We hope that our collection of Maya Angelou love quotes will become a source of inspiration for you! Enjoy!
Maya Angelou Love Quotes

Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time. – Maya Angelou
I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and tell me, ‘I love you.’ … There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt. – Maya Angelou
A woman’s heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her. – Maya Angelou
We have to confront ourselves. Do we like what we see in the mirror? And, according to our light, according to our understanding, according to our courage, we will have to say yea or nay – and rise! – Maya Angelou

To those who have given up on love: I say, “Trust life a little bit.” – Maya Angelou
First best is falling in love. Second best is being in love. Least best is falling out of love. But any of it is better than never having been in love. – Maya Angelou
Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time. – Maya Angelou
If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love. Don’t be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning ‘Good morning’ at total strangers. – Maya Angelou
I know for sure that love saves me and that it is here to save us all. – Maya Angelou

Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it. – Maya Angelou
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be. – Maya Angelou
In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.
In all the world, there is no love for you like mine. – Maya Angelou
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it. – Maya Angelou

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. – Maya Angelou
I am grateful to have been loved and to be loved now and to be able to love, because that liberates. Love liberates. It doesn’t just hold—that’s ego. Love liberates. It doesn’t bind. Love says, ‘I love you. I love you if you’re in China. I love you if you’re across town. I love you if you’re in Harlem. I love you. I would like to be near you. I’d like to have your arms around me. I’d like to hear your voice in my ear. But that’s not possible now, so I love you. Go. – Maya Angelou
There is a very fine line between loving life and being greedy for it. – Maya Angelou
A wise woman wishes to be no one’s enemy; a wise woman refuses to be anyone’s victim. – Maya Angelou
I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou
If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me? – Maya Angelou

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. – Maya Angelou
Living well is an art that can be developed: a love of life and ability to take great pleasure from small offerings and assurance that the world owes you nothing and that every gift is exactly that, a gift. – Maya Angelou
If we lose love and self respect for each other, this is how we finally die. – Maya Angelou
Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style. – Maya Angelou
I am grateful to be a woman. I must have done something great in another life. – Maya Angelou

We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share. – Maya Angelou
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed. – Maya Angelou
The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise and most possible. – Maya Angelou
I respect myself and insist upon it from everybody. And because I do it, I then respect everybody, too. – Maya Angelou
Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. – Maya Angelou
When we find someone who is brave, fun, intelligent, and loving, we have to thank the universe. – Maya Angelou