Your Inner Goddess is the part of your psyche that connects to the divine feminine energy that resides within you. When you focus your attention on her, she awakens and rises. Do you feel a calling to reconnect with your Inner Goddess? Then it’s time to harness your new empowerment and awaken your sacred feminine energy. Our Goddess Archetype quiz is an excellent tool for better understanding your Inner Goddess, your strengths, goals, life purpose, mission on Earth, spiritual skills, and self-healing tools. This quiz will help you celebrate your Goddess within.
How would you describe yourself?
testWhat tools do you like to use for your spiritual practices/meditations?
testHow can you serve others?
testWhat's your main focus?
testWhat affirmation do you resonate with the most?
testHow do you usually go through your healing process?
testHow would you describe your relationships with others?
testHow do you usually deal with your emotions?
testHow would others describe you?
testWhen do you feel the most in your element?
testWhat spiritual practice brings you the most joy?
testWhat experience are you going through at the moment?
testWhat's your superpower?
Goddess Archetype Quiz
Moon Goddess Archetype
You are an embodiment of the Moon Goddess! The Moon Goddess archetype represents the intuitive quality of the divine feminine energy. You trust your intuition and allow your inner voice to show you the way. You look deep into things and, therefore, you hear and see what is hidden and invisible to others. Sometimes you can feel misunderstood by others because you see and feel things that others don't even think about. It is essential for you to accept your uniqueness without trying to adapt to the people around you. Your uniqueness is your power! You know how to keep secrets. Therefore, people trust you. However, you may have secrets from other people, and sometimes you may become too secretive. This may make you look distant and even sometimes disconnected from others. Try to find a healthy balance between your desire to keep certain things secretive and open-heartedness. You often see vivid dreams that may often be prophetic. You trust your dreams and allow them to navigate you through life. Very often, your emotions flow from one polarity to the other - from sadness to joy, from optimism to pessimism, from darkness to light. To discover the power of the Moon and use it to your advantage, it is essential for you to learn how to balance your emotions. Meditation, reiki, yoga, and pranayama will help you in this. It is also very beneficial to recite the Moon mantra on Mondays: Om Chandraya Namaha
Water Goddess Archetype
You are an embodiment of the Water Goddess! You are currently in a state of emotional expansion. Karmic and life lessons flood your shores, wash away old paradigms and purify your soul. Even though the transition to a new phase of life may not be easy for you, it is crucial to remember that all the lessons you are going through are necessary for your personal evolution and spiritual growth. Learn to perceive difficulties as an exciting adventure, and then life will turn into a fantastic transformational field for your spirit. Don't resist life changes. Greet them instead. Remember that life doesn't happen to you; it happens for you. As long as we have something to learn, we continue our life journey. To use the full power of the Water Goddess archetype, let the power of Water help you. Learn to move with the flow and welcome life changes with an open heart. Use the power of water to purify your aura from negative energy. To do this, spend more time in the water - swim in the ocean, lake, or waterfall, take baths with sea salt, and take contrast showers. Program the water you drink with positive intentions/affirmations. Also, charge the water you drink with the mantra: Om Gange Cha Yamune Chaiva Godavari Saraswati Narmade Sindhu Kaveri Jalesmin Sannidhim Kuru.
Earth Goddess Archetype
You are an embodiment of the Earth Goddess! You have a clear idea of who you are and what you stand for. You are grounded, and you know how to control your emotions. You know how to set personal boundaries and maintain a healthy distance from people. You value peace, serenity, and stability in life. You are a kind, honest, and generous person who can be trusted. People are drawn to you because they know that you can give good and balanced advice. On the shadow side, you can show such qualities as rigidity, stubbornness, and the desire to control. You have a fantastic ability to plan everything and follow the plan. You know how to make smart decisions. To tap into the full power of the Earth Goddess archetype, reconnect with your roots - your family and ancestors. This will give you more stability and support in life. Practice grounding - it will also help you gain more stability and confidence in life. Stay rooted in your life principles, and don't let other people's opinions influence you. Use crystals in your healing practices - it will help you stay connected to the Earth. Read the mantra: Samudra Vasane Devi Parvata Stana Mannddale Vissnnu Patni Namas Tubhyam Paada Sparsham Kssamasva Me
Air Goddess Archetype
You are mobile, changeable, and curious. You have a flexible mind that helps you quickly adapt to new circumstances. Freedom and independence are your most significant values. You are sociable, talkative, and know how to network and connect with people. You like to spend time with interesting and like-minded people. Communication gives you energy and inspiration. You don't like routine, dogmatism, and conservatism. No matter what you do, you always strive for freedom. Finding like-minded people and joining a conscious community will serve you and others. To use the full power of the Air Goddess archetype, it is very beneficial for you to spend more time with like-minded people you can exchange opinions and from who you can learn something new. Travel more and visit new places that you have never been to. Attend spiritual seminars and personal growth workshops to expand your perspective and deepen your knowledge. Stay flexible to life changes. Since you are very good at manifesting your desired reality, keep using this gift to create the life you want. Use visualization, meditation, and affirmations for breathing life into your dreams.
Sun Goddess Archetype
You are an embodiment of the Sun Goddess! You have a strong, energetic, and bright personality. You are focused on achievements and success. You shine brightly and are noticeable to others. People are inspired by your personality and attracted to you. You are a lightworker who brings light and joy to the world. You have a lot of ideas and initiatives, which makes you a great leader and mentor. You have a lot of energy, which allows you to accomplish a lot. The shadow side of the Sun Goddess is the ego, which must be watched out for and taken under control! To use the full power of the Sun Goddess Archetype, set big goals and make every effort to achieve them. Develop creative thinking and find unusual solutions. Perform the Surya Namaskar every morning to stay firmly connected to Sun throughout the day. Wearing gold jewelry also helps to strengthen the energy of the Sun. Also, it is very beneficial to recite the Sun mantra Sun on Sundays: Om Suryaya Namaha.
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