Abundance Haircuts
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Feng Shui Christmas Tree Placement in 2023 + Decoration Tips
The holiday season has officially arrived, so it’s time to decorate your Christmas tree! In this article, I will share with you important tips on Feng Shui Christmas tree placement for 2023. What’s so special about the Christmas Tree placement? Why do we need to use Feng Shui Christmas tree placement rules in this simple action […]
Abundance Haircuts In December 2023: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
Shadow Work: Get To Know & Integrate Your Dark Side
We need to be whole to live a fulfilling life. Yet, our shadow work represents the disconnected parts of our psyche, hindering our spiritual journey. And, at the spark of the moment, our unflattering past may emerge to tarnish this picture-perfect view of ourselves because, our shadows can go on autopilot mode, operating behind the […]
Why You Should Practice Emotional Hygiene Now
Have you ever heard about emotional hygiene? Psychologists believe that just as we practice physical hygiene, we should learn how to practice emotional hygiene. In this article, I will share with you what emotional hygiene is and how to make it a part of your life! So, What Is Emotional Hygiene? Dr. Guy Winch says: […]
The Akashic Records: What Are They and How To Access Them?
Are the Akashic Records a cosmic depository of unending paper files in infinite corridors and stacks? Where did this idea originate from? Do these recordings exist in a space-time continuum, like a cosmic internet? How can we access the Akashic Records? In this article, we will discuss: So What Are The Akashic Records? Various people […]
8 Signs You’re an Old Soul & What It Really Means
Suppose you didn’t know your current age; how old do you reckon you would be today? If you guessed a number higher than your current age, you could be having an old soul. See, anyone with an old soul behaves too mature for their age. More so, they find their age mates too immature; hence […]
Abundance Haircuts In November 2023: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
7 Ways to Spot Your Shadow Self: Transcending Your Darker Side
Our shadow emotions influence most aspects of our lives without us knowing it. It could be that curse word you uttered out of nowhere. Or the hateful comments you made about a photo you saw online. Whatever it is, our shadow self, unless dealt with, has the potential to cause havoc in our lives. That’s […]
Soul Contracts: How These Predestined Agreements Shape Our Life
Have you ever met someone who seemed to play a significant role in your life, almost as if they were destined to be a part of your journey? Or perhaps you’ve encountered situations that brought about profound personal growth, seemingly orchestrated by some unseen force? These experiences may be the result of what is known […]
Crystals for Reiki Healing: Enhancing Your Healing Journey
Crystals have long been used in various cultures for their unique vibrational energies and healing properties. Incorporating crystals into Reiki healing can amplify the healing energy, enhance your intuition, and provide additional support for your (or your client’s) energy system. Crystals are believed to hold and emit specific frequencies that can resonate with our body’s […]
Abundance Haircuts In October 2023: Good And Bad Days To Cut Your Hair
Abundance Haircuts is a sutra based on the Tibetan calendar. It reveals the negative consequences of cutting your hair on the bad days and the incredible benefits of cutting it on the good days. Dates of Abundance Haircuts are calculated according to extremely complex formulas by experienced Feng Shui Masters. Most people in the Western world have never heard about abundance haircuts. While for […]
Feng Shui Quiz: Which Sector Of Your House Is Ruining Your Life?
Feng Shui is an ancient art of living in harmony with the surrounding world. It uses different tools and techniques for creating a harmonious and peaceful space in your house. After studying the art of Feng Shui for over 20 years, I’m still discovering new knowledge, practices, and techniques. Therefore, once you start your Feng […]