What Is Mantra? Discover Three Types Of Mantras That Transform Reality

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Mantra is one of the most popular words in the spiritual community. But do we really understand its meaning? What is mantra?

Unfortunately, many people have a misleading understanding of what mantra is. It is very common that people associate mantras with religion or gods. And when they practice reading or singing mantras they usually put in this practice religious beliefs.

In fact, mantra (as well as yoga, for example) doesn’t belong to any religion. Despite the fact that mantras are actively used by religions.

So what is mantra? Let’s leave the religious aspect of the mantras alone, and talk about their original true sense.

What Is Mantra?

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Every mantra represents the “thread” of existence, from which is “woven” all the individual manifestation of the Universe.

Every reality is supported by relevant principles or frequencies, which are a match to this reality. We are all researchers of the “fabric” of life. A feature of the mantras is that they are components of all levels, all realities that comprise life in the Universe.

For example, there are certain Principles of Divinity. These Principles support the reality of Divine being living in a physical body, can express his Divinity in a human physical body, and not participate in “human games” of the less developed reality.

Mantras relate to all levels and dimensions of life in the Universe. These Ancient principles are the notes of the Symphony of individualized manifestations of life.

Every man (whether he knows it or not) builds his life according to certain principles. Those people who build their own reality consciously, as principles of their work, choose mantras.

So what is mantra? Mantra is a sound/combination of sounds that creates reality.

According to the Bible, God announced the existence of Light, which led to its appearance – “And God said, “Let there be Light!“. Thus, we see that the Light was created by Sound.

Since each person possesses the Divine Creative principle, each of us is able to create own reality (Light) with Mantra (Sound).

There are three kinds of mantras:

1. Affirmation

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Affirmation is the closest to the physical plane sound that is expressed in a short phrase containing a verbal formula that is repeated many times, fixes the desired image or set in the subconsciousness, stimulating positive changes in life. When you’re working with affirmations you need to understand their sense and put your energy in every word.

2. Mantras in Sanskrit/Hebrew

Mantras in Sanskrit/Hebrew – is a combination of certain energies in the form of Sound. The repetition of a mantra awakens the energies inside and outside.

A mantra is a Sound that purifies our mind, our consciousness and adjusts our reality in the desired way. That is why it is so important the accuracy of pronouncing the mantras and to put your intention in your practice.

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Mantras in Sanskrit work even if you don’t understand their exact meaning, because the Sound of mantras works with our subconscious mind and etheric bodies.

The letters of the Sanskrit (like Hebrew) are “root sounds”, which vibration has great power. That is why most of the mantras consist of the letters of the Sanskrit or Hebrew.

Some people think that by singing mantra they are worshiping Hindu Gods. If we look at mantras out of the religious aspect, we will see that mantra is an invitation of certain kind of divine energy.

For example, religions take Lakshmi, KaliTara, Durga, Sarasvati as Goddesses. And they really are Goddesses, but not literally. All Gods and Goddesses from different religions are different kinds of divine energy. For example, Lakshmi is divine abundance energy.

3. The mantra of the Highest Order

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The purpose of this mantra is to merge with the Will of Infinity. These Mantras represent Sacred Sounds of Infinity. Through the pronouncing of these Mantras, we merge the physical world and Higher Dimensions. These Mantras transform physical reality through reunion with the center of the Universe.

The mantras of the Highest Order help us in manifesting only if the realizations of our desires (intentions) will benefit not only us personally but also the entire Universe.

When and what mantras to practice?

Affirmations and prayers – you can practice when you need to correct your reality, set it up in the right way; to attract the resources for satisfying your individual needs.

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Mantras in Sanskrit/Hebrew – you can practice when you want to align your energy with the energy of the Planet for the harmonious creation of a new (desired) reality that serves your Higher Self.

By using this category of mantras you can implement only those desires that serve your development. And those desires that do not serve your Higherself will be transformed in a way that will be useful for your development.

The mantras of the Highest Order – you can practice when you have the desire to help the development of the Universe through the realization of your desires (intentions).

But in this case, don’t expect quick changes on the physical plane, because the main changes will occur at the Highest Dimensions.

Personally, I practice all three types of mantras because I believe that this is the best way to help my multidimensional development. But it’s really up to you what mantras to choose for your practice. Trust your own feelings and choose those ones that resonate with you.
