
How To Become The Master Of Your Mood: 7 Tips For Each Ayurvedic Dosha
Our mood impacts the quality of our lives significantly. If you are in a bad mood and can’t control your emotions, you attract more and more reasons to be unsatisfied and miserable. But if you are in a good mood and have control over your reactions to negative events you can always turn a negative […]

The Three Doshas: Understanding the Real Cause Of Your Health Problems
According to Ayurveda, not only our emotional state, but also our physical state depends on our state of mind, and as a result, our life as a whole. Our mind is closely related to our сonstitution, the prevailing dosha, and the state of this dosha. In this article, we will share with you how to […]

3 Ways To Balance Pitta Dosha And Cool Off This Summer
According to Ayurveda, we all have all three doshas, but some of us are dominated by Pitta dosha. Such people are more sensitive to hot weather and the heat makes them irritable and apathetic. Heat and humidity can create discomfort for such people since the internal fire in Pitta doshas is very strong. When you […]

Sexual Harmony: Living In Peace With Yourself And Your Partner
Quarantine made married and engaged couples face big challenges in the relationship. 40% of couples surveyed reported spending more than 20 extra hours per week with their partners as a result of social distancing. However, only 18% of surveyed couples reported satisfaction in communication with their partner, with the largest source of conflict reported was […]

Ayurvedic Guide To Allergies: Prevention Measures And Healing Principles
Along with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, allergies top the list of ailments that are difficult to treat. Western medicine is focused on relieving the symptoms with antihistamines and avoiding contact with allergens. The oldest health science on the planet – Ayurveda – believes that allergies occur due to an imbalance of doshas and impaired energy […]