Have you ever noticed that every time we experience some major world event, we find traces of information referencing the exact same situation in various forms of media? Some individuals have theorized that Hollywood is more than just entertainment and actually is used to condition the public toward the acceptance of new ideas and political agendas. According to many, our Hollywood movies and shows have predicted everything from future presidents, inventions, social behaviors, catastrophes, and yes even global pandemics. Are we all being conditioned to accept new and potentially difficult societal changes? Let’s dig deeper into the theory of “predictive programming”.
Examples of Possible Predictive Programming
In “Total Recall” (1990) we see Arnold Schwarzenegger in a self-driving car on his trip to Mars. Autonomous cars were invented in the 1920s even though the first actual trial started in 1950. Today, several countries are revising their laws to accommodate this invention thanks to “Total Recall” and several other movies and books.
The sci-fi thriller “Knowing” (2009) has a scene where one of the characters watches the news about the Gulf of Mexico exploding. One year later, the exact same situation is experienced. In fact, this went down in history as the worst Marine spill ever seen.
The Simpsons season 20 episode 4, shows a voting booth that miscounts a vote for Barak Obama and gives it to an opponent. Four years later (2012), the exact same situation happens to former President Barak Obama.
In 2004, a BBC report (Panorama) analyzed London under attack. Back then it all looked like fiction (at least that’s what were we conditioned to believe). However, one year later, the exact same situation happened. Terrorists planted four bombs that had the city explode in smoke.
“Star Wars” (1977) introduced the use of Holograms to send messages. These were invented in 1948 but became practical in 1962. And today we have accepted the use of hologram-based technology in several fields.
“Metropolis” (1927) foreshadowed the existence and use of robots. Several other books and movies have since then been released with each release showcasing more intelligent and sophisticated robots. The 1950s is when the idea of robots started actualizing. And in the 1960s, robots were married with artificial intelligence to create human-like helpers. Homeowners and business people have since integrated robots into public service. The future looks even brighter in this field.
“Blade Runner” (1982) predicted the use of digital billboards. 2005 saw the first digital billboard installed.
And the list goes on and on. Do you still think that all this is just a coincidence?
What is Predictive Programming?
Alan Watt introduced this term as the psychological conditioning by governments and other powerful bodies and leaders, through the media, to acquaint the public with planned changes in our society long before they happen to reduce resistance in the population. In other words, so we can accept these changes more smoothly. This can be both positive and negative changes. The above examples paint a good picture of how predictive programming might be achieved.
So How Would One Do It?

For starters, internet giants such as Google and Amazon aggregate an incredible amount of data around the usage behavior of the greater digital population. Don’t be surprised if your Google assistant is just waiting for you to call out her name. If you don’t believe me, just try saying out loud “I want to eat pizza in Manhattan”. The next time you’re on Facebook or Google, you might just see multiple Pizza Ads pop on your page. Yet you didn’t intentionally type that. “She” is a listening pal.
The government also occasionally records your data through census, insurance payment records, medical records, etc. It’s a good thing when they use this data to plan our monetary budgets, food aids, and all. However, how can we be sure that this information isn’t be abused in any way?
That said, let’s have a deeper look at how we benefit.
Is Predictive Programming Real or Necessary?
Yes, no, maybe?
When the government and other influential societies plan on introducing inventions that actually help people, predictive programming could come in handy. Perhaps it might be difficult for many people to welcome robots into society without watching the many scenes where robots help humans achieve greater success, especially in manufacturing and medicine.
We’ve also seen robots fight against aliens (Marvels are good at this) which preconditions us to look at robots positively as we ignore the reality that on the flip side these robots will most likely replace many jobs.
We are also pre-programmed to accept natural calamities. However, these are actually man-made calamities. Say, for example, “Geostorm” – a movie that depicts a horrific weather problem. A few months later, we read reports of several scientists working on cloud seeding (developing artificial ice and spreading it in the atmosphere using jets to facilitate precipitation). In other words, weather manipulation creates artificial rain. What followed was a terrible storm that wreaked havoc in California. A heavy rainfall that literally broke a dam.
In my opinion, predictive programming is simply another form of marketing or psychological conditioning to invoke negative or positive emotional responses to various ideas, behaviors, or products. With that being said, it would make all the sense in the world that a governing body would use psychological tactics to assist in the social engineering of nations and the world at large.
In addition to any intentional social engineering through predictive programming, I think it’s entirely possible for the creators and writers of Hollywood to be psychically inspired or influenced by the collective conscious as well. Have you ever noticed that when one person comes up with a new invention or discovers a new idea that many others happen to come up with similar discoveries and ideas at the same time? Perhaps there are greater karmic influences on our lives that impact and guide the course of history in a way that exists in the collective consciousness. If this is the case then it would make sense that a creative individual who happened to be open enough at any given time could potentially be influenced by the collective resulting in what might appear as prophetic art.
The Bottom Line
Whether you believe something nefarious is going on or that predictive programming is simply the result of the collective unconscious, there definitely seems to be enough examples within the media to suggest more than mere coincidence. The good news is that it provides a clear opportunity for us to remain vigilant in our awareness and mindfulness practices such that we can remain alert and perceive future clues, hints, and potentially prophetic media-based breadcrumbs that can act as signposts for the generation direction humanity is headed in.