High vibe affirmations is a wonderful tool for reprogramming our minds and our reality that is available to everyone and anytime. The first minutes after waking up is a perfect time to influence your day with transformative energy of positive affirmations. These first minutes of your morning have the power to set the mode of the rest of the day and attract into your life whatever your mind is focused on.
Just think about it – what if instead of checking your emails or scrolling the news feed, you consciously directed your thoughts in a way you want to see your life to be? What if you spent at least 10 minutes on reading and repeating affirmations that would make you vibrate higher so that you are not available energetically to any negativity that is happening in the world? Aah… your life would never be the same! It would simply turn into a masterpiece!
What Are High Vibe Affirmations?
High vibe affirmations are short phrases containing a verbal formula that, when repeated many times, elevates the vibrations of your subconscious, contributing to the improvement of your psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in your life and wellbeing.
How Does This Work?

Every thought you think and every word you speak is an affirmation (whether you’re aware of it or not). All of your self-talk, your internal dialogue, is a stream of affirmations. You are affirming and creating your reality with every word you say and every thought you think.
You have to understand that every complaint is an affirmation of something you think you don’t want in your life. Every time you get angry, you are affirming that you want more anger in your life. Every time you say that you’re not feeling well, that you are sick, you’re affirming that. If you feel that Universe isn’t giving you the desired goods, events, people, etc., then it’s certain that you will never have that in your reality until you change the way you think and talk.
Our emotions are built by our thoughts. And our thoughts are based on our conscious or unconscious choices. With the help of high vibe affirmations, we can consciously form the desired reality by reconnecting with God, our Higher Selves, and the Universal Consciousness. It is only through this reunification that we can feel the Divine support in our lives. It’s as if we are guided through our lives by some Higher Power that protects us and solves all our problems.
Try to look at affirmations like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil provides poor growth. Rich soil gives abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work and transform your reality.
High Vibe Affirmations
Now, let me share with you a list of high vibe affirmations that will help you start your day on the right note!
I gratefully rejoice in this new day!
Everywhere I go today I leave a vibrational footprint of peace, love, and kindness!
The vibration of abundance precedes me everywhere I go!
My life is a dynamic expression of health and wholeness!
Today, I’m following my bliss!
New horizons of infinite possibility greet me today!
I live in Divine guidance and let God show the way!

Love is my inspiration, my conversation, and my life! Peace is my natural state! Gratitude is my way of seeing and being! The face of God greets me everywhere I go!
Every cell of my body temple celebrates health and wholeness!
The face of God greets me everywhere I go!
Love goes before me to guide my steps and light my way!
All my relationships match the high vibration of unconditional love!
Positive thoughts revitalize my body temple!
Abundance blesses every aspect of my life!
Open doors and open hearts greet me everywhere I go today!

I am guided, governed, and gifted by the eternal presence of Spirit within me! The high frequency of divine love resounds through all of my relationships! Excellence is encoded on my soul and evident in my expression! A consciousness of awe and wonder makes things possible in my life!
My body temple takes on the shape of spiritual beauty and absolute wholeness!
My commitment to peace, love, and kindness raises the vibrations of the planet!
Today, everything is working out for my Highest good!
My foundation is strong! My potential is activated! My blessings are assured!
I am a pure expression of the divine creative nature within me! I am whole! I am healthy! I am complete!
I clearly see how the path of my spiritual evolution unfolds before me! I am Divinely guided!

God is conscious of Itself as me! I Am! Thoughts of health and wholeness renew my body temple! I thrive! Liberation flows from my oneness with God! I soar! The heart of compassion beats within me! I Love! My whole life is a celebration in the good of God! I am grateful! So be it! And so it is!
I am constantly lifting up to higher and higher dimensions of Being!
The sweet water of appreciation bathes everything I do!
I am here to be a pure expression of cosmic consciousness!
Today, every word I speak shines the light of love, wisdom, and compassion!
Today I rise up in the frequency of Love, Joy, and Gratitude!
My spiritual infrastructure supports me in every way today!
Today I walk in trust!