Diego Perez is the writer behind the pen name Yung Pueblo. He is a poet, meditator, and speaker who has over 2 million Instagram followers. His poetry and prose explore the movement from self-love to unconditional love, the power of letting go, and the wisdom that comes when we truly try to know ourselves. In his poetry and prose, he reminds his readers that healing, transformation, and freedom are possible. Through writing and speaking, he aims to support the healing of the individual, realizing that when we heal and nurture ourselves, we contribute to global peace. In this article, we have collected 60 inspirational Yung Pueblo quotes to support you on your healing journey.
60 Yung Pueblo Quotes
“True power is living the realization that you are your own healer, hero, and leader. it is when you share your truth with compassion and peace. your power grows when you make progress in your own freedom and wisdom. those who are truly powerful do not harm themselves or others; instead, they use their energy to enrich all they know with love.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“A real sign of progress is when we no longer punish ourselves for our imperfections.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“The goal is not to heal and then begin your life. The goal is to embrace healing as a life long journey and allow genuine connections to emerge organically along the way.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“You have walked through fire, survived floods and triumphed over demons. Remember this the next time you doubt your own power.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Six things make inner peace easier: not being afraid of change, kindness toward others, honesty with yourself, intentional actions, self-awareness, gratitude.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“To expect another to resolve all of our issues and give us the happiness we desire is to expect to see the sunrise without opening our own eyes. it is to ask a river to give us nourishment without dipping our own hands into the water. another cannot answer a riddle that was only ever meant for our own minds to solve. the universe seeks to enlighten and empower us, thus it is only rational that we are our own greatest healers.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“The happiest people, the ones who have successfully purified their minds of all conditioning and craving, tend to have such a strong compassion and understanding of love that their lives naturally focus on giving to others. in this giving and clarity of mind they find happiness.” ~ Yung Pueblo

“If you measure the length of your ego, it will equal the distance between you and your freedom. If you are far away from yourself, how could you ever be close to another?” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Attachment is the mental tension you feel when you do not get exactly what you crave; it is refusing to accept change or let go of control.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Don’t run away from heavy emotions, honor the anger; give pain the space, it needs to breathe; this is how we let go.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Sometimes deeper mental clarity is preceded by great internal storms.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“We feel so safe with the ones we love that we often share with them our tension, our stress, our fear, our sadness, and even our anger but let us remember to also give them the best version of ourselves, our joy and happiness, our excitement and peace, our attention and care.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Make sure the walls you build to protect yourself do not become a prison.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“When desire combines with tension, it morphs into craving. Attachment is when you start craving things to be a certain way. Craving is an extreme form of desire that quickly attaches to different ways of feeling and the objects/situations/people that produce these feelings. Attachment is also when you try to place restrictions on the unexpected and natural movements of reality. It is a heightened form of the desire for control.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“I can only give to you what I have already given to myself. I can only understand the world as much as I understand myself.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Throw away the idea that healing is forgetting. The real result is no longer reacting to old triggers with the same intensity as before. The memories are still there, but they do not have the same power over your mind.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“It is easier to let go of someone’s opinion of you when you understand that others see you through a combination of their past conditioning and their current emotional state without realizing it, they see themselves first, and through that lens they get an unclear picture of you.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“As the Buddha put forth in his teaching, craving itself gives birth to attachment. This dense form of clinging to what we crave not only causes much mental struggle, tension, and dissatisfaction, but it also clouds our ability to objectively observe what is happening within and around.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Self-love is a sincere acceptance of the past, an agreement to make the most of the present and a willingness to allow the best to occur in the future.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Remember, trust blossoms in the absence of control, and vibrant relationships should feel like a balance of freedom and home. Your partner should accept you as you are but also help you feel safe enough to do the deep work of healing and growth, not because they want to change you but because their presence energizes and inspires you to flourish into greater emotional maturity.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“I kept running away from my darkness until i understood that in it I would find my freedom.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“I cannot make you happy, but I can commit to support you in the creation of your own happiness.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Your vibration is always shining and affecting your environment.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Sometimes a person ends a good relationship because the areas they think are bad are being intensified by their personal issues that they have not dealt with properly. Sometimes people break apart a home because they are unaware of their projections and are not ready to appreciate a good thing.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Sometimes growth hurts, but it is the type of pain that is easier to endure because it is helping us come forward as a better version of ourselves.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Much of my confusion and sadness came from being disconnected from myself. The greatest journey I have taken so far is the one where I ended the alienation between me and all that I am, the one where I connected my light and my darkness, where I united what I wanted to know with what I did not want to face. Only through this union and truthfulness did I begin to feel at home within my own being.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“One of the clearest signs of personal growth is greater self-love, self-awareness, and love for all people.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“There may be times when you feel like a lot of what you’ve understood no longer makes sense. This might make you feel as though you have regressed, but it is actually a sign that you are opening new space for deeper wisdom and greater perception. When your previous understandings disintegrate, they are not always immediately replaced by better or deeper understandings. When you take your growth seriously, you will often find yourself in this in-between state; it is okay to live without clear answers. Growth is not about forcing understanding; it is about allowing it.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“Before I could release the weight of my sadness and pain, I first had to honor its existence.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Some of the biggest tests in life come when tough things happen in your closest circle, when family or friends who hold a piece of your heart go through a struggle that you have no control over, when all you can do is rise to the occasion by listening to their words and radiating the love you feel for them. though it is not for you to decide how things will turn out, you can support, provide comfort, and remind them that your love for them is real and will remain unbroken.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“I want a love that doesn’t break; one that gives me water when i am consumed by fire; one that offers me shelter when I am lose; one that helps me see that the hero I am looking for is me.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Your growth in the midst of a big leap forward; hold steady and allow yourself to bloom.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Old patterns do not give up easily. They will try to keep pulling you into reactions that lead into repeating the past. But in time, after not feeding them for a while and continually practicing your ability to pause and respond, they weaken and become easier to let go. They may still appear as an option occasionally but will not have the same strength as before. This is the turning point, the shift that changes everything, the leap forward you have been waiting for, the victory when it becomes clear that you have moved.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“I trust and feel at home around the ones who are not afraid to be vulnerable with themselves, who live confidently in their power and gentleness, who try their best to live without harming others, who are serious about their growth and healing, and who have the humility to say, “I do not know.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Happiness is not fulfilling every pleasure or getting every outcome you desire. Happiness is being able to enjoy life with a peaceful mind that is not constantly craving more. It is the inner peace that comes with embracing change.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“Taking a moment to figure out how you really feel instead of letting old patterns decide for you is one of the most authentic things you can do.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Self-awareness helps us overcome blind reactions that make already difficult situations more turbulent. Without self-awareness, it is difficult to make choices that differ from those you have made in the past.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Sometimes deeper mental clarity is preceded by great internal storms. Healing yourself can be messy. Seeing yourself through honesty can be jarring and tough; it can even temporarily cause imbalance in your life it is hard work to open yourself up to release your burdens like removing thorns from your body, it may hurt at first, but it is ultimately for your highest good the dark clouds of rainfall are necessary for new growth.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Letting go is medicine that heals the heart. Letting go is a habit that requires practice. Letting go is best done through feeling, not thinking.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Do not forget
To send your love
Into the earth
Into the water
Into the sky”
~ Yung Pueblo
“Three things make life harder: not loving yourself, refusing to grow, not letting go.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Many of our emotional reactions do not have to do with what is currently going on. They are actually old emotions accumulated from the past—patterns that arise when familiar situations appear.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“Gratitude makes you happy. Attachment makes you struggle. Gentleness reveals inner wisdom. Harshness reveals inner turbulence. Calmness supports good decisions. Solitude supports transformation.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Ask yourself: is this worry real or is my mind just looking for something to grab onto?” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Ask yourself: is this how I actually feel, or is this my emotional history trying to recreate the past?” ~ Yung Pueblo
“a hero
is one who heals
their own wounds
and then shows others
how to do the same”
~ Yung Pueblo
“Real love began when we both stopped expecting and instead focused on giving.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Self-awareness is noticing the rhythm of your thoughts, feeling when they are clear and when they are out of sync, knowing when to take them seriously and when to let them go. Not every thought is valuable; most are just the sounds of impulsive emotional reactions.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Three sources of hurt: attachment, expectation, judgment. Three sources of healing: compassion, commitment, observation.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“I do not wish
to change the past
it made me
who i am today
i only want
to learn from it
and live in a new way”
~ Yung Pueblo
“I lived so long with a closed heart, not because I was afraid to get hurt but because I was afraid of the pain I had hidden away.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“When she started letting go, her vision became clearer. The present felt more manageable and the future began to look open and full of bright possibilities. As she shed the tense energy of the past, her power and creativity returned. With a revitalized excitement, she focused on building a new life in which joy and freedom were abundant.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“I am not fully healed. I am not fully wise. I am still on my way. What matters is that I am still moving forward.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Maturity is knowing that when your mood is down you should not trust the way you see yourself.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Trying to change too many things at once is sometimes overwhelming. Being consistent with a few changes, applying them in your life until they become integrated as new positive habits, helps you build a strong foundation for future transformations. Setting yourself up for victory helps you build momentum; it makes the consistency required to achieve greater goals in the future much more attainable.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“It is not love if all they want from you is to fulfill their expectations.” ~ Yung Pueblo
Yung Pueblo Quotes

“Emotional maturity is knowing the difference between your true needs and temporary cravings.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“Letting go is the act of getting to know yourself so deeply that all delusions fall away.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“The world is a giant pool of moving vibrations, waves of energy emitted from all beings. When we cultivate our minds, we cleanse our personal vibe. We reclaim our power by not yielding to what flows around us and by allowing what is within us to come forward. Remember, the energy you most often repeat is the energy you will most easily connect with. Your vibration is always shining and affecting your environment.” ~ Yung Pueblo
“There is no mystery to the miracle of self-healing; it is courage, commitment, and consistency that move us from misery to inner peace.” ~ Yung Pueblo
We hope you are inspired by Yung Pueblo quotes as much as we are!