
Ayurvedic Quarantine Tips On Healthy Eating
When there’s a pandemic raging outside your front door, it’s natural to turn to sources of comfort, many people turn to food to manage negative emotions, such as anxiety, stress, and sadness. Is it possible to eat properly while in quarantine? Ayurveda knows the answer! If you take a reasonable approach to your food and follow […]

Balancing The Doshas With Ayurvedic Bath
In India, it is believed that taking a bath cleanses not only the physical body but also the mental body. If at least once a week you make time for the ayurvedic bath ritual, it will help you better resist daily stress, improve your mood, reduce anxiety, and improve your overall health. In this article, […]

High Vibration Foods: Raise Your Consciousness Through Diet
In nature, all living beings strive for harmony – harmony of matter and harmony of consciousness. A harmonious state of mind, body, and spirit brings vital energy into an optimal and balanced flow. A harmonious state can be achieved not only through spiritual practices but also through high vibration foods. In this article, I will […]

How To Become The Master Of Your Mood: 7 Tips For Each Ayurvedic Dosha
Our mood impacts the quality of our lives significantly. If you are in a bad mood and can’t control your emotions, you attract more and more reasons to be unsatisfied and miserable. But if you are in a good mood and have control over your reactions to negative events you can always turn a negative […]

The Three Doshas: Understanding the Real Cause Of Your Health Problems
According to Ayurveda, not only our emotional state, but also our physical state depends on our state of mind, and as a result, our life as a whole. Our mind is closely related to our сonstitution, the prevailing dosha, and the state of this dosha. In this article, we will share with you how to […]