Incense burning is a widespread practice that has existed for centuries and is deeply rooted in various cultures and traditions around the world. Healers, yogis, and representatives of different spiritual teachings, confessions, and religions utilize incense for a multitude of purposes. These purposes include meditation, concentration, rituals, and the purification of the energy of space, among others. However, not everyone knows that incense, or more specifically, the smoke it produces, can convey a wealth of information and answer significant questions. In this article, we will share with you how to read incense smoke and unlock its hidden meanings.
What Is Libanomancy?
Libanomancy is a fascinating form of divination that involves observing and interpreting the smoke produced by burning incense, as well as its ash. Like most other divination methods, a specific question must be asked during Libanomancy to guide the interpretation process. The smoke from the incense serves as a medium that provides answers to the question posed, but it is essential to interpret these answers correctly to gain insight.
The origins of libanomic texts can be traced back to the ancient Babylonian period, approximately dated to 2000-1600 BC. This ancient practice has a rich history, and although it began to decline over time, the knowledge and techniques associated with it were preserved by skilled diviners. From its roots in Mesopotamia, libanomancy spread to Egypt and later became known throughout Europe, where it was embraced by various cultures.
Incense Burning

Incense plays a vital role as a conductor that connects our material world with the subtle, spiritual world. The smoke that emanates from the burning incense acts as a symbolic conversation with this “subtle world.” However, the language of the subtle world is not straightforward. To truly understand it, we need to learn how to interpret its mysterious messages effectively.
Incense smoke can help you:
- Recognize if the energy of the room is clean and balanced
- Find yes/no answers to your questions with clarity
- Show good or bad omens that may influence your life
- Determine if you will succeed in your endeavors
To read incense smoke effectively, you need to light the incense and observe how the smoke behaves. The way the smoke moves can reveal a lot about the energy in the space and the answers to your questions.
How To Read Incense Smoke to Determine The Purity of the Energy Of The Space?

To determine the purity of the energy in a space, it is crucial to pay close attention to how the smoke from the burning incense behaves. When you begin to cleanse the energy with incense, you may observe that the smoke rises in a long, thin flow. This upward movement indicates that the smoke is being pushed out by the density of the surrounding energy.
As you continue the process of cleansing the energy in the space, you will start to notice a transformation in the smoke. The thin flow of smoke will gradually evolve into a cloud of smoke that fills the entire room. This cloud of smoke is a positive sign, indicating that the space is being cleansed effectively. The energy becomes lighter, allowing the smoke to soar freely.
Using this method of smoke interpretation, you can easily determine how the process of energy cleansing is progressing. You will be able to assess whether it is necessary to continue the cleansing process or if the energy of the room has already been purified. This understanding can help you create a more harmonious and balanced environment.
How To Read Incense Smoke To Get The Yes/No Answer To Your Question?

When seeking a yes or no answer to a specific question, the way the incense smoke behaves can provide valuable insights.
To begin, light the incense and focus on your question. It is essential to maintain a clear and open mind as you observe the smoke.
As the incense burns, pay attention to the direction and shape of the smoke. If the smoke rises straight up without wavering, this is often interpreted as a “yes” answer to your question. It signifies clarity and a positive response from the subtle world. Conversely, if the smoke curls or drifts sideways, it may indicate a “no” answer, suggesting uncertainty or a negative response.
Additionally, the density of the smoke can also provide clues. Thick, heavy smoke may suggest obstacles or challenges ahead, while light, wispy smoke can indicate ease and flow.
In cases where the smoke forms branching rings, the answer is “Yes,” but it also indicates that the situation may not unfold exactly as you had hoped. This particular shape of smoke can also portend an incredible rise and success in various areas of your life, suggesting that while the answer is affirmative, the journey may have unexpected twists and turns.
Another effective method to receive a yes or no answer is to vocalize your intention clearly. You can say something like: “If the answer to my question is ‘Yes,’ then let the smoke rise towards me. If the answer to my question is ‘No,’ then let the smoke rise away from me.” After stating your intention, observe how the smoke behaves in response to your words.
How To Read Incense Smoke To Find Out Whether You Will Succeed?
When interpreting the smoke, if it drifts to the right, this is a positive sign indicating that you will succeed and experience good fortune in your endeavors. The rightward movement of the smoke suggests that the energies are aligned in your favor.
Conversely, if the smoke veers to the left, it may indicate that you will not succeed and could potentially lose something or someone important to you. This leftward drift serves as a warning to be cautious in your pursuits.
If the smoke clots together, this is a favorable sign. It suggests that you will achieve success, enjoy the benefits of your efforts, and that luck is on your side. The clumping of the smoke indicates a strong, positive energy surrounding your question.
However, if the upper part of the smoke appears to be cut off or abruptly ends, it portends difficulties ahead. This shape can signify obstacles or challenges that may arise on your path.
How To See Good Or Bad Omens In Incense Smoke?

When observing the smoke, if the top gathers like a date palm and is thin at its base, it foreshadows trouble. This shape indicates that there may be underlying issues that need to be addressed.
If you notice a flow of smoke going upward that splits into two, three, or more streams, but they are all smooth and beautiful, this suggests that multiple people will be involved in the situation. However, if the strip of smoke consists of three broken streams, it indicates that a conflict may arise between these individuals.
When the smoke breaks into two even or uneven strips, it signifies that you will face a conflict or possibly a health issue. This division in the smoke serves as a warning to be mindful of your surroundings and relationships.
If the smoke deviates to the right, it is a good sign, indicating positive outcomes. However, when the smoke veers to the left, it is a bad sign, suggesting potential challenges or negative influences.
If you observe many broken corners or geometric shapes with jagged edges in the smoke, this is a sign of danger approaching. It is essential to remain vigilant and cautious in your actions during this time.
Other Symbols
In addition to the shapes and movements of the smoke, numbers can also appear, symbolizing dates or the number of days left before an event occurs. These numbers can provide insight into the timing of significant happenings in your life.
The Infinity symbol may manifest in the smoke when you are about to face major changes in your life. This symbol serves as a reminder that change is a natural part of existence and can lead to growth and new opportunities.
Faces that appear in the smoke should be interpreted by your intuition. Trust your instincts when deciphering what these faces may represent in relation to your question.
Symbols such as a fork, knife, or trident can signify danger approaching. These shapes serve as warnings to be cautious and aware of potential threats in your environment.
When reading smoke, the most important thing to remember is to have a clear question and an open mind. For those who have never attempted to read smoke before, the first experiences can be challenging. Sometimes, it can be quite difficult to clearly see the symbols and signs that the smoke draws. However, with practice and patience, you can develop your skills in interpreting the messages conveyed by the incense smoke.
By learning how to read incense smoke, you can gain valuable insights into your life and the energies surrounding you. This practice can enhance your spiritual journey and provide clarity in times of uncertainty. So, the next time you light incense, take a moment to observe the smoke and learn how to read incense smoke, and you may be surprised by the answers it reveals.
However, the more you practice the incense smoke readings, the more clearly you will see all the signs and symbols that the smoke reveals. Additionally, the better you will hear the voice of your intuition guiding you. This practice not only enhances your understanding of how to read incense smoke but also deepens your connection to your inner self and the universe around you