The Moon is waning to a New Moon on Monday night, September 6, 2021, at 8:52 p.m. EDT. This is the time when the Moon is lost in the glare of the Sun and completely invisible. This is an amazing time that can give impetus to our development and multiplication in any sphere of our life. In this article, I will share with you everything you need to know about the September 2021 New Moon.
The New Moon In Vedic Astrology
In Vedic astrology, the New Moon is called Amavasya. It is the time when the Moon and the Sun line up.
According to Vedic astrology, Shukla paksha or the bright part of the lunar month begins with Amavasya, when one can count on the indulgence and benefits of the gods. It is recommended to dedicate the new moon to spiritual practices, offerings, and prayers. It is also considered a favorable period for completing previously started cases, cleaning, and charity.
Amavasya is considered the most favorable period to engage in your personal development, spend this day in meditation and prayers.
It is said that any activity related to material affairs will not bring any benefits on this day. However, any spiritual practice you engage in will multiply its benefits when performed during Amavasya. The same can be said about charity and donations that are done during Amavasya – you will be generously rewarded for your acts of kindness.
September 2021 New Moon

The September 2021 New Moon is occurring in the Nakshatra Purva Phalguni. Its symbology is associated with a warm glowing hearth. This nakshatra is cordial, nourishing, and opulent, promising a restful space where one can retire from the suffering of the world, taking time to enjoy one’s company and surroundings.
Astronomically, Purva Phalguni corresponds to Zosma (Delta Leonis) – a star in the zodiac constellation of Leo. This is a star of egoism and self-indulgence.
Purva Phalguni promises us a time of rest and relaxation. It is generally considered an oasis where travelers replenish and recuperate. However, it is also recognized as Maya (illusory), leading people off-track or away from obtaining an objective.
Since the September 2021 New Moon is occurring in Purva Phalguni, we can expect that procrastination will be an issue for the next 2 weeks until the Full Moon. At the same time, this period will create an ideal environment for self-healing, particularly after prolonged periods of stress and strain.
This nakshatra can bring such health-related issues as weakness of the lower spine, hips, and sciatic nerve. Also, it can bring a higher than average risk of injury by accident, heightened sensitivity to the digestive tract, suffering periods of reduced immunity as well as periods of mental fatigue (emotional breakdown and depression).
The September 2021 New Moon is a great time to rest and recharge your energy. However, be mindful of procrastination. This is a good time to plan social events and build new social contacts since Purva Phalguni gives us excellent social networking skills. When socializing, stay mindful of your words since Purva Phalguni also gives a tendency to overreact or become hypersensitive to any form of criticism. This is not a good time for criticizing people even if the criticism is well deserved.
Dos and Don’ts During September 2021 New Moon
Amavasya is one of the best days for donations. When you’re doing donations on New Moon, the beneficial effect of it is greatly enhanced, and your negative karma gets purified.
Our emotions play a very important role on the New Moon. If you are happy on this day, you will become even happier, if you are unhappy – you will become unhappier. Any of our qualities are strengthened on this day. Therefore, the New Moon is a very important time for spiritual seekers, since the effect of any puja or recited mantra becomes even stronger on this day.
Amavasya is a great time for new beginnings. This is the time to discard old habits and thoughts, all failures, and embrace the new experience that the New Moon promises us.
Favorable activities during Amavasya:
- Completing tasks
- Paying off debts
- Throwing away the old and unnecessary things
- Fasting
- Giving donations and gifts
- Meeting with your your parents or other family members
- Performing any spiritual practices
- House cleaning – it will help you to clean not only the space around you but also your mind
- Honoring deceased ancestors (you can just think about them or look at their pictures)
- Doing charity (you can donate anything except money)
- Tuning in to harmony and love
- Forgiving yourself and others
Unfavorable activities during Amavasya:
- Making important purchases
- Getting married
- Making important appointments
- Start training
- Making promises
- Surgeries
- Start building a house, or enter the house
- Making final decisions
- Taking trips, business trips, travel
- Making repairs, renovations
- Appointing important meetings that can affect the execution of transactions, conduct of business, etc.
- Making money transactions (invest money, transfer large sums, borrow or lend);
- Overworking
Manifesting On New Moon
It’s very beneficial to use positive affirmations on New Moon. During this time, affirmations have a special power – they make your positive thoughts and intentions grow and gain strength more quickly. That is why such practices as Creating a vision board or Reiki wish box, will be particularly effective on New Moon.
Here are some examples of the high-vibe affirmations you can practice on New Moon:
- Love is my inspiration, my conversation, and my life! Peace is my natural state! Gratitude is my way of seeing and being! The face of God greets me everywhere I go!
- Every cell of my body temple celebrates health and wholeness!
- All my relationships match the high vibration of unconditional love!
- Positive thoughts revitalize my body temple!
- Abundance blesses every aspect of my life!
- I am guided, governed, and gifted by the eternal presence of Spirit within me! The high frequency of divine love resounds through all of my relationships! Excellence is encoded on my soul and evident in my expression! A consciousness of awe and wonder makes things possible in my life!
- My commitment to peace, love, and kindness raises the vibrations of the planet!
- The sweet water of appreciation bathes everything I do!
The Moon Mantra
During the New Moon, it’s beneficial to chant the Moon mantra “Om Chandraya Namaha” 108 times. This powerful mantra vibrates with the energy of the Moon. Chanting this beautiful mantra will help you see things more clearly and look beyond “illusions” to see the deeper meaning in things and the truth that lies within.
Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra
It is very beneficial to chant the Buddha Shakyamuni mantra during the New Moon. Recite “Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha” 3, 7, 21, or 108 times. When chanting the mantra, visualize how the Divine Light purifies all your subtle bodies and frees your consciousness from outdated programs.
Chanting the Buddha Shakyamuni mantra brings a change in our consciousness, helps to reach enlightenment, inspires us with new ideas, gives confidence in our abilities. Also, it relieves uncertainty and distorted perception of reality.
The Bottom Line
Every month the New Moon gives us a great opportunity to reconnect with our shadow self, cleanse, and heal. Use this powerful time to purify your mind from any poisonous thoughts, your environment – from any negative energy, your life – from any toxic people. This is the time to let anything toxic go! Also, practice conscious communication since Purva Phalguni gives people a tendency to overreact or become hypersensitive to any form of criticism. Use this time for socializing but don’t forget to rest and restore. The September 2021 New Moon is a great time to retreat, relax, and rebuild your energy.