Have you ever heard of the global electric circuit? Well, maybe not, but I’m sure you’ve heard of people or animals being electrocuted during a major thunderstorm. And that’s exactly what Schumann Resonance tries to explain.
On the flip side, science has confirmed that our heart rate and brain activity synchronize with changes in the local surrounding magnetic fields worldwide. This means that an increase or decrease in resonance translates to a significant change in cardiovascular and brain functions.
So, What Is Schumann Resonance?
Defined as the electromagnetic oscillations or frequencies trapped between the ionosphere and the earth’s surface, usually a 50-km cavity zone, which acts as a waveguide. The foundation of Schumann resonance is 7.83 Hz, which is the highest amplitude of the different modes. This resonance is electromagnetic radiation but with an even lower frequency than radio waves. Read more about electromagnetic radiation in this article.
And just like radio waves, Schumann resonance is able to penetrate and travel through most objects including the human body.
Did that scare you?
Well, let’s pause for a moment and discuss the science behind this theory before we look at why this information should concern you.
The Scientific Explanation

See, around 1 kA of electric current flows worldwide through thunderstorms across the different layers of the atmosphere. I’m referring to the troposphere, the ionosphere, and finally via the magnetosphere in that order before finally landing back on the earth’s surface (that’s the origin of rain, right?). This journey is then closed via lightning, making it a complete electric circuit.
That means we will experience more resonance on a rainy day as opposed to a sunny day, right?
Now let’s leave the science to the techie readers, and discuss what Schumann Resonance has to do with you and I in our basic day-to-day life?
Why Should You Worry About Schumann Resonance?
In layman’s language, Schumann resonances are electromagnetics, specifically radio waves, present in the atmosphere, even when it’s not raining. Normally, our brain and body are usually ground into the planet’s electric grid for harmonious survival.
Lately, however, Schumann Resonance is gradually increasing to worrying levels.
Think of it this way; when two plates are vibrating at the same speed/frequency and you hit one of them, the other one automatically moves by virtue of being in the same magnetic field. This example also applies to our brain waves and heart rate. Once the resonance changes, our brain and heart start to adjust in the same direction.
In fact, some scientists have been trying to find the relationship between Schumann resonances to the current rise in blood pressure, depression, and other lifestyle-related illnesses.
Let me explain.
The speed of light (the time it takes light to travel around the world) is 1/8 of a second. And from this, we say the frequency of light is 8 cycles per second. That was the basis of Schumann resonance. However, around the early 1960’s Winfried Schumann, a German physicist, (and his team) also noted that electromagnetic energy escaped the waveguide and went into space. In the last few years, NASA also confirmed, through multiple satellite observations, that they do see Schumann resonances in space especially in the nighttime.
Why is Schumann Resonance Increasing?

Modern sources of electromagnetic radiation (from electricity (50-60 Hz power) to cellular technology) are continuously feeding the Schumann resonance band with more photons hence increasing the level of these resonances in space. As a result, what was once unstable has become a stable frequency of light. That’s how Nasa was able to detect/confirm this resonance in recent years.
Now the constant downpours with lightning send these resonances back to Earth.
Secondly, the increased solar radiation, a.k.a global warming, is equally contributing to the changes in Schumann resonance. This is major because weather changes directly affect the Earth’s electromagnetic cavity.
The third cause is the geomagnetic storms we are experiencing. Some are man-made others are as a result of the changing lunar cycles. I mean modern-day weather has been nothing short of chaotic. One hurricane after the other, all loaded with thunderstorms of greater magnitudes. Too much moisture correlates to higher precipitate with significant changes in the stability and the intensity of Schumann resonance.
These and more cause the resonance signal to go beyond its usual range and consequently alter the heart and brain synchronization and eventually a change in our brain’s melatonin level.
Are There Any Negative Effects of Changing Resonance?
Yes, although generally, the surrounding modern man-made electric fields have far much more impact. The following have been directly linked to the recent solar geomagnetic changes:
- Mental disorders including the recent rise in depression and suicide.
- Altered blood pressure. It can be high or low depending on which global region you are at.
- Problems related to our reproductive and immune system.
- Cardiac complication and neurological problems. This is obvious because our heart and brain resonates at a frequency corresponding to earth’s core.
- Stress related conditions including accidents and sudden deaths.
Most of the above tend to affect children, pregnant women, and the elderly more.
How Can We Create Harmony Between Humanity and Earth’s Resonance?
Normally, Schumann resonance cannot affect the human brain because your brain also creates a similar electromagnetic wave at the same frequency. But we can’t be so sure with the rising resonance levels, can we? Just like electromagnetic radiation, our brain has frequency bands with the most common being; alpha, delta, beta, and theta. These are responsible for:
- Alpha – initiates mind and body coordination, alertness, calmness and eventually learning.
- Delta – triggers drowsiness which results in creativity and intuition.
- Beta – significant when our brain is highly processing information like when you have anxiety attacks, or just heightened alertness.
- Theta – Creates fantasies and day dreaming. This is the frequency that corresponds to Schumann’s 7.83Hz.
To maintain a harmonious rhythm, we all need to practice coherence regularly through meditation. Be aware of your presence at all times. Meditation, whether guided or self can help us transcend to higher beings. That way, your mind, and heart walk on the same path without distractions.
You can also listen to moderate tempo music to create the right frequency in your brain occasionally. Doing this, say once a week, will restore calm and induce creativity amid all the hustle and bustle of today’s life.