According to the Chinese calendar, the new year starts on February 1st, 2022, and will last until January 21st, 2023. 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger. In this article, I will share with you a general outlook and predictions for 2022 based on the Bazi (Paht Chee). This outlook will help you to get a clear perspective of the energy of the year based on the 5 element theory. Also, you will learn what to expect in the most important areas of your life in 2022: finances, relationship, career, health.
Predictions For 2022
The Energy of the Year of the Water Tiger
Bazi is a system that describes all life processes with energies known as the “5 elements” – Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. And 12 astrological animal signs conventionally denote the sectors of the circle along which the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun. They have their own characteristics, and in addition, interact with the personal energies of each person. And thus it is possible to draw certain conclusions and make both a general and a personal forecast for 2022 based on the Bazi Chart.
The year of 2022 is represented by Yang Water and the Tiger. The Water element symbolizes movement, and the Tiger is one of the 4 dynamic animal signs. The Water Tiger likes to move, travel, not sit in one place. In addition, the combination of the elements in 2022 indicates an easy assimilation of information, a sense of taste, a craving for beauty and pleasure. It can be assumed that in 2022 people will want to travel more often.
However, we should not expect that the year will pass peacefully. The combination of Yang energy and the Water Tiger is not smooth.
Yang water symbolizes large rivers, seas, oceans, which are endowed with impulsiveness and excessive energy activity. This will make people ignore the opinions and desires of others and step over those who interfere or simply do not correspond.
New Order
The Tiger occupies a special place in Chinese metaphysics. Every year begins with the Tiger, that is, it carries an element of novelty, the establishment of new orders, new rules of the game in all spheres of life. The distinctive features of the Tiger are stubbornness, firmness, determination, and perseverance. The active nature of the Tiger is accustomed to observing, immediately acting, and applying the knowledge in practice. This is extremely fast energy! So, in 2022, we can expect the initiation of changes around the world and the revision of the traditional way of life. New “rules of the game” will be adopted.
The last time the year of the Water Tiger was in 1962. If you remember, this is the year when the Caribbean crisis happened due to Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. The whole world was one step away from nuclear war. Fortunately, the crisis was resolved without casualties, but the world no longer became the same but was clearly divided into two – the USSR and the socialist countries against the United States and capitalist countries.
There is also an indication that in 2022 innovative changes can occur in medicine and healthcare. Perhaps new systems will be more widely implemented – “QR-codes”, “COVID passports” and so on. This is a worldwide trend, which, of course, can raise new waves of protests.

2021 was the year of the Metal Ox, whose energy has Yin quality – passive. 2022 is the year of the Water Tiger, whose energy has Yang quality – aggressive. Therefore, I can assume that people will be acting more directly and aggressively. We can expect that people can rebel in response to attempts to establish new orders. The risks of revolutions and coups are going to be increasing in 2022, especially for countries that are already unstable.
It won’t be a quiet year. It will be a busy and active time. Things will move very fast. Unfortunately, when things move fast, things get broken. And it will be that kind of year.
World Leadership
In 2022, we can expect that those in positions of power may misuse that power. In 2022, we may see that leaders are becoming more reckless, more self-serving, and more focused on themselves than those they are meant to lead. Wealth (the Water element) without intelligence (the Metal element) could see much of it directed to ill-fated and wasteful ends. On a macro-economic level, this does not spell good news for the world. And on a micro-economic level, people will have to work harder to not come out the worse for wear from what looks to be a tumultuous and unsteady year.
In Summery…
2022 will be a year that is aggressive, blustery, and ferocious. This is the year when we should not take any unnecessary risks! There is a serious risk of making mistakes, of acting too quickly, and of saying things that we can regret later. Therefore, our main lesson in 2022 is to work at tempering ourselves – at home, with friends, with our loved ones, and at work. This is the year when we must remain cautious and watchful at all times.
Health Predictions for 2022
In traditional Chinese medicine, the Wood element is associated with the liver. It is also responsible for the growth, activity, and movement of our limbs. So, we can expect that people’s needs for more movement, physical exercise, and sports will increase in 2022.
The element of Water is associated with the kidneys, urinary system, and genitals. But the position of the Water element is weak, so it is recommended to take supplements more often to support the “water aspects”, such as Omega-3 oil.
Both Water and Wood are opposed to the element of the Earth, which symbolizes the stomach and digestive system. Thus, it will be useful to take supplements such as COQ10 and other antioxidants to regulate the Earth element.
Financial Predictions for 2022

Let’s take a closer look at the luck of different industries in 2022.
Fire Element Industries:
- the stock market;
- entertainment;
- power generation;
- restaurants, etc.
2022 will be a challenging year for the Fire Element industries. They will not be able to make a lot of money this year.
Earth Element Industries:
- real estate;
- mining;
- hotels;
- building constructions;
- land development;
- insurance;
- technology;
- computer software, etc.
Industries belonging to the Earth Element can expect prosperity this year.
Metal Element Industries:
- automobiles;
- engineering;
- banking;
- machinery;
- jewelry;
- white goods, etc.
The elements of Water and Wood, prevailing in 2022, will bring prosperity to the Metal Element industries.
Water Element Industries:
- shipping;
- transportation;
- communication;
- beverages;
- shipping;
- fishing, etc.
The Water Element industries will benefit in 2022.
Wood Element Industries:
- fashion;
- media;
- publishing;
- the environment and climate change;
- plantation;
- agriculture;
- flowers and plants, etc.
The Wood Element industries will face serious competition. They need to run lean, as business continues to be poor. Consolidate strengths and reduce costs to stay in the game. Focus on innovation and niche markets.
In summary, industries belonging to the Metal, Earth, and Metal Elements will prosper and make progress. All other industries will suffer or experience an uphill climb.
5 Elements: Predictions for 2022 + Recommendations
There is a huge imbalance in the main Bazi chart of 2022 since there are only three of the five elements presented in it. The three elements that are presented in the chart are:
- Wood element, which represents power and rank;
- Water element, which represents wealth;
- Earth element, which stands for friends and foes.
The Bazi chart 2022 lacks two elements:
- Fire, which represents resources and support;
- Metal, which represents intelligence and common sense.
Let’s take a closer look at each element.

The Fire Element stands for resources. But in 2022, there is no Fire Element in the main Bazi chart. Without resources, nothing can be accomplished. Therefore, it’s so important to know how to recreate the Fire element in our lives.
So, how do you replace the missing Fire in the chart?
For doing so, make sure you always keep your house well-lit. Leave the garden lights on, keep the night lights around your home switched on at night. Keep the curtains drawn open to allow plenty of sunlight into the house. Maintain a steady steam of Fire element energy, as this is what will help redress the imbalance of the year.
Also, pay attention to what sectors of the house you’re lighting up in 2022! Lighting up the South activates prosperity energy. By lighting up the Northeast, we attract new opportunities to make money, enhance profits, and augment our net worth. Lighting up North brings career success and upward mobility.

The Earth element stands for friends and foes, camaraderie, and competition. The Bazi chart 2022 suggests that while relationships may appear affable on the surface, there is a lot of hidden rivalry and resentment underneath. This means that we may experience plenty of covert jealousies, with a high possibility of betrayal and backstabbing. 2022 is the year when it’s going to be difficult to trust anyone. In 2022 many people are going to be physically and financially wounded.
So, how can we prevent this?
To protect yourself against being betrayed by those you trust, carry the Anti-Betrayal Amulet throughout the year.

The Metal element stands for intelligence and creativity. However, there is NO Metal in the Bazi chart 2022! This means that the world is wrung dry of ideas, with poor ability towards intelligent thought. It is going to be hard to come by new ideas.
So, how can we fix this?
To boost the Metal element energy in your life, wear precious metals, such as gold, silver, platinum, in the form of jewelry. If you want to boost your creativity, carry the Amulet for Talent and Creativity. Another way to bring more Metal energy into your life is to wear white and metallic clothes and accessories. Wearing white and metallic will increase your inspiration and creativity.

The Water element stands for wealth. The fact that the Water appears in the Bazi chart 2022 three times, indicates that 2022 will present multiple avenues and opportunities to make money. However, these opportunities will be available only for those who use their creativity and their smarts. This year, we will see whole new markets growing out of nowhere, but it will be the visionaries who will drive this.
But while wealth will grow, wealth accumulation will not be balanced. Inequality will grow alongside it. For us to benefit, it is vital to get onto the right side of the spurt. Even with a preponderance of wealth indictors, every effort needs to be made to jump on the bandwagon. Not everyone will be able to get on.
Should we enhance the Water element?
No, there is already a lot of Water in the Bazi chart 2022. So, what we need is not the enhancement of the Water element but to add the missing element of Fire and Metal. Wear lots of red clothes and accessories this year, switch lights liberally in your house. The brighter you light up your home, the luckier you will be in 2022!

The Wood element stands for power and rank in 2022. The fact that the Wood is the most dominant element of the Bazi chart 2022, indicates that power and position will become ever more important over the course of the year. The control will lie in the hands of those in power. Those at the top wield disproportionate power over those at the bottom. But there is too much power, and too much of anything is never a good thing. The excessive Wood element suggests that leaders will become more autocratic and corrupt in 2022.
Also, the Wood element stands for influence. That indicates that charismatic and persistent persons can easily sway and manipulate others round to their way of thinking.
Should we weaken the Wood element?
Yes, in order to balance the chart, we need to weaken the Wood element. Increasing the Fire element, we make it “burn” the excess of the Wood element. Again – wear more red clothes! Also, you can wear or carry the 5 Element Balancing Charm, designed to bring all the energies of the year back into balance.
The Bottom Line
I hope that the Bazi predictions for 2022 helped you to get more clarity about the year of the Water Tiger. 2022 will move almost too quickly, and moving along with it will only result in one being swept away in the chaos. Therefore, it’s essential to know when to step out of the action corridor and take a breath. In all this chaos, remember to give yourself a chance to regain clarity of thought before stepping back in. A clear and rested mind will help you to make the right decisions and to prevent you from the dangers and perils of the year.