Crown chakra is the seventh primary chakra. It’s also called “Sahasrara” which means “thousand-petaled”. It is the highest point that determines the spiritual life of a person. Knowledge about this “thousand-petalled Lotus” is very important for those who seek to find their spiritual path. Therefore if you’re involved in any spiritual practice it’s necessary to know what symptoms indicate Crown Chakra blockage and how to heal it.
In this article, I’ll share with you my research on how to recognize Crown Chakra blockage and powerful ways to heal it. But first, let’s talk about the importance of Crown chakra in our energy system and its structure. You see, without this information, it would be hard to understand the condition of your Sahasrara.
The Importance of Sahasrara
Sahasrara is the point through which a soul comes out of the body after death.
Thanks to the crown chakra, we are able to learn, to realize, to accept, and to connect our consciousness to universal love and infinite knowledge.
With the full disclosure of Sahasrara, people find a state of calm and balance. They change their consciousness and let go of their past and torment. They reach the awareness of the integrity of the individual and the perception of yourself as an important element of the Universe.
The Crown chakra disclosure leads to the rapid development of the other six chakras.
Location of Sahasrara Chakra
Crown chakra is located at the top of the head. If we consider more exactly where the crown chakra, is the area of the Fontanelle.
Crown Chakra Structure

Each chakra looks like a rotating cone, the diameter of which is from 2 to 4 inches. As it enters the human body, the shape of the chakra narrows, “connecting” further to the spine.
Crown chakra consists of 1000 petals, forming 20 layers, 50 pieces each. This number is very symbolic. After all, it represents a variety of spiritual paths that are open to human achievement.
In the center of Crown chakra is a circle depicting the mandalas of the Moon and the Sun. The circle, which symbolizes the full moon, is the crown of the spiritual development of the soul in the physical body. Its combination with the Sun allows to connect various energy channels, directing them to the Central Nadi – Sushumna.
Sahasrara symbol represents the dual nature of the Earth and the need to return to integrity. There is a miniature dot in the center of the circle which represents emptiness. Approaching this point is possible only with a very long and conscious spiritual development.
Crown Chakra Color

If we look at the scheme of energy centers, the purple dot on the human body will tell us where Crown chakra is.
This color is unusual and very complex. It is a combination of two tones – blue and red. These colors, which are opposite in meaning, combine together to form purple. Purple is considered a magical and mysterious color.
In addition, purple is associated with the divine. It is a symbol of spiritual development and represents the connection with the Cosmos.
In addition to the purple Sahasrara Lotus petals also contain white color and radiate all the rainbow tones that eventually merge together. The harmonious combination of all these colors represents the ability of a person to comprehend the superconsciousness.
What Is Sahasrara Responsible For?
Physically its work affects the pineal gland and the brain. If we consider the spiritual aspect, Sahasrara chakra has the ability to absorb and produce the highest frequency of Kundalini energy.
If a person doesn’t have a Crown chakra blockage, he is an altruist, he has boundless energy and the ability to sympathize. In addition, he/she does even the most routine work with great inspiration and creativity. These people are attractive. They like to wear bright clothes, enjoy life and inspire others with their example.
Signs Of Opened Crown Chakra
People with opened Sahasrara live outside of duality.
If Crown Chakra works to the maximum, it has a direct impact on the brain. At the same time, Sahasrara produces higher vibrations that change the perception of both the person and the people around him/her.
Signs Of Opened Sahasrara are:
- understanding the possibility of living without conflict;
- getting answers to your questions from the Universe;
- a strong connection to God and the Universe;
- understanding and accepting your own uniqueness;
- perception of yourself as a formed personality;
- no feeling of annoyance, anger, and fear;
- the ability to analyze and manage your own emotions, as well as to understand the causes of their occurrence;
- a sense of oneness with the world;
- harmony of body and soul.
To learn more about symptoms and signs of the Crown chakra opening read my article “Crown Chakra Opening Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of“.
Crown Chakra Blockage
Good news is that complete Crown Chakra blockage never occurs!
However, if a person is not engaged in any spiritual practices, his/her Sahasrara is open at its initial stage. This state of the seventh chakra leads to a feeling of own independence (Note: independence and freedom are not the same. While freedom has a positive meaning, independence is based on duality and has destructive power). Such a person doesn’t feel any connection with the Universe. This condition often causes a feeling of uncertainty and fear, blocking all other chakras, which prevents the energy flow from free circulation through the body.
Poorly opened Sahasrara leads to the fact that a person can’t find his/her true life purpose. He/she has a lot of questions, the answers to which he/she can’t find.
Other signs of Crown chakra blockage are:
- the inability to think clearly in a stressful situation;
- seeking to “taste” all the “fruits” of spiritual achievements without learning to “plant”, “water” and “cultivate” them;
- dissatisfaction with life;
- depression;
- loneliness;
- unwillingness to communicate with other people;
- loss of zest for life;
- fear of death.
Crown Chakra Balancing
There is a number of ways you can use for your Crown Chakra opening and healing. In this article, I’ll share with you some of them.
1. The Sun And The Moon Exercise
- Sit in the Lotus position. Your face should be turned to the North. Put your fingers together and close your eyes.
- Visualize the Moon to your left side and imagine that it is cold.
- Visualize the Sun to your right and imagine that it’s warming you up.
- Now visualize the world as continuous energy of the Universe.
- Inhale cold energy with your left nostril, and raise the Moon energy up. After that, mentally, the energy should be lowered down to the coccyx.
- Inhale hot energy of the Sun with your right nostril and pass it from top to bottom.
- Thus, at the coccyx, there are two energy flows meet. They should mentally envelop your spine.
- After that, the energy flows should be raised up and held at a point located at the level of the nape.
- Now switch the energy flows. Let the cold flow of energy pass into the right hemisphere, and the warm – to the left. Connect these flows at the level of the seventh chakra.
This exercise should be repeated at least twenty times. The energy should rise on the inhale and fall down on the exhale. If all your lower chakras are opened and balanced then you will see the results already in the 2-3 months since the beginning of this practice.
2. Mantra Therapy
At the very beginning, you need to calm down internally, establish control over your own consciousness and relax your body as much as possible.
You should start with the mantra OM. It is necessary to relax the entire body and evenly distribute vibrations throughout the body – from head to toe.
Then you can start chanting bija mantra for Sahasrara chakra.
Bija mantra for Sahasrara is “AH”.
When chanting this mantra your concentration should be on the top of your head.
3. Affirmations
It’s also good to use special affirmations for activating and balancing your Crown chakra. Here are some effective Sahasrara chakra affirmations that you can use.
- I’m free from depression and fatigue.
- I trust the Universe and boldly go forward.
- I’m free from fear.
- There is the presence of God everywhere.
- I feel unity with other people and the world.
- I realize my own uniqueness and recognize my own Divinity.
4. Ritual Baths
Ritual baths are not only very effective but probably one of the most pleasant ways to heal your Crown chakra. All the details of this magical procedure and all the instructions you can find in my article “Ritual Baths For Chakra Balancing”.
5. Clothing
Sometimes it’s good to wear purple clothes, and the one with the print of Crown chakra. It helps to balance your energy field and activate your Sahasrara.
6. Interior Design
The interior can be replenished with items that harmonize the energy of the house and your own energy. When you look at the paintings of Sahasrara chakra or mandalas your energy potential is greatly enhanced.
7. Crystals
Some of the most powerful Crown chakra crystals are:
- Ametrine;
- Amethyst;
- Quartz Crystal;
- Moonstone;
- Selenite.
8. Food
Sahasrara corresponds to the food of purple color. For your Crown chakra activation and healing, you can use any purple fruits and vegetables such as eggplant, plum, etc.
Fasting and detoxifying are beneficial for the development of Crown chakra as it awakens to the highest form of spiritual communication.
9. Aromatherapy
This procedure creates a pleasant atmosphere and improves the functioning of your Crown chakra. Lotus and Lavander are the best essential oils for Crown chakra healing.
10. Yoga For Crown Chakra
If you are ready to accept the will of God, ready to merge with the energies of the Universe your Crown chakra will start opening. Crown chakra is the gate behind which a completely different world begins. This is an entrance to the infinity of consciousness, the unification with the entire Universe.
Our goal on Earth is to build up our energy so that we would be able to break through these gates and free ourselves from the invisible shackles that restrain us from our freedom to live our full potential.