Best Crystals For Love, Relationship, and Romance

best crystals for love

One of the main components of happiness is a harmonious romantic relationship. We are all different and our emotions are very diverse, so it is not always easy to create a truly harmonious relationship. In this article, we want to share with you the best crystals for love, relationship, and romance you can use to attract love and romance into your life.

Love Is The Foundation Of Life

We all know that love is the foundation on which life and the whole universe is built. Therefore it’s quite logical that the main component of any relationship should be love. There are different kinds of love, such as relationships between lovers, parents and children, family members, friends. All of them are necessary for our happiness and spiritual growth. Crystals can be useful in all cases.

Where there is love, conflicts disappear, growth and abundance appear, fears disappear, the true spiritual nature of the person manifests itself, healing occurs, true happiness comes.

Self-Love Comes First

self-love relationship

In order to share your love with somebody, you have to learn how to love yourself. Self-love always comes first! This is the law!

Practice forgiveness and self-acceptance. When you love yourself, your heart becomes receptive to love, and this opens the way for the restoration of broken relationships, attracting your soul mate, and improving your ability to interact with others. Know that you are perfect in your natural state, just like everyone else. With the acceptance of this fact, you will truly love yourself.

Take A Close Look at Your Relationship

toxic relationship image

If you look closely at your relationships and your role in them you will find that there are certain qualities (both in yourself and in your relationships) that need to be strengthened, developed, or changed. Crystals can provide you with this help, as their energy will stimulate certain qualities of the relationship. They will bring harmony, love, help to settle conflicts and transform negative features into positive ones.

There are many qualities that help build positive relationships. Among them: mutual understanding, warmth, acceptance, patience, the ability to forgive, compassion, care, kindness. By developing these qualities you will be able to attract love into your life and strengthen existing relationships.

Best Crystals For Love

Obviously, you don’t need crystals in order to love yourself, others, or to feel loved. But there are some crystals that radiate the energy of love, thus helping you to tune yourself into the flow of love and so you can better resonate with Divine love.

Here is the list of the best crystals for love, relationship, and romance:


Aventurine image

Aventurine is one of the best crystals for love! This beautiful crystal expands opportunities to attract love (especially mature love), strengthens a mature relationship, reduces stress and removes negativity.


This crystal enhances and attracts love.


It strengthens love in marriage. Emerald attracts romantic bliss and loyalty. It enhances unconditional love, unity, and partnership.


moonstone image

It attracts love, tenderness, and romance; increases passion; encourages to believe in love. Moonstone also balances emotions and calms over-reactions to negative situations, which helps to prevent arguments.

Red Garnet

This crystal helps to find true love and revitalize feelings. Red Garnet balances the sex drive while inspiring devotion and love.


It attracts love, commitment, and loyalty. It brings stability to the relationship.


Jade Image

This beautiful crystal helps open up your heart to unconditional love, increases trustworthiness and fidelity.

Pink Tourmaline

Attracts true love, affection, and devotion. Pink Tourmaline helps to boost your self-love. Moreover, this crystal can help you to cleanse your emotional body of negative energy, destructive feelings, and old wounds. It helps to release anxiety, depression, worry, and guilt.


Helps distinguish true love from fantasy and heal your relationships. This crystal carries healing vibrations that help with emotional healing and relationship problems. It increases compassion and forgiveness.


amethyst bracelet image

Amethyst helps to find love with a calm and balanced person. This crystal brings peace and balance into your life and opens up your heart for love.

To learn more about Amethyst properties read my article “8 Ways to Use Amethyst Crystal in Your Spiritual Practice”.


This crystal holds the delicate but powerful frequency that attracts love by opening up the heart chakra with its healing vibrations. Rhodochrosite gives the courage to trust another soul and helps to find a soul mate.


Increases unconditional love, helps romantic relationships, increases love in marriage, devotion, and passion.

Rose Quartz

rose quartz gemstone

One of the most powerful love crystals! It helps to accept and love yourself, attracts true love and helps to develop unconditional love.

To learn more about Rose Quartz properties read my article “Divine Feminine Nature of Rose Quartz, Its Healing, and Magical Properties“.


Inspires romantic love and helps the couple to gain trust in each other.


Attracts romantic love and teaches how to love. Also, Topaz helps you to balance your emotions and to be open to the love of all kinds.

Lapis Lazuli

lapis lazuli image

It helps bring balance, harmony, compassion, and honesty to your relationship. This crystal also helps with good communication and listening.


Enhances the ability to unconditional love, encourages love, sympathy, and kindness to yourself and others.


Increases the ability to love. Chrysocolla empowers feminine energy in men and women due to its deep connection to the vibrations of the Earth, which vibrates with the pure energy of love.


Attracts love and inspires romance.

Best Crystals For Love And Their Qualities

For love to flourish, it is necessary to display different qualities and aspects of love. Each crystal radiates different kinds of vibrations that resonate with certain qualities. Use the list below to choose the qualities you want to develop and crystals that can help you with this!

Crystals For Healing Depression Image

Balance: diamond, tourmaline

Unselfishness: moonstone, ruby

Fidelity: turquoise, lapis lazuli, jade, opal, sapphire, amber

Expression of emotions: aventurine, amazonite, opal, rhodochrosite, pink tourmaline

Harmony: diamond, blue agate, quartz, jade, pyrite, rhodochrosite, sapphire, chrysocolla

Trust: amazonite, sapphire

Kindness: blue agate, jade, rhodochrosite, chalcedony

Friendship: agate, diamond, jade, lapis lazuli, rhodochrosite, Topaz

Unity: blue agate (for unity in love), carnelian (for unity in the family)

Care: moonstone, jade, pink tourmaline, chalcedony, chrysocolla, Jasper

Comfort: turquoise, red garnet, rhodochrosite, chrysocolla

Peacefulness: aquamarine, chrysocolla

Support: agate, ivory

Help: agate, quartz, jade, rhodochrosite, chalcedony, amber

Acceptance: moonstone, chrysocolla

Forgiveness: rhodochrosite, Topaz

Communication: aquamarine, blue agate, rhinestone, chrysocolla

Responsibility: aquamarine, black onyx, sardonyx

Conflict resolution: agate (between friends), aquamarine, ruby, tourmaline (between lovers)

Empathy: turquoise, moonstone, pink tourmaline

Sympathy: aventurine, red garnet, malachite, rhodochrosite, tourmaline

Honesty: aquamarine, amazonite, blue agate

Openness: amazonite, moonstone

Patience: blue agate, chalcedony, chrysocolla, amber

Respect: lapis lazuli

Stability: red garnet, opal, chalcedony, chrysocolla


Crystals are the children of our planet, as well as human beings. They are living beings from the mineral kingdom with their own unique character. In this article, we have shared with you some of the best crystals for love which are able to harmonize many traits, increase attractiveness, reveal and manifest the bright side of your personality and create a harmonious relationship full of love! Simply take one of them in your palm, tune in to its energy and feel whether this crystal resonates with you.