Feng Shui Tips for Your Meditation Room to Enhance Your Meditation Practice

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When choosing a place for our meditation practice we should pay attention to different aspects. First, we must ensure that our meditation space is quiet and private so no one can disturb us. Second, we turn our meditation room into our sacred space that helps us to go deeper into meditation and recharge our energy. Most of us use candles, incense, crystals, etc. to enhance the power of our meditation rooms.

In this article, I want to share with you some effective tips on properly organizing your meditation place to help you enhance your meditation practice. Maybe you already follow some of these tips but maybe some will be new for you. Anyway, I hope you will find this article useful.

Tip #1: Choose a Proper Location for Your Meditation Room

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Meditating in a special room designed just for this purpose is best. If you don’t have a special room try at least to find a special area of one of the rooms. This area should be quiet so no one can disturb your meditation.

When choosing your meditation area I want you to pay attention to these two Feng Shui recommendations:

  1. Try to ensure that your meditation room/meditation area is NOT located directly above or below a kitchen, a toilet, or a heavy piece of furniture.
  2. The best location for your meditation area is in the back half of your house.

Tip #2: Choose a Proper Color and Decor For Your Meditation Room

The decor should be calm and soothing. Try to use Yin colors for decorating the room. Yang colors (such as red, for example) are not recommended. Keep in mind that Chi should flow easily and smoothly during your meditation practice. Therefore, give preference to a minimalist approach to furnishing.

Tip #3: Create Your Altar

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Meditating while facing an altar is very calming and enhances your meditation, prayer, or mantra chanting. Of course, it’s a matter of preference but if you’re deeply involved in spiritual practices you probably should consider creating an altar.

The presence of sacred objects or figures such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, Quan Yin, Tara, Ganesh, Shiva, or your own particular deity or saint makes your altar and space unique to you and very special. You can place crystals, angels statues, flowers, and any other objects that help you feel more connected with your spiritual path on your altar. The choice should be 100% personal!

However, do be sure that your altar does not share a wall with a toilet, or a kitchen. Also, make sure that there is no toilet directly above your altar!

Tip #4: Capture Auspicious Chi

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When you meditate make sure that you orient your sitting or lying position using proper direction according to your Kua number. This means that you should face one of your most auspicious directions. If you don’t know your Kua number check out my article “Everyone Should Know Their Kua Number! Here Is Why”.

If you’re meditating in a sitting position then your face should be turned towards one of your auspicious directions (according to your Kua). But if you’re meditating in a lying position then make sure that the top of your head is facing one of your best directions (according to your Kua number).

I wish you continued success in your meditation practice!

Using Incense For Your Meditations Image

Image via @hodgesdesign