6 Rituals To Celebrate September Equinox 2021

September Equinox 2021 Image

The September equinox 2021 will take place on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, at 3:21 p.m. ET. For the Northern Hemisphere, this marks the beginning of shorter days and colder weather. Fall is the time of year when we set up our internal space and make room for the new to come.

In this article, we will share with you what to expect from September equinox 2021 and what practices and rituals you can perform for aligning yourself with the powerful energy of the fall!

September Equinox 2021

The changing seasons are key points in the cycle of life in nature. The four focal points of the year: the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Fall Equinox are illuminated stages of an inner spiritual journey – a spiritual cycle that we take within ourselves.

The word equinox comes from the Latin word aequus, which means “equal,” and nox, which translates as “night”. The Fall Equinox is a meaningful time of year to honor the harvest. Whether that be a “real” harvest of the things planted in your garden or the harvest of efforts and intentions for your life path that you had set earlier in the year.

On the September equinox, we honor the light and the dark and express our gratitude for the changes that come with the passing of time. The Fall equinox is believed to be a magical time, where harmony fell on the planet and where we could embody an equal balance of dark and light. Just like a yin and yang symbol, we can’t have one without the other. We need darkness to see the light and we need the light to recognize the darkness. Therefore, the September equinox is all about honoring both of these qualities that live within each of us – our inner shadow and our divine light.

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This is the time to acknowledge growth and expansion as a natural evolution of being. During the fall season, our lives go through cycles of growth, harvest, death, and rebirth just as we see in nature.

On the September Equinox, we should remember to honor all that we have in our lives and shift our consciousness from one of lack to one of prosperity and gratitude. Rituals and special practices can help us to do it in the most powerful way.

Practices & Rituals For September Equinox 2021

#1: Sunrise and sunset watching

Sunrise and sunset on the equinox are the key energy points. By watching them on the equinox, you’re aligning yourself to the natural cycles and cosmic rhythms.

At sunrise, go outside and turn to the east. Stand for a few minutes, welcoming the beginning of a new day and a new cycle of your life.

At sunset, turn to the west, watching the sun going behind the horizon. When watching the sunset, focus on gratitude for everything you have in your life and for letting go of everything that doesn’t serve you anymore.

#2: Reflecting on the blessings

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The September Equinox is the time of the final harvest. When people lived more closely connected to the Earth and grew all their food, this was the time of year they’d celebrate the summer’s abundance. This is the time when we should reflect on the abundance in our lives. Take a moment and make some notes in your gratitude journal. What abundance did you experience this year? What blessings have you received? What are you grateful for?

Use gratitude affirmations to express your appreciation for everything you have in your life.

#3: Letting go practice

To experience new growth, we need to let go of our old leaves – old patterns and habits that no longer serve us. What are you ready to let go of? What do you need to shed in order to grow?

Use the practice of Karmic Relationship Healing to let your past go.

#4: Energy Cleansing Ritual

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September equinox is a perfect time for cleansing your energy from any negativity accumulated in your field. This simple yet powerful energy cleansing bath ritual will help you to do this.

Before you fill the bathtub with hot water, light scented candles (or ordinary candles), dim the lighting. Set up your intention to purify your energyclear your aura, etc.

  1. Fill the tub with warm water.
  2. Be sure to add sea salt, because it takes away all the negativity.
  3. Turn on meditative music for relaxation. These can be the sounds of nature, spiritual chants, mantras, etc.
  4. Get in the bathtub.
  5. While laying in the bathtub, visualize that water and salt take away all your problems. And every minute your body becomes lighter and lighter.
  6. When you feel that you have spent enough time in the bath, drain the water. When draining the water, imagine that all the bad things go away with it.
  7. After performing the ritual, you will feel a true renewal at the level of body and soul. You can climb under a warm blanket with a cup of your favorite herbal tea and just let yourself relax.

#5: Setting Intentions

September Equinox 2021 is a good time for setting intentions and choosing new goals in life. Take your time to think about what you want in life, what changes you need to make, and the new habits you need to develop. Choose what metaphorical seeds you are planting this season, and how you will water them.

Now light a candle to create a sacred space. Choose positive intentions to focus on. Meditate on the candle flame while concentrating your attention on your intentions and goals. You can also repeat positive affirmations and personal mantras to boost the effect of this practice. If you don’t know your personal mantra, take our QUIZ to find yours!

#6: Ritual “Reconnecting With The Sun”

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  1. Stand facing east. Look in the direction where the Sun rises.
  2. Say your gratitude to the Sun for all the good things in your life and ask for guidance and assistance in the future.
  3. Visualize your future as you would like it to be. Listen to all the feelings and emotions that arise. What do you feel? Immerse yourself in these feelings. Let the sun recharge you and fill your intentions for a good future with its energy.

The Bottom Line

The significance of the September Equinox for the people walking the spiritual path is the time of year where we activate our new cycle of spiritual and personal growth. As we become silent and rest we are creating space for our greater vision to emerge. On the day of Fall Equinox, we encourage you to take some time to acknowledge your life cycle and spiritual path. In doing so, you are honoring, not only your own growth and light within but the ancient wisdom that has served humanity for many thousands of years.

Happy Fall Equinox!