Do you sometimes think of someone, and suddenly that person calls you? Or, do you know of a friend who wakes up in the middle of the night with a premonition, sometimes tragic, that later comes true? These psychic occurrences attracted the interest of science communities across the globe and resulted in a study called Remote Viewing. Many researchers have performed controlled tests and experiments to prove whether or not remote viewing is real.
So is remote viewing real? Let’s find out.
What is Remote Viewing?
Remote viewing relates to seeking of impressions and information about a distant or unseen target through nothing more than sensing with the mind. Hence, the remote viewer uses their intuitive abilities to give information about an object, event, person, or location hidden from physical view or separated by distance or time. Mike Webster, a remote viewer and the founder of Waveform Energetics, depicts it as a trained intuitive ability. According to Webster, a remote viewer can tap into their mental perception to describe places, events, or people separated from them by distance, shielding, and even time.
Is There Scientific Evidence That Remote Viewing Works?
In 1971, Ingo Douglas Swann, a claimed psychic artist, was the first person who came up with the term “remote viewing”. He was carrying out an out-of-body experiment at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York. Swann would later carry out investigations on remote viewing at the Stanford Research Institute, catching the attention of the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA.
In the 1990s, remote viewing became popular following the video classification of documents relating to the Stargate project. This $20 million research project started in 1975 and was sponsored by the U.S. government. The government wanted to determine the potential of military application of psychic phenomena. Eventually, the program was terminated in 1995 after failing to produce useful intelligence information.
Despite the many successful experiments performed by the Stanford Research Institute, the mainstream science community still rejects it. Scientists sight that there is a lack of evidence, but there is also quite a few private and public remote viewing organizations that continue to publish a multitude of successful results. Unfortunately, the mainstream science community still regards it as pseudo-science. Still, this did not deter the use of remote viewers in various circumstances throughout history.
Use of Extrasensory Perception Technique (ESP)

Some scientists carried out experiments on remote viewing and believed that it is real. They relied on the extrasensory perception technique (ESP) power to make their conclusions. The ESP technique, often called the sixth sense, refers to receiving information through other means apart from the physical senses. Hence, the researchers would test remote viewing by isolating subjects. They then ask them to focus on images that another person was viewing in another room or location.
Evidence of Use of Remote Viewing
Despite the lingering question, “Is remote viewing real?” there is evidence of its use dating back to the world war era. They kept records of the use of remote viewing during the Cold War. The U.S. military recruited “mind readers” to locate intelligence information like missiles and secret sites. The remote viewers would then use their intuitive abilities to access areas no other means could reach.
Today, remote viewers use their unique capabilities to help locate missing persons and murderers and unravel clues that may help solve criminal cases. In business, remote viewers assist in business negotiations, investigations on lost property, and solving insurance scams.
In 1981, Joe McMoneagle, a remote viewer and Vietnam veteran, helped solve the kidnapping case of U.S. General James Dozier by the Red Brigades in Northern Italy. Using his trained intuitive abilities, Joe named the city, drew a street map, and described buildings of the area where the general was being held, hostage. This psychic information proved accurate, even though it got there after the release of the general. It is a documented example of remote viewers and their work.
Remote Viewing as a Trained Ability
Being a remote viewer is similar to being a psychic. However, you do not need to be specially gifted to become one. It is a trained intuitive ability to tap into everyday information. Consequently, anyone can become a remote viewer.
For example, a mother develops an intuition that alerts her when her children get into trouble. And, when your phone rings, you often can tell who is calling even before checking the dial. A typical remote viewer can see places and objects across time and enter the mind of another human being or living thing using their skills.

Clairvoyance is seeing things with your third eye. You can close your two eyes and picture events, people, or objects in your mind. For example, when reading a book or listening to a podcast, you can visualize the characters in your mind. Now, when clairvoyance is used as a methodology, it helps people perform healing or access deeper levels of information, like remote viewing.
Implications of Remote Viewing
Whether remote viewing proves to be real or not, one thing is sure; the phenomenon implies that human beings have many more abilities than we know. And most people with psychic abilities may live their entire lives unaware of their capabilities. Hence, a child with sharp psychic abilities may ignore their talent if they grow up in families where such uniqueness is discouraged. Second, if remote viewing is real, all human beings have a non-local component. It is this component that helps us connect to everything in the universe.
What do you think; is remote viewing real? The debate is still ongoing. And, despite extensive research on the subject, no one totally understands how it works. So, the best approach is to develop an open but healthy skeptical attitude toward the subject. Plus, engage in spiritual practices like daily meditation and concentration exercises to reduce your mental noise and calm your mind. Such practices will help you to train your subtle awareness and discover new abilities.
If you’d like to learn more about remote viewing, read the books written by Ingo Swan, Joe McMoneagle, Paul Smith, Dale Graff, Ed May, Russell Targ, or other researchers.