The Feng Shui for your front door is probably the most crucial aspect of your overall Feng Shui. Your front door is the mouth of your house – it is where positive or negative chi enters your house. There are many taboos in the Feng Shui practice related to the positioning, size, color, and other characteristics of the front door. If you are new to Feng Shui practice, it can be quite confusing. Therefore, I came up with these 7 easy tips to help you create an auspicious Feng Shui for your front door!
7 Feng Shui Tips For Your Front Door
#1: Opening
The main Feng Shui rule for the front door is that it should open inwards into a wide space rather than a cramped narrow corridor. It is also important to make sure that there is an open space on the outside of the main door, known as a bright hall.
If your front door doesn’t match these recommendations, I’ve got some Feng Shui cures for you:
- If your front door opens outwards, change the position of the hinges.
- If the inside foyer space is too small, hang a bright light above the door. Make sure you keep the light turned on for at least 3 hours each day.
- To visually enlarge the foyer space, you can use a mirror. But make sure you position it in a such way that it does not directly face the door.
#2: Size

The size of the front door does matter!
The front door should never be too small or too large in proportion to the whole house. But it should be the grandest looking door in the house. If you live in an apartment, use the size and height of the living room as a guide.
Keep in mind that a door that is too small is most inauspicious. You see, good fortune just cannot enter your home!
A door that is too large in proportion to the room will cause the family to lose all their good fortune. This also means that the ceilings should not be too low.
#3: Material

Your front door should be made of solid material like wood or some other strong and durable material. It should never be made of clear or opaque glass as this means fragility and offers no protection for the house or to the family that lives in it.
#4: Color
An auspicious color of your front door depends on its direction.
If the direction of your front door is South, then choose red color.
If you have a North door, the most auspicious colors would be dark blue or black.
For East and Southeast doors, choose natural wood color.
West and Northwest doors will benefit from ochre or yellow colors.
If you have a Southwest or Northeast door, it is best to choose white color.

#5: Placement
Good front door placements always open to some space. When the entrance is cramped either inside or outside the door, the Feng Shui is adversely affected. The front door should never be hit by any configuration, arrangement, or structure which blocks the flow of traffic inwards.
Pay attention to what lies above the main door. If an upstairs toilet is located above the entrance to your house, it makes your front door extremely inauspicious. Any exposed overhead beam is most inauspicious facing the front door. Ceiling designs that have sharp corners and edges are not recommended above the entrance foyer.
Also, make sure not place another door beside the main door as this would confuse the energy trying to enter your house.
To increase yang energy entering the house, place a chandelier inside the main door.
#6: Overcome Poison Arrows

Sha Chi, also referred to as feng shui poison arrows, is attacking energy that comes from sharp angles pointed at your front door. Poison arrows can weaken the energy of your house, and destroy the health, peace, and well-being of the entire family. Therefore, it is very important to overcome all the poison arrows!
There are many different structures that can harm the main door. To determine if there are any poison arrows hurting your front door, stand at the front door and face out. Make sure you don’t see the following features:
- triangle roof line from the opposite neighbor house;
- edge of a building;
- lamp post;
- high rise tower;
- steps leading up and down;
- cemetery.
Also, keep in mind that your front door can be harmed by the features inside the house. To determine if you have any such harmful features, stand at the main door looking inside the house. Make sure you don’t see the following features:
- staircase;
- spiral staircase;
- pillar;
- wall mirror;
- bathroom door;
- wall edge.
Also, it is considered extremely inauspicious when the front door is facing:
- three doors in a raw;
- a long corridor;
- the kitchen door.
How To Overcome The Poison Arrow?
To overcome the poison arrow we are going to use the destructive or the exhaustive cycle of the 5 elements. For doing this, you need to check a compass to find what direction the poison arrow is coming from. Here are some helpful Feng Shui tips for your front door on how to overcome the poison arrows.
If the poison arrow is coming from the South, then you need to use the Water or Earth element to destroy its negative influence. For example, you can display a fountain or a crystal.
If the poison arrow is coming from the North, then use the Earth or Wood element to destroy its negative energy. For example, you can display a crystal or a plant.
If the poison arrow is coming from the East or Southeast, you need to use the Metal or Fire element to overcome it. It would be very beneficial to hang a windchime and use more light.
If the poison arrow is coming from the West or Northwest, use the power of the Fire or Water element. It’s beneficial to install bright lights or place a fountain here.
If the poison arrow is coming from the Southwest or Northeast direction, then use the Wood or Metal element. For example, you can place a plant here or hang a wind chime.

#7: Enhance Your Front Door
When you overcome all the poison arrows, it’s time to enhance your front door! By displaying a good fortune symbol next to your front door you will activate the auspicious chi. Here are some Feng Shui tips on how to do it:
- Bury three Chinese coins, tied together with red thread, under the ground, just inside the entrance to the house. If you cannot bury the coins, then place them on the floor next to the front door and cover them with a rug.
- Hang a painting or a photograph of a hundred birds near the front door to attract happiness and auspiciousness to the house. A hundred birds symbolize a hundred lucky opportunities coming your way.
- Place a fountain somewhere near the front door directly in front, either outside or inside. This will raise yang energy and attract good fortune to your house.
- Display a pair of Fu Dogs flanking the main door to protect your house against negative energy.
- Altars that directly face either the main door or the door into the living room or family room are deemed to be auspicious. Such an altar will attract positive energy to the house!