8 Ways To Create Conscious Relationship

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Do you believe in conscious relationship and pure love? And not just any love; the love that brings total satisfaction. It’s easy to conclude that true love went away with the winds, right? We need to change the current love paradigm. It is a total failure. And that’s why I have written this article to help redefine relationships.

So what is conscious relationship?

Conscious relationship is a relationship that focuses on growth and purpose. As partners, you commit to relationship commitment, self-respect, self-love, and self-worth. It’s a relationship that attracts right-minded people with similar dreams, and self-determination. It does not encourage fear, irritation, abuse, or similar vices in a relationship.

The Qualities of a Conscious Relationship

The following qualities define a conscious relationship:

Total Focus on Growth

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As a couple, you should be determined to love and care for each other. Your curiosity to learn from one another should be epic. Be committed to grow and develop together in physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms while trying to fulfill each other. Conscious relationship allows mutual respect, trust, independence, and freedom. This, therefore, accelerates growth in the relationship.

Commitment to Own Up

Conscious Relationship

You and your partner are unique and different in your own ways. A conscious relationship allows you to own up to your mess; whether in the past, present, or the future confusion. As a couple, you realize that issues don’t always move in the right direction. Therefore, when things go wrong, you (as a couple) accept it. However, it does not mean that you are in a failing relationship, or with the wrong partner. You are just committed to looking beyond your past and current situations throughout the relationship. You are ready to face the belief, concerns, and the evolution of the new relationship that is more deeply rooted.

Mutual Acceptance

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The differences in a relationship should not break you. How you solve these differences matters a lot. Some couples spend their entire life trying to change their partner’s mind and concept without success. Why? Because most of the differences are majorly on their perception! Conscious relationship overlooks personal views and commands a mutual respect. You may disagree with each other, but appreciation and respect is center stage.

Free Communication

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Every partner is allowed to express their feeling without the fear of judgment. How do you expect your partner to understand what you want or feel without communicating? It’s impossible! On the other hand, listening to your partner is also what conscious relationship entails. It may not be easy at first, but once you do, you experience immense healing in the relationship. Poor to no-communication kills most modern-day relationships. Conscious relationship emphasizes to always try to see deeper into your partner’s situation before making a judgment and above all respect their views and feelings.

Why Should You Seek to Have a Conscious Relationship?

True love does not condone selfishness but rather aims for mutual growth. With conscious relationship, growth and personal transformation are the primary focus.

Additionally, you take full responsibility for what you do without blaming each other regardless of the situation. So that’s a burden off your shoulders, right? Finally, conscious relationship welcomes and accepts all the feelings, emotions, and thoughts. There is a mutual understanding of each other and there is a commitment to make it work. What more would you ask for?

8 Ways to Create Conscious Relationship

Below are my top eight tips to create and practice conscious relationship. With these tips, we can improve most of the past romantic relationships that were not conscious to stand the test of time.

  1. Self-love and Self-respect

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First of all, learn to love yourself. How can you love someone else genuinely if you don’t love yourself? And how will you believe it when they say the three magic words: I love you? This is what makes people say they feel unappreciated in a relationship. Similarly, if you learn to respect yourself, you will have the courage to stand for what you believe amid conflict. Once you’ve mastered self-love and self-respect, the next step is to extend the same love and respect to your partner.

  1. Be Committed

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According to research, lack of commitment is the number one destroyer of relationships and most especially marriages. Dedicate to commit to your partner. Complement them without expecting anything in return. Make your relationship work with the “mentality” that you’re both there to stay. Do you understand what I mean?

  1. Learning For the Sake of Growth

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Be willing to learn new things in the relationship. Discover new feelings, emotions, sexual pleasures, and similar lessons for the sake of your relationships growth. A conscious relationship refrains from negative defensive behaviors. These include the silent treatment, quarreling, criticism, bringing each other down mentally, and hurting each other emotionally and physically.

  1. Honesty

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Conscious relationship upholds true openness. Express your feelings and thoughts with transparency and  sincerity. All the anger, sadness, joy, fear, and affection, is openly discussed, and analyzed. Be willing and ready to listen to your partner without judgment.

  1. Unity

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When you decide to practice a conscious relationship, do not hold back from making decisions as one. In addition to decision making, practice unity in family projects, finances, and investments. Give reasonable assurances and take it as your responsibility to fulfill your partner. These covenants and promises live in the spirit too.

  1. Accountability

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Every partner is accountable for their mistakes and eventualities. You have to take action to improve yourself for the sake of growing the relationship. Similarly, you shouldn’t look forward to finding faults in your partner. On the contrary, help them to become a better person in the relationship.

  1. Appreciation and Gratitude

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Come up with excellent and impressive ways to appreciate your partner. A simple thank you, you look lovely today, and similar phrases go a long way in showing gratitude. The relationship blossoms when you practice these virtues.

  1. Practice Love and Affection

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Conscious relationship allows you to practice love as a couple. Understand your completeness and express emotions. Open your heart to receive the same warmth and affection from your partner.

In Conclusion

Conscious relationship has incredible qualities and concepts that fuel a healthy relationship. As you start the journey to conscious relationship, it is necessary to assess your partner too. Are they prepared to commit mutually? If the answer is yes, jump in with both arms open to embrace them. But if they are not, don’t try to change them. You might get hurt in the end.