The Full Wolf Moon rises on Monday, January 17th, 2022. The upcoming full moon is the first full moon in 2022. It’s often called the Wolf Moon, Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, or Moon after Yule. The Full Wolf Moon 2022 is a powerful time for both releasing what no longer serves you, and harnessing powerful lunar energy.
In this article, we will share with you everything you need to know about the Wolf Moon 2022!
When Is The Full Wolf Moon 2022?
January’s Full Wolf Moon reaches peak illumination on Monday, January 17, at 6:51 P.M. EST. Look for the Moon to rise from the northeastern horizon around sunset that evening.
Why Is It Called the “Wolf Moon”?
The full Moon names used by The Old Farmer’s Almanac come from different places, including Native American, Colonial American, and European sources. Traditionally, each full Moon name was applied to the entire lunar month in which it occurred, not just to the full Moon itself.
The “Wolf Moon” name comes from Native American tribes. During the cold and long January nights, howling wolves could be heard throughout the night as they hunted. Therefore, the Full Moon in January was given the name of the “Wolf Moon.”
Alternative Names
Other traditional names for the January Moon are:
- Cold Moon (Cree);
- Freeze Up Moon (Algonquin);
- Severe Moon (Dakota);
- Frost Exploding Moon (Cree);
- Hard Moon (Dakota).
The Full Moon In Cancer
During the full moon period, we are most affected by the constellation in which the Moon resides. The January Full Moon occurs in a sensitive and sentimental Cancer. Usually, such a full moon gives a strong sensitivity and mood swings. In addition, the Moon is in aspect with Saturn right now. Therefore, it’s going to be more difficult to express our feelings in a healthy and balanced way.
During this Full Moon, people may express the following traits:
- Caring
- Instability
- Emotional contradictions between restraint and sensitivity
- Egocentrism
- The desire to be taken care of
- Distraction
- Irritability and anxiety
The Full Moon In Pushya Nakshatra

According to Vedic astrology, the Full Moon takes place in the lunar mansion of Pushya Nakshatra. Let’s take a closer look at this lunar mansion and what kind of energy it represents.
Pushya Nakshatra is a Saturn-ruled nakshatra. It carries the iconography of an arrowhead and/or a flower/herb. Arrow is symbolic of deadly force, suggesting that the bounties of this Nakshatra are not to be scorned or trifled with. The flowering stage of a plant’s life cycle is symbolic of maturity and endurance, an indicator that nectar is ready to be shared. Pushya Nakshatra is also symbolized by an udder of a cow, highlighting its many nurturing qualities. Traditionally called ‘the nourisher’, or ‘the thriving one’, Pushya is indicative of spiritual wisdom, commitment, benevolence, self-inquiry.
Pushya Nakshatra gives people a helping and caring nature but also it makes people believe that they know all the rules and others must follow them. During the Full Wolf Moon 2022, we may notice that many people seem more arrogant than usual. This will make them believe that they are the ones who are right and the whole world is wrong. And this may lead to a conflict.
The Full Wolf Moon 2022 will also bring many realizations to the problems the global economy is facing. We may see problems relative to the food supply. Also, the higher costs in fuel may cause food prices to rise.
The nature of Pushya Nakshatra: preservation. The Guna of the Nakshatra is Tamas.
The Full Moon in Pushya Nakshatra may manifest itself in the desire to protect others and unwillingness to change something. Therefore, it is not recommended to start anything new or make any changes during this time. Such attempts will meet resistance.
The quality of nakshatra is preservation. It has to do with Vishnu – the aspect of the Divine energy that preserves and protects the Universe. Therefore, on this Full Moon, it is better to do things with this orientation: to preserve and multiply what is available. It’s not worth starting something new or completing projects.
The Moon in Tamas Guna manifests itself as a lack of confidence and security, difficulties with controlling desires. You need to be more attentive during this Full Moon.
Health-related Issues
Pushya Nakshatra may cause:
- respiratory ailments such as asthma and tuberculosis;
- gastric ulcers;
- jaundice;
- fever;
- colic;
- weakness of the stomach;
- pancreas;
- problems with ribs;
- lungs diseases;
- mouth/gums diseases.
Spiritual Lessons to Learn During the Full Wolf Moon 2022
- Develop trust in God (trust that whatever is happening in your life is for your Highest Good)
- Cultivate the inner purity of emotions
- Work on developing your intuition and trusting your inner voice
- Reconnect with your ancestors and express your gratitude to them through a payer or a mantra
- How do you take care of someone? Do you accept care? Meditating on these aspects during the Full Moon
- Meditate and make a list of things that give you a sense of security
How to Work With the Full Moon Energy?
If we do not live in the rhythm of the lunar cycle, we most likely will feel mood swings and fatigue during the Full Moon time. Moreover, our emotional and even physical condition may deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to learn to live in harmony with the Moon, especially when it’s at the peak of its activity.
Spend this time during the Full Moon doing some introspective work. Don’t let your energy run rampant with trying to make things happen. Time spent in silence, prayer, and meditation will be karmically rewarded. No matter what’s happening around you, stay calm, grounded, and centered.
For harmonizing the influence of the Moon on our lives, we can perform Moon practices and adjust our lifestyle to the Moon’s vibrations.
Spiritual Practices For the Full Cold Moon 2022
#1: Filling Up With Lunar Energy
This practice is especially recommended for those who have mood swings and unbalanced emotions.
- Place a glass of clean water on the windowsill (or next to the window) so that the moonlight reflects in it. Leave it there for the night.
- In the morning, drink that Moon water on an empty stomach. Tell your gratitude to the Moon. Chant the Moon mantra: OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA (108 times).
#2: Full Moon Mantra Chanting For Attracting Abundance
During the Full Moon, go outside (backyard or patio), stretch your hands up to the Moon. When looking at the Full Moon, set your intention to attract abundance into your life and repeat the following mantra for 12 minutes: OM SHRAAM SHREEM SHRAUM SAH CHANDRAMASE NAMAHA
The Bottom Line
The Full Moon enhances the imagination, making thoughts and feelings voluminous. Do not focus on premonitions and fears, on the contrary, let them go, try to think about the good. The Full Wolf Moon 2022 will teach us how to trust the Universe to guide us along our path. This is a powerful time for transmuting all our fears of uncertainty and the future into trust in God.