Chakra Quiz: Which of Your Chakras Is Out of Balance?

Chakra Quiz Image

The seven chakras are the main energy centers of the body, made up of various colors and located from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are the key to our physical health, emotional stability, and mental clarity. Our seven chakras react to any external stimuli and very clearly indicate an energy imbalance. If you tend to face the same problems over again and over again or have to be treated for the same diseases time after time, then this is a sign that the energy doesn’t circulate in your chakras harmoniously. It is not difficult to analyze the state of your chakras, if you’re willing to watch yourself, your feelings, and your behavior carefully enough. Therefore, taking a chakra quiz can be very beneficial in understanding how energy circulates in your body.

Our chakra quiz will help you find out which one of your chakras is out of balance the most and what you can do to restore the proper energy flow through it. 

Seven Chakras

Before you take the chakra quiz, let me remind you that there are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head:

  1. Muladhara – Root chakra – located in the perineum of men and in the cervix of women.
  2. Svadhisthana – Sacral chakra – located above the Muladhara, just above the genitals.
  3. Manipura – Solar Plexus chakra – located behind the navel within the spinal column.
  4. Anahata – Heart chakra – located above Manipura, near the heart.
  5. Vishuddha – Throat chakra – located in the middle of the throat.
  6. Ajna – Third Eye chakra – located at the top of the spinal column near the medulla oblongata.
  7. Sahasrara – Crown chakra – located in the crown of the head and is associated with the pituitary gland.

These seven chakras (or energy centers) are very important parts of our energy body. The chakras not only control and energize the vital organs of the body but also control and affect our psychological and spiritual conditions. When one of the chakras goes out of balance, it leads to a physical, emotional, or mental impact on your body. To find out which chakra is out of balance, take the chakra quiz below!

Chakra Quiz


Which of these sounds the worst to you?

Which of these shadow qualities do you deal with most?

Which color your wardrobe and/or your home is lacking?

What do you need more of in your life?

Choose one issue you are currently dealing with


Are you satisfied with your body (height, weight, appearance in general)?

What does money mean to you?

What role pleasure and sexuality play in your life?

Do you have a purpose in life?

Do you have trust issues?


How does your voice sound?

Do you have nightmares?

Do you have a fear of death (your own or people you love)?

Which mantra resonates with you the most right now?

Which of these qualities do you feel the least?

Chakra Assessment Quiz
Your Root chakra (Muladhara) is out of balance

Muladhara test image

Muladhara is considered the source of vitality and survival instinct. This chakra is located in the perineum of men and in the cervix of women. It affects the organs of excretion and reproduction, the gland organ, and hormonal secretions. Muladhara is directly related to the nose and sense of smell, as well as our animal instincts. In the area of Muladhara, human evolution begins. And it is from the Root chakra that Kundalini rises. Muladhara chakra is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation, vitality, and courage. If your Root chakra is imbalanced, it means that your connection with the Earth is broken, the energy is not able to rise through the channels or does it in a wrong way, the balance is lost, the physical body weakens. Such an imbalance can cause diseases of the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system, diseases of kidneys, colon, and blood. An imbalanced Root chakra can cause unexplained stress, anxiety, and fear of the future. Getting out in nature, walking barefoot, journaling on things that make you feel safe, and doing grounding yoga poses like mountain pose or Monkey pose (Hanumanasana) can all help to balance your Root chakra. Reduce to a minimum watching TV, thrillers, horror movies, in other words, everything that excites and frightens. Try to go to sleep before 11 pm and get up early at 5 or 6 am. Start your day with prayers, mantras, and positive affirmations.
Your Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) is out of balance

Svadhisthana Chakra Test Image

Svadhisthana chakra controls your sense of creativity, expression, and sensuality, and how you relate to other people. It is located between the pelvic bones, in the lower abdomen area. Svadhisthana is responsible for the health of our lymphatic system, kidneys, reproductive system, all organs located in the pelvis, and sexual life. This is the place where our sexual energy is concentrated. Imbalanced Svadhisthana is responsible for infertility, frigidity, and impotence. It is responsible for the choice of sexual partners, sexual desires, and emotions that we experience in the course of intimate life. It is the Sacral chakra that is responsible for the manifestation of our creative potential, self-expression, motivation, and the ability to make life changes. Having an imbalanced sacral chakra can make you feel like you're stuck in a rut or unable to find inspiration. You also might feel unfulfilled in your romantic relationships and friendships. Start to balance this chakra by taking on a new creative hobby or leaning into mindfulness meditation to connect with yourself again. Yoga is another powerful tool for balancing your Sacral chakra. It’s best to practice dynamic Ashtanga yoga, forward bends, asanas that help the hips open. Use crystals for your Sacral chakra healing and balancing. Such crystals as moonstone, carnelian, apricot agate, orange garnet, fire opal, orange sapphire, sardonyx, carnelian, sunstone, aventurine, calcite, fire agate, and orange spinel are perfect for balancing your Svadhisthana. To balance and heal your Sacral chakra, you can meditate with a crystal, holding it in your hands. You can also wear a ring with one of these crystals on your pinky finger.
Your Solar Plexus chakra (Manipura) is out of balance

Manipura Chakra Test Image

The Solar plexus chakra is called “Manipura”, which means “lustrous gem”. It's located in the upper abdomen, near the stomach. This chakra is where our gut instincts come from, and it relates to all things self-confidence. Manipura chakra gives you the opportunity to express yourself, it’s responsible for your Ego, intuition, and emotions. Your willpower, financial success, general success, authority, strength, and power depend on the condition of your Solar plexus chakra. Manipura chakra gives you the power to follow your true path without being distracted by something unnecessary. It’s responsible for creativity, intelligence, and ego, and it also gives you curiosity and clarity of mind. Any imbalance and blocks in Manipura lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased or decreased appetite, as well as diabetes. Digestive problems, such as bloating, nausea, diabetes, kidney disease occur as a result of weak Manipura chakra. These diseases are usually accompanied by a feeling of fear, increased nervousness, anxiety, reaching a state of psychosis. Those with a blocked Manipura might feel uncomfortable in their own skin and disconnected from their intuition. Journaling on your best qualities, or repeating positive affirmations will help you to balance your Manipura. Crystals can also help you to balance and heal your Solar Plexus chakra. Yellow tourmaline, citrine, amber, golden yellow labradorite, tiger-eye, lemon quartz, and yellow Jasper are perfect for balancing your Manipura. To balance and heal your Manipura chakra, you can meditate with a crystal, holding it in your hands.
Your Heart chakra (Anahata) is out of balance

Anahata Chakra Test Image

The heart chakra is a source of love and compassion. This energy center is responsible for intuitive understanding, healing abilities, cleansing the aura from negative energy, and the ability to give and receive love. It connects your physical and spiritual nature. It is located in the center of your chest and it is responsible not only for the heart function but also for the lungs, thymus gland, and the cardiac plexus. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called Anahata, which means an unharmed, spiritual place where past resentment and experiences cannot hurt us anymore. If you have an imbalanced Anahata, it can negatively affect your physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional health. On a physical level, you may have poor blood circulation and jumps in blood pressure. Anahata strongly affects the heart, lungs, and upper body. From a spiritual point of view, an imbalanced heart chakra can cause the inability to trust yourself or others, the feeling of insecurity and fear. You might find it difficult to be vulnerable around other people or share your opinion openly. In order to heal and balance your Anahata, you should stop focusing on things you don’t like, and start feeling grateful for what you have in life instead. Heart-opening yoga poses and guided meditations focused on self-love can all help this chakra start to open up. Also, physical touch helps to open and balance your heart chakra. Try to give your partner or family members as many hugs as you can. If you don’t have a partner you can take massage sessions or reiki healing sessions.
Your Throat chakra (Vishuddha) is out of balance

Vishuddha Chakra For Beginners

Vishuddha is responsible for communication with other people and for creative self-expression. This is where inspiration and personal development begin. This chakra gives us the ability to listen and hear – not only other people but also our own inner voice. Vishuddha is connected with the ears and the sense of hearing, with the throat and speech. It awakens acceptance of the vicissitudes of life, mental balance, and sensitivity to the needs of others. This chakra deals with all things expression and governs how you get your message out into the world. If you are someone who has trouble communicating with others or feels like you never have quite the right words, you might have a blocked throat chakra. Moreover, fear of public speaking, profanity, grumbling, lying, criticism, condemnation of yourself and others are also the symptoms of an imbalanced Throat chakra. The element of the Throat chakra is ether. That’s why spending time outside under the open blue sky is already healing itself. Spend more time in nature looking and meditating on the blue sky. Consciousness journaling, writing songs, or singing will help you to open up and balance your Vishuddha. Another powerful tool for opening your throat chakra is crystals. It’s very good for your throat chakra healing to wear a necklace with lapis lazuli, blue calcite, aquamarine, turquoise, sodalite, amazonite, or blue tourmaline.
Your Third Eye chakra (Ajna) is out of balance

Ajna Chakra Test Image

The Third Eye chakra is located at the center of your forehead. It is the center of cosmic consciousness and intuition. This chakra controls and energizes the pineal gland and the nervous system. It also provides you the ability to see things as they really are through inner vision and wisdom. It is responsible for the conscious perception of the surrounding reality, for all mental abilities, learning process, memory, and willpower. Ajna provides an opportunity for telepathic communication, seeing spirits, and even receiving messages directly from the Divine Source. If your Third Eye chakra is blocked or imbalanced, you might feel spiritually stifled or unable to pick up on some of the signs around you. To activate and balance your Ajna, start a dream journal or go on a spiritual excursion using sound or breathwork. Also, you can use aromatherapy for activating your Third Eye. To do this, you need to take eucalyptus essential oil and rub it in the forehead area. Apply the oil from the central part of the forehead to the nose. You can do it before you start your meditations or go to bed.
Your Crown chakra (Sahasrara) is out of balance

Sahasrara Chakra For Beginners Image

Sahasrara chakra is located in the crown of the head and is associated with the pituitary gland. Thanks to the crown chakra, we can learn, realize, accept, and connect our consciousness to universal love and infinite knowledge. Having an open crown is pretty rare, and those who manage to do it are considered enlightened and all-knowing. If you can’t find your life purpose, if you can’t find answers to your questions, if you can’t understand the meaning of life, your Crown chakra might be out of balance. The disruption or absence of the connection with the Cosmic Consciousness, eventually leads to a feeling of uncertainty and fear, blocking all other chakras, which prevents the energy flow from free circulation through the body. The inability to think clearly in a stressful situation, dissatisfaction with life, depression, loneliness, unwillingness to communicate with other people, loss of zest for life, fear of death are all the symptoms of imbalanced Crown chakra. You can start to balance your Sahasrara by contemplating life's bigger questions and spending time observing nature. Aromatherapy may help you to open up and balance your Crown chakra. Lotus and Lavander are the best essential oils for Crown chakra healing.

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