The Full Hunter’s Moon 2021 appears on Wednesday, October 20. The upcoming Full Moon is often called the Drying Rice Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Freezing Moon, Ice Moon, Migrating Moon. In this article, I will share with you what kind of energy, challenges, and spiritual lessons this Full Moon brings to us. Also, I’ll give you some helpful tips, recommendations, and spiritual practices that will help you balance this energetically powerful time so you can get the most out of it.
When Is The Full Hunter’s Moon 2021?
The Full Hunter’s Moon 2021 will reach peak illumination at 10:57 A.M. Eastern Time on Wednesday, October 20. It will be below the horizon at this time, so we will have to wait until sunset to watch it take its place in the sky. The Hunter’s Moon rises around the same time for several nights in a row, so start looking for it on Tuesday, October 19. As the Moon drifts over the horizon around sunset, it may appear larger and more orange. But don’t be fooled by the “Moon Illusion,” which makes the Moon looks bigger than it really is.
The Full Moon In Aries
According to Vedic astrology, the Full Moon takes place at 3 degrees of Aries. The Full Hunter’s Moon 2021 occurs on the Aries/Libra axis (the Moon in Aries, the Sun in Libra).
The Sun in Libra will give uncertainty, indecision, lack of desire for active actions. There may be a decline in mood, a tendency to depression, possible irresponsibility – the desire to neglect our duties. The good news is that the Sun in Libra does not give big negative results. The energy of the Sun in this position encourages us to realize our ambitions and increases selfishness in relationships.
The sign of Libra is a sign of negotiations, the most diplomatic sign, that smooths out all the problems. Therefore, we can expect that there will be a desire to take into account the interests of others, to negotiate.
It is important to take good care of your health. The Sun Libra may bring digestion problems, mood swings, and problems with the eyes.

The Moon in Aries will give impulsive reactions, unpredictable actions, initiative behavior, and an active mind. Metaphorically, you can imagine the Moon in Aries as an active mother, acting for the benefit of her child quickly and decisively, sweeping away all obstacles on her path, ready to fight. The Moon in Aries can be also pictured as an angry tigress who can be calm as long as her tiger cub is not touched, but formidable and scary if her cub is in danger. These are the traits that will be activated by the Full Hunter’s Moon 2021.
Under the influence of the full moon, people can begin to act courageously and selflessly, forgetting about their own safety. It can be assumed that the full moon may provoke mass protests. To stay balanced during this time, it is important to ensure that such qualities as recklessness, aggressiveness, dominance, and selfishness do not get the better of you.
On the bright side, the full moon in Aries will give us good support, intuition, humanity, a sense of personal strength, and self-confidence. This is so much needed during the fall season.
The Full Moon In Ashwini Nakshatra
According to Vedic astrology, the Full Moon takes place in the lunar mansions of Ashwini Nakshatra. Let’s take a closer look at this lunar mansion and what kind of energy it represents.
Ashwini nakshatra notably carries the iconography of a horse’s head. This nakshatra is a symbol of new beginnings. Metaphorically speaking, it carries the energy of a baby who goes after what it wants without considering the inconveniences to others. Ashwini nakshatra may make people act childish, irresponsible, and inconsiderate. This nakshatra has a naturally inquisitive, borderline obsessive nature that refuses to quit until every stone is overturned or tree uprooted.
Ashwini also gives a great passion for shifting huge swathes of information and unearthing the “golden nuggets” of truth. It provides us with information filters so that we can quickly sift unadulterated items from the fabricated or mundane.
We can expect that people may start seeing the truth of what’s really going on in their lives and in the world, in general. However, their rush actions based on the discovered truth may lead them into trouble and cause more harm than good. Therefore, we have to remember the karmic lesson that Ashwini nakshatra is giving us with the Full Hunter’s Moon 2021 – to be patient and plan ahead instead of rushing off quickly.
This full moon may give you zeal and zest for revealing the truth you recently discovered. However, this is not the time for rush actions. It’s best to redirect your effort into something constructive like the projects you’re passionate about or positive changes in your life you always wanted to make.
Health-related Issues
Ashwini Nakshatra may cause diseases of a Vata/Kapha nature, aggravated by damp or cold conditions. To keep yourself healthy, you need to stay active during the full moon period, avoiding prolonged periods of a sedentary posture. Ashwini nakshatra can also cause health issues related to the knees, head (cerebral hemispheres), and the soles of the feet.
How to Work With the Full Moon Energy?

If we do not live in the rhythm of the lunar cycle, we most likely will feel mood swings and fatigue during the Full Moon time. Moreover, our emotional and even physical condition may deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to learn to live in harmony with the Moon, especially when it’s at the peak of its activity.
The Moon is in Aries is an unfavorable time for new beginnings. It is recommended to focus on small tasks that can be completed in one day, as well as to deal with current routine chores. It’s not worth talking to your superiors and changing your place of work during this phase of the Moon. This is not the best time for financial transactions and a difficult period for any communication.
Spend this time during the Full Moon doing some introspective work. Don’t let your energy run rampant with trying to make things happen. Time spent in silence, prayer, and meditation will be karmically rewarded. No matter what’s happening around you, stay calm, grounded, and centered.
For harmonizing the influence of the Moon on our lives, we can perform Moon practices and adjust our lifestyle to the Moon’s vibrations.
Spiritual Practices For the Full Hunter’s Moon 2021
#1: Filling Up With Lunar Energy
This practice is especially recommended for those who have mood swings and unbalanced emotions.
- Place a glass of clean water on the windowsill (or next to the window) so that the moonlight reflects in it. Leave it there for the night.
- In the morning, drink that Moon water on an empty stomach. Tell your gratitude to the Moon. Chant the Moon mantra: OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHA (108 times).
#2: Full Moon Mantra Chanting For Attracting Abundance
During the Full Moon, go outside (backyard or patio), stretch your hands up to the Moon. When looking at the Full Moon, set your intention to attract abundance into your life and repeat the following mantra for 12 minutes: OM SHRAAM SHREEM SHRAUM SAH CHANDRAMASE NAMAHA
The Bottom Line
The Full Hunter’s Moon 2021 will teach us how to be more patient and plan ahead instead of rushing off quickly. We may start waking up for the truth due to the information filters that Ashwini nakshatra gives us. However, our rush actions and the desire to “wake up” others may get us into trouble. Therefore, we have to remember that the truth we see right now is just a tiny drop from the ocean that we have yet to discover. For this reason, give yourself time to discover the “ocean” before you share the “drop” of the information you already know.