Being an old soul refers to how you view and approach life. Usually, old souls look at life through a vignette of experiences they may not have lived during this lifetime, yet, but somehow, just seem to know. If you feel like you’ve lived before, and you have wisdom you can’t explain, you could be an old soul. Whether you’re an old soul or not, our collection of 30 old soul quotes could be relatable to you or some of your friends and family. When reading through these old soul quotes you may start recognizing yourself (or someone you know) and understand your (or someone’s) spiritual nature better.
Here they are 30 insightful old soul quotes!
30 Old Soul Quotes

“There is a beautiful thing inside you that is thousands of years old. Too old to be captured in poems. Too old to be loved by everyone but loved so very deeply by a chosen few.” ~ Nikita Gill
“The Old Soul is more inclined to be a lifelong learner, constantly feeding his thirst for insight through his own persistent efforts. His learning has not been forced into him through education or learned out of obligation, but has been absorbed out of curiosity and personal choice.” ~ Aletheia Luna
“She’s an old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart, and a beautiful mind.” ~ Nicole Lyons
“Old souls are humble enough to acknowledge that life is random and surprising, but are comforted by the fact that they can always choose how to react from what happens. And the ability to reflect on one’s life is an absolute must. As an old soul, you know that it’s up to you to make it through this life in one piece. And you ensure that you take time everyday to reflect on what has transpired in order to learn about how you can move forward in life.” ~ Lachlan Brown
“My heart is a thousand years old. I am not like other people.” ~ Charles Bukowski
“Old souls come into this life with an agenda to experience and complete karma, while new souls want to make form out of light, and experience what it’s like to be a being in a body. As such, the new souls’ experience is a bit more lighthearted, where being an old soul can feel heavy. But in addition to that, because the old soul comes to this life with more experience and understanding, they’re able to handle obstacles and challenges with greater clarity.” ~ Randi Merzon
“As an old soul, you get tired out around people quite easily. Some old souls would identify as introverts, but it’s more than that: if you are an old soul, you feel like both your body, mind, and soul need rest. This is probably why you love taking breaks from everything and everyone. From time to time, you like going somewhere different, where no one knows you, and you like to rejuvenate your energy with the unknown or with nature.” ~ Lachlan Brown

“I don’t belong on earth, my soul is from the stars. I’m visiting this planet for a while so I can help people listen to their hearts.” ~ Nikki Rowe
“There is a special kind of person in our world who finds himself alone and isolated, almost since birth. His solitary existence isn’t from a preference or antisocial temperament– he is simply old. Old in heart, old in mind, and old in soul, this person who finds his outlook on life vastly different and more matured than those around him.” ~ Alethia Luna
“No one enjoys being a newbie, but in fact, the benefit of being a new soul is that they carry around a lot less karma.” ~ Randi Merzon
“Some people say an old soul is simply more mature than those around them. But that doesn’t tell the full story. An old soul creates their own path while the rest of society follow each other like sheep. Banality and toxic energy are non-existent in an old soul’s life. Instead, an old soul questions conventional wisdom and critically thinks for themselves. They’re not concerned with gossiping or making money. They want to understand more about life and what makes the universe tick. ~ Lachlan Brown
“Anyone who takes the time to attentively listen is either an old soul or a romantic one.” ~ Richelle E. Goodrich
“Be grateful if you look younger than your age while also being wiser than many of your contemporaries. It means the fire of your Old Soul is alive and well. Embrace it. Surround yourself with those who celebrate this fiery Light shining bright out of your soul; those who are summoned to fan your glimmering flames and dance within them. Embrace them.” ~ Omar Cherif
“Old souls are misunderstood for several things. For possibly appearing standoffish. For their desire to be alone — read, introvert. For acting withdrawn. They are deep thinkers. They could be considered daydreamers. And more often than not, when they speak, the attention quickly and quietly moves to them because you know they’ve been waiting for just the right time to say just the right, meaningful thing.” ~ Kym Klass
Old Soul Quotes

“How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” ~ Satchel Paige
“If you are an old soul, it’s likely that you have been referred to as more mature than your friends, even from a young age. You might have always felt like you were a bit older, not just physically, but mentally. Perhaps you didn’t always get along with people your own age because you were seeing things from a different perspective. And how they see things seem short-sighted to you. It can even put you off when people can’t look at the bigger picture. It can be difficult when you are young and don’t understand why you are different, but as you age, it becomes more clear that you meant to be this way. Being an old soul is a gift, not a curse.” ~ Lachlan Brown
“Innately, the Old Soul carries a sense of world-wariness as he stands on the outside, looking in. As an observer, the Old Soul like the Steppenwolf feels an all-pervading sense of alienation. He is the ultimate Outsider who is both in the world, but not quite of the world at the same time.” ~ Aletheia Luna
“Old souls are givers — but they don’t do this for attention. Rather, it is something that has been ingrained in them from the beginning. They’ve just always known it is better to give. And they do that with passion.” ~ Kym Klass
“Many people are drawn to old souls, for they radiate a sense of peacefulness and inner strength that is captivating and reassuring.” ~ Carla Marie Manly
“People who have old souls don’t require outside validation of their worth or value. A lot of people turn to others, the internet, their jobs, or another outside source of validation to make meaning in their lives, but as an old soul, you see the value of your experiences and what you bring to the table so there’s no need to exhaust your efforts in those areas.” ~ Lachlan Brown
“The concept of the old soul is inspired by the idea that our bodies are containers for spirit, and an old soul is someone who continues to reincarnate in order to heal or complete karmic agreements.” ~ Randi Merzon

“The reason old souls enjoy spending time alone is because they never really are.” ~ Unknown
“A new soul wants to be fresh and new and maybe have a more hedonistic lifestyle, while an old soul wants to go into the depths and learn. Old souls may also feel somewhat isolated, as they can see through much of the illusion and separation in modern culture.” ~ Karen Brailsford
“In a world of sensationalized automated newsfeeds and fake news, old souls are now more needed than ever.”
“People who have old souls are often found at home. It is where they feel safe and secure. It’s where they are happiest. People who have old souls don’t have to look far outside themselves to find what really makes them happy. And if you find yourself bound to home as much as possible, then you’re definitely an old soul. There is nothing more restful than being in your favorite couch, tucked under a blanket, and simply enjoying the comforts of the place you made for yourself.” ~ Lachlan Brown
“When we talk about ‘old souls’ in the realm of psychology, we are often referring to those individuals who seem to have inherent wisdom and a grounded sense of being in the world—often far more than would be expected for someone their age.” ~ Carla Marie Manly
“Old souls are certainly introspective, but they don’t only think about themselves; they’re known to be thoughtful in a broader way, and they enjoy collecting, connecting, appreciating, and learning. Despite perhaps coming across as all-knowing, an old soul is keenly aware that they’re a student of the universe, not a teacher. Given this truth, it’s clear that old souls are more interested in the depth of a story than the superficial details.” ~ Mary Grace Garis
“Old souls know that there’s always more than one way to look at something, and they can put themselves in someone else’s shoes. That doesn’t mean you always agree with the person you’re talking to – but you do find it easy to understand their perspective. This ability to see both sides of an issue makes old souls fair-minded – rather than just going with their gut, they make decisions based on carefully accumulated facts and opinions. The downside? Old souls often appear uncommitted to their own point of view. If people accuse you of being changeable, just keep in mind that what you are is rare. Not everyone will see what you offer, but your ability to see others’ perspectives benefits everyone.” ~ Jen Hubley Luckwaldt
Old Soul Quotes & Sayings

“Old souls are picky with people they choose to spend time with. They don’t like superficial relationships. So they would rather be alone than to be with people they don’t relate with. As a result, they are often seen alone.” ~ Lachlan Brown
“Old souls serve a wonderful purpose here on Earth. We use our wisdom that we have attained through many lifetimes to pass down to others, so that we may have a peaceful, happier world. We see life differently than most people and have a unique sense of how to approach the world with an open mind, and a strong will that keeps us grounded in our convictions. An old soul sees through ancient eyes and understands with an ancient heart.” ~ Aurora Eliam