The Chinese believe that there is no good luck without good health and long life. Though most people who are interested in Feng Shui, mostly focus on prosperity and success, experienced Feng Shui practitioners know that without creating good Feng Shui for health and longevity, all our Feng Shui efforts towards wealth and success will be a waste of time. To enjoy your life and all the benefits that it can offer you, you need to be healthy and live long.
Therefore, I decided to share with you important Feng Shui tips for health and longevity that will help you to improve the quality of your life.
Feng Shui For Health And Longevity: 8 Essential Tips
Tip #1: Overcome Poison Arrows Emanating From Your Surroundings
Sha Chi, also referred to as feng shui poison arrows, is attacking energy that comes from sharp angles pointed at your front door. Poison arrows can weaken the energy of your house, and destroy the health, peace, and well-being of the entire family. Therefore, it is very important to overcome all the poison arrows!

Make sure that your main door is not being hit by anything sharp or pointed, anything angular, or anything that seems to be threatening. To determine if there are any poison arrows hurting your front door, stand at the front door and face out. Make sure you don’t see the following features:
- triangle roof line from the opposite neighbor house;
- edge of a building;
- lamp post;
- high rise tower;
- steps leading up and down;
- cemetery.
How To Overcome The Poison Arrow?
In Feng Shui, we use the destructive or the exhaustive cycle of the 5 elements to overcome the poison arrow. For doing this, you need to check a compass to find what direction the poison arrow is coming from. Here are some helpful Feng Shui tips for your front door on how to overcome the poison arrows.
If the poison arrow is coming from the South, then you need to use the Water or Earth element to destroy its negative influence. For example, you can display a fountain or a crystal.
If the poison arrow is coming from the North, then use the Earth or Wood element to destroy its negative energy. For example, you can display a crystal or a plant.
If the poison arrow is coming from the East or Southeast, you need to use the Metal or Fire element to overcome it. It would be very beneficial to hang a windchime and use more light.
If the poison arrow is coming from the West or Northwest, use the power of the Fire or Water element. It’s beneficial to install bright lights or place a fountain here.
If the poison arrow is coming from the Southwest or Northeast direction, then use the Wood or Metal element. For example, you can place a plant here or hang a wind chime.

Tip #2: Beware of poison arrows inside the home
You should be aware of poison arrows inside the house and ensure that you or any members of your family are not sleeping directly beneath exposed beams, as these will cause frequent illness, headaches, and an inability to sleep peacefully.
Tip #3: Sleep With Your Head Pointed To Your Tien Yi Direction

Each of us should sleep with our heads pointed to our health direction – Tien Yi. The Tien Yi direction is the direction of the Heavenly Doctor.
To get your personalized Tien Yi direction, you need to use your date of birth to calculate the number and refer to the table below. The following is the formula to calculate your health direction.
Take the last two digits from the year of your birth and add them up until they become a single-digit number. Then if you are male, use 10 minus the single-digit number. If you are female, add 5 to the single-digit number.
For example, you are male born in 1976.
7 + 6 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
10 – 4 = 6
So, the final number is 6. When you refer to the table below, search for number 6. And, your Tien Yi direction is Northeast.
If you are female born in 1976, the calculation will be as follows:
7 + 6 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
5 + 4 = 9
So, the final number is 9. When you refer to the table below, search for number 9. And, your Tien Yi direction is Southeast.

Once you know your Tien Yi direction, you can effectively tap into the cosmic energy of the universe to receive a flow of good healthy Chi into the body through your Crown chakra while you are sleeping. And if you accompany the sleep with a powerful visualization you will infuse your body with vital energy. To do this, just before you fall asleep, simply visualize a very bright white light entering your body through your Crown chakra.
Tip #4: Make Sure That Your Bedroom Is Not Cluttered
It is impossible to create good Feng Shui for health and longevity if your bedroom is cluttered! Good energy in your bedroom is essential for good health! When we sleep, we need to make sure that all the energy that enters our bodies complements and animates us, is favorable. Therefore, it is so important to make sure that your bedroom is not cluttered.
Ensure that there are no pockets of severely bad Yin energy caused by stale air. Make sure that there are no corners where you have perpetual piles of dirty laundry. It is vital to keep the bedroom free of clutter and to make sure your bed sheets and pillow cases get cleaned and sunned regularly!
Do you sun your bed sheets and pillow cases? This is like a Yang energy bath in sunshine. Take your pillows and (if possible) your mattresses into the open area where there is bright sunshine, and give them a sunshine bath once a month. This is one of the best ways to ensure that the the Chi within your body moves very nicely when you sleep.
Tip #5: Take Care Of Your Health Sector

The East corner of your house represents good health for the family. If the East sector of your house has a good Feng Shui, family members will enjoy excellent health and live long lives. If this sector has bad Feng Shui, illness can befall the family.
To find out where the East sector is, check out my article “The Feng Shui Bagua Map: How to Use It?”.
To enhance the East sector, use plants. The element of the East is Wood. Therefore, placing a healthy and flourishing plant in the East will activate excellent health luck for residents of the house. But make sure that the plant appears green, lush, and well cared for. Also, remember to immediately trim any dead, dying, or yellowing leaves or branches. Plants that are diseased will attract sickness and deadly energy. Just keep in mind that any plant placed in the East sector of your home will reflect the health condition of the family members. Therefore, to prevent sickness, make sure your plants are healthy!
Tip #6: Display Fuk Luk Sau In The Dining Area
To have good Feng Shui in your eating and dining area, display the Deities Fuk Luk Sau in the dining area facing your dining table. Make sure that they are placed on a high side table in the dining room from where they are said to create auspicious Chi for the entire household.
Fuk Luk Sau bring you good health, wealth, and happiness. This is interpreted as longevity, prosperity, and power.
Tip #7: Place Wu Luo By Your Bedside

Wu Luo is a powerful health enhancer. It is known as a health gourd and said to contain the nectar of good health. As a Feng Shui cure, it is best to use a brass Wu Luo as the energy of the Metal element effectively exhausts illness Chi (which is of the Earth element). Placing a metal Wu Lou by your bedside will ensure that illness is kept at bay.
Tip #8: Display Sau In The East Corner Of Your Living Room
Sau is the God of Longevity. He is often depicted as an old man with a long forehead and holding a staff with a Wu Luo gourd hanging from it. In his other hand, he holds a peach. The peach is a symbol of immortality.
Display Sau in the East corner of your living room to promote good health and to guard you from premature death, fatal diseases and tragic accidents.
The Bottom Line
Chinese tradition has always been a big advocate of the belief that “Health is Wealth”. For the Chinese, longevity is one of three significant aspirations. Every prayer and every salutation includes the wish for a long life. You cannot enjoy your wealth unless you have good health.
By creating good Feng Shui for health you enhance the longevity and life span of all members of your household. Longevity does not mean only a healthy life but also one that is protected from fatal and life-threatening accidents and mishaps. In Feng Shui, we believe that prevention is better than cure. Then why not to safeguard yourself and your family by applying the above Feng Shui tips?