6 Mystical Mantras to Elevate Your Consciousness

6 mystical mantras image

Mantras have been around for over 3,000 years, but now they are having a mainstream moment. We meditate on them, tape them to our fridges and computers, pin them to our Pinterest boards, post them on Instagram. It’s becoming more and more natural for us to chant mantras while we attend a yoga class and listen to them while we’re driving. If you would like to welcome the mystical influence of mantras into your life, this article is for you! In this article, I’m going to share with you 6 mystical mantras that will help you to elevate your consciousness and raise your energy to a higher vibrational level.

What Is a Mantra?

The word mantra consists of two parts: “man,” which means mind, and “tra,” which means transport or vehicle. In other words, a mantra is an instrument of the mind. It is a powerful sound or vibration that you can use to enter a deep state of meditation.

Mantra can be compared with a seed that you plant in the fertile soil of practice. You nurture them and over time they bear the fruit of your intention.

As you may already know, words and sounds are a manifestation of energy vibrating at different frequencies. When we chant mantras, we align our energy with the energy of the Planet for the harmonious creation of a new (desired) reality that serves our Higher Self.

When mindfully chosen and correctly used, mantras have the ability to help alter your subconscious impulses, habits, and afflictions. Mantras, when spoken or chanted, direct the healing power of Prana (life force energy) and can be used to energize and access spiritual states of consciousness.

Choosing a Personal Mantra

We all have different paths, different purposes, intentions, and goals. Therefore, it is so important to mindfully choose a mantra that personally appeals to you. Before you choose one, make sure to attentively read the description and underlying meaning of each of the 6 mystical mantras below. Listen to your heart and choose one that appeals to you on a deep level.

6 Mystical Mantras

#1: OM Mantra

It is believed that Om is the first sound of the Universe. When chanted this mystical mantra vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz. It is the same frequency as all things throughout nature. When we’re chanting the Om mantra, it aligns us with the vibrations of the Universe and connects us to nature and the planet.

Om chanting will help you focus and clear your mind. When chanting the Om mantra, your mind becomes aligned with the breath, which enables you to get into an elevated state of consciousness called samadhi.

#2: Om Mani Padme Hum

Om Mani Padme Hum is a six-syllable mantra associated with the bodhisattva – Avalokitesvara, the Buddha of compassion. This mantra is usually translated to mean The Jewel Is In The Lotus. It is believed to be one of the most powerful mantras, such that even saying it a single time can be enough for an experienced disciple to release negative karma and achieve enlightenment.

Om: purifies pride

Ma: purifies jealousy

Ni: purifies passion and desire

Pad: purifies ignorance and prejudice

Me: purifies possessiveness

Hum: purifies hatred

Om Mani Padme Hum mantra contains all the Buddhism principles in a summarized form. Therefore, when chanting it, you align yourself with these principles, thus elevate your consciousness to higher frequencies.

#3: Om Namah Shivaya

It is believed that the five syllables of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra contain the energy of the entire universe. This mantra consists of five syllables that represent the five primary elements:

Na: represents Earth element

Mah: represents Water element

Shi: represents Fire element

Va: represents Air element

Ya: represents Ether element

These five syllables also relate to the chakras – from Muladhara to Vishuddha.

Chanting this mantra purifies our energy and promotes inner transformation. It helps you relax and unwind. Your restless mind becomes stable.

Also, the Om Namah Shivaya mantra helps you to gain control over your senses and govern your mind. 

The regular chanting of the Om Namah Shivaya mantra gives you a sense of direction and purpose in life. 

#4: Sat Nam

Sat Nam is a bija mantra – a one-syllable sound that activates the chakras.  Sat means truth, the reality of human existence. Nam means identity. Together, Sat Nam can be translated as: “I am the truth,” or “Truth is my essence.”

Thus, the Sat Nam mantra is all about revealing and fully expressing your true identity. It reminds you that no one else can express the exact combination of frequencies that you do. Through chanting this mystical mantra you connect yourself to the universal truth and become a tool of its expression. Eventually, you come to a deep realization that your unique vibration is needed for the universe to be complete.

As I mentioned before, the Sat Nam mantra is a seed mantra. The seed contains all the knowledge of the tree that has reached its full flowering. It is the identity of the truth, embodied in a condensed form.

#5: Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung

This is a healing mantra that attunes the “Self” to the Universe and brings balance. These eight sounds stimulate the flow of Kundalini in the spine, bringing healing.

Ra: means Sun. When you connect with the frequency of this sacred sound, it gives you energy.

Ma: means Moon. The frequency of this sacred sound aligns you with receptivity.

Da: means Earth. This frequency helps your grounding.

Sa: means Impersonal Infinity. When chanting this sound, your energy rises upwards and outwards drawing in the healing of the Universe.

Sa Say: Means Totality of Infinity. When chanting Sa a second time, you pull the energy of Infinity into you.

So: Personal sense of merger and identity.

Hung: The infinite, vibrating and real.

So Hung together means, I am Thou.

When chanted regularly, this mystical mantra brings balance into the core of your energetic body and floods it with new energy.

#6: Gobinday Mukanday Udharay Aparay Hariang Kariang Nirnamay Akamay

This mystical mantra is called the Guru Gaitri mantra. It is a powerful tool to clear the subconscious mind and deep-seated blocks.  

Gobinday means Sustaining

Mukanday means Liberating

Udharay means Enlightening

Aparay means Infinite

Hariang means Destroying

Kariang means Creating

Nirnamay means Nameless

Akamay means Desireless

Regular practice of this mantra is able to eliminate karmic blocks and mistakes of the past. Its power clears our magnetic field, allowing us to relax more easily. This mystical mantra purifies the subconscious mind and balances the hemispheres of the brain, communicating compassion and patience to those who meditate on it.

The Bottom Line

Take your time to think and feel which one of the 6 mystical mantras resonates deeply with your purpose and intentions in this period of your life. Start practicing your mantra with listening, and then start repeating. When you’re listening to your mystical mantra and repeating it, its sacred sounds penetrate into your subtle bodies and elevate your consciousness.