Symptoms And Signs Of Spiritual Awakening

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Often spiritual awakening happens so spontaneously that many people are confused by what is happening to them. If you are experiencing life changes and feel that you are no longer the person you used to be, it is helpful to know the symptoms and signs of spiritual awakening. It is quite possible that you are in the process of spiritual awakening but do not know about it yet.

What Is Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening is a reconnection of your material self with your spiritual self. A person who has experienced spiritual awakening realizes that he (she) is not his (her) name, physical body, mind, or personality that he (she) is used to consider himself (herself). In fact, spiritual awakening is an awareness of your spiritual nature.

Spiritual awakening does not necessarily associate with religion as it also happens outside religions.

This is not always a simple and pleasant process. During spiritual awakening, lots of changes happen at different levels: physical, mental, emotional and social. But all these changes always for the best, because the Universe is cleansing the space for something new and good to come.

Let’s look at the signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening. But first of all, I would like to note that each person has his own unique signs because this process is very individual. In this article, I will list only the General symptoms and signs of spiritual awakening that are typical for most people.

Signs Of Spiritual Awakening


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Often spiritual awakening begins with life changes, and, it may seem that these changes affect you in a negative way. But in reality, such changes lead to spiritual awakening, liberation from illusions and greater understanding of the Truth. If you’re experiencing a number of serious changes in life, it is not a reason to be discouraged, rather it is a reason to start focusing on prayer, study of sacred knowledge, and the communication with spiritual mentors. Take some time for thinking, analyzing and writing about what is happening to you. Pay attention to details and signs, and stay open to new experience. In fact, spiritual awakening is a joyful event that frees us from all unnecessary things.

Interest in new issues

An important sign of spiritual awakening is the emergence of important questions like: “Who am I? How does the world work? What is Truth? How do I gain liberation?” If you have a genuine interest in finding answers, then these questions will lead you in the right direction. Studying the sacred books, meditation and journaling will help you find the answers.

Increasing conversations with yourself

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You’ll find yourself talking to yourself more often. Suddenly you may notice that you’ve been talking to yourself for the last 30 minutes. Inside you, a new kind of communication is born, and you see only the top of the iceberg in these conversations with yourself. These conversations will grow and they will become more lively, more connected and more insightful. You’re not going crazy, you’re just moving into a new phase of your development. I recommend you write down the most insightful parts of these conversations.

Feeling alone, even surrounded by people

You can feel lonely and disconnected from people. You may want to avoid crowds and groups. You have to understand that you follow a lonely and sacred path. Even though you’re feeling lonely and anxious, it’s hard for you to relate to people. You need to understand that this time will pass and the emptiness inside will be filled with the love and divine energy.

Activity at the top of the head: tingling, itching, irritation, as if something is crawling on the scalp and/or down the spine.

The feeling of energy vibration in the upper part of the head, as if the energy of the shower is pouring out of the head. It may feel as if the energy is emitted through the top of the head in the form of “splashes”. You may also feel pressure on the top of your head as if someone was pressing a finger into the center of your head. You don’t need to worry about these feelings. What you’re experiencing is the opening up of the Crown chakra.

Sudden changes in work or career

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It is one of the most common signs of spiritual development. As you change, everything around you changes too. Don’t worry about finding a “perfect” job or career. It will eventually come. You are in a transition period now and can change a few jobs before you find one that fits your aspirations.

A disconnection with your family

You’re connected to your biological family through old karma. When you break the karmic cycle, the bonds of old relationships break. It may seem that you are moving away from your family and friends. But it is temporary. After a while, you can build a new relationship with them, if that’s what’s meant to be. However, these relations will be based on new energy, without karmic bindings.

The desire to find a soul mate or twin flame

Much more than ever, the idea that you can have a relationship that is consistent with who you truly are is growing stronger. You want to have a conscious relationship, meet your soulmate or twin flame.

Changes in food preferences: a refusal of meat, craving for fresh and healthy food

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The fact is that your body begins to vibrate at a higher frequency. And therefore now needs high-quality food. Don’t deny what your body says you need to eat. Listen to your body.

The unusual nature of the sleep

Another common sign of spiritual awakening is that very often you will wake up between 2 and 4 am. There’s a lot of energy work is going on inside you, and it often leads to waking up. Don’t worry. If you can’t sleep, get up and do something instead of lying in bed and worrying. It is also temporary.

Intense dreams

They can include dreams about wars and battles, persecution, monsters, etc. You literally release the old energy from within, and these energies of the past are often symbolized in the form of wars, search for a way out and horror stories. It will also pass.

Heart palpitation

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The opening of the Heart chakra may be accompanied by the acceleration of the heart. This only lasts a few minutes and means that the heart is rebalanced after an emotional release. Remember to talk to your doctor about health conditions that concern you. Then you will know for sure that this condition is not associated with health problems.

Invisible presence

There’s a variety of examples. Some people report that they feel that they are surrounded by some beings at night, or that someone is touching or talking to them. Often they wake up as from a push. Some also feel that their bodies are enclosed in a vibrating ball. These vibrations are caused by energy changes as a result of emotional purification.

Electrical and mechanical faults

You may notice that next to you light bulbs flicker, computers crash or radio devices fail.

Increased intuitive abilities and Altered States of consciousness

When you think of someone, you immediately hear from them. Synchronicities happen all the time. You may receive sudden insights about events from the past. You discover psychic abilities, out of body experiences and other psychic phenomena.

Feeling more connected with animals and plants

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Animals now seem more “human” in their behavior. You are less afraid of wild animals. Plants respond to your love and attention more than ever. You may even receive messages from them.

Flashes of creativity

You’re getting images, ideas, music and other creative inspirations at a stunning speed.

You live your purpose

You know you’re finally doing what you came to Earth for. You get new skills and abilities, especially for healing. Your experience of life and your activities now come together and make sense. You are finally starting to use it all.

Signs, visions, numbers, and symbols

You see what has a spiritual importance to you. Now you notice how the numbers appear synchronically in your consciousness. There’s a message in all this if you take time to think about it.

You find a spiritual path

Suddenly you reach a perspective you’ve never thought of before. You are eager to know more. You read, share with others, ask questions and go deep inside to learn more about who you are and why you are here.

You look younger

When you clean up emotional problems and let go of limiting beliefs and “heavy baggage” from the past, you really start to glow more and more. Your frequency is increasing. You start to love yourself and life more and more. You look and feel younger. You begin to look like your perfect true self, who you really are.

Physical disorientation

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Sometimes you will feel very “unearthly”. You will feel as if you can’t put both feet on the ground, or as if you’re walking between two worlds. While your consciousness moves into the new phase, your body sometimes lags behind it. Spend more time in nature to help ground yourself. It is also temporary.

Lucid dreaming

Sometimes your dreams are so real that you wake up confused. It’s hard for you to understand if it’s a dream or reality. Very often your dreams can be mystical messages to you. And in some dreams, you just know that you’re not “sleeping” and that what’s happening is real.

A sense of Unity with all

This is a direct experience of Integrity, a transcendental consciousness. You’re overflowing with compassion and love for life and all living creatures. Compassion and unconditional love for all elevate you to higher levels of consciousness and joy.

A deep desire to come back Home

This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging part. You may have a deep and overwhelming desire to leave the planet and come back Home. This desire is not based on anger or dissatisfaction with something. You don’t want to make a big deal out of it and create drama for yourself and others. It’s just one part of you that longs for spiritual unification. The reason for this is quite simple. You’ve finished much of your karmic cycle and are now striving for spiritual perfection.  You are now ready to start a new life, a rebirth of sorts while remaining in the same physical body.

You need to understand that your Spirit needs you here. There will come a time when some people will need a human Mentor like you who’s already passed this awakening phase.

The Bottom Line

Life never gives us a challenge that we cannot handle. And every time we overcome the most difficult challenges we only become stronger. The same with spiritual awakening. It’s not easy to go through it but once we’re done we become completely new stronger versions of ourselves. No matter how dark and lonely your journey may seem at times, remember that you are never alone.