to you as a charming and charismatic person. Hence, they will quickly draw you to associate with them. In fact, the more you give them your attention and approval, the more they want you in their lives. Yet, as time passes by, you notice how they always give their needs a priority above everyone else’s needs. When you stop feeding their narcissist needs, they immediately start losing interest in you.
#7: They Are Master Manipulators

Does your partner or colleague manipulate your emotions to get what he wants from you? You know, they lie about something to twist your reality. In addition, what they say is the opposite of what they do. Moreover, they always want to make you feel guilty of something so that you can give in to their demands.
If you have someone who lies and is still playing a victim, he is a master manipulator. Somatic narcissists, too tend to use the gaslighting technique to get what they want. For example, if they wake up in a bad mood, they will try to attribute it to you. In turn, they get you to pity them and try to make up to them.
In Conclusion – Why Is It Important To Know A Somatic Narcissist?
A somatic narcissist can make you lose your self-esteem since they always try to point out your physical flaws. Their craving for approval can leave you scarred emotionally. It is how they make themselves look superior. Yet their appeal is never skin-deep. Hence, by understanding the somatic narcissist, you can come up with ways to protect yourself from getting hurt. For example, take your time to know the person before committing to a serious sexual relationship. Plus, it would help if you insisted on treating one another fairly.