Astral projection can serve as a wonderful tool for your spiritual journey. However, there are certain things you need to know about it before you even start trying to practice it. In this article, I want to share with you an astral projection guide that can help you better understand astral projection and learn some helpful tips on how to start your astral journey!
What Is Astral Projection?
Astral projection is an “out-of-body” state in which consciousness moves from a dense physical body to a less dense astral plane. In this case, human consciousness controls the situation and sees the surrounding reality, including observation of his physical body.
Astral projection is inextricably connected to lucid dreaming. These two phenomenons have similarities and, at the same time, big differences.
Lucid dreaming is the self-realization in a dream. In other words, lucid dreaming is an altered state of consciousness in which you are aware that you are dreaming and can control the content of the dream in one way or another. This is a kind of borderline state between REM sleep and wakefulness.
Astral projection (or astral travel) is an intentional out-of-body experience that assumes the existence of a soul or consciousness called an “astral body” that is separate from the physical body and capable of traveling outside it throughout the universe.
Astral projection is a person’s wanderings in the external world but lucid dreaming is rather a journey within his/her own subconscious.
Lucid dreaming, as well as the astral projection, are fraught with dangers. However, the level of seriousness of the danger is different. For example, sometimes lucid dreaming is accompanied by nightmares, without bringing real harm. At the same time, during astral travel, you can face quite dangerous astral entities that can cling to your astral body bringing a lot of trouble.
What Is An Astral Body?

Between your spiritual and physical body, there is an intermediate body known as the astral body. It is lighter, less dense, and more changeable than the physical body. The astral body is in most cases recognizable, as is the human form, but it can also change appearance, shapes, and do fun things like moving through walls.
What Is The Astral Plane?
The astral plane is one of several (most often, seven or twelve) planes of existence, along with physical, etheric, causal, and mental. Although humans function within all these dimensions at once, they are usually only conscious of the physical plane. The astral plane is the level beyond the physical, the realm of dreams, spirits, and psychic phenomena, the substance, and vehicle for the contact between the material and the mystical.
While it is usually referred to in the singular as the astral plane, there are actually many different levels of it. Within the astral plane, there are numerous densities and vibrations, commonly divided into the lower, middle, and higher planes. Each of these planes is associated with a distinctive sound and color. After death, people are thought to shed their physical bodies and exist in the astral plane in astral bodies resembling their previous physical ones. From there, they may ascend to a higher plane of existence and/or be reincarnated in a different physical form.
Astral Travel In Astral World

The Astral world is much less dense and more liquid than the physical. Travel in the astral is not bound by the limitations of time and space. You can visit different dimensions, as well as make a journey to the past or future of your experience. For many people, these trips allow communicating with deceased loved ones.
The astral planes range from the ordinary to the phantasmagoric and the Divine.
Is Astral Projection Dangerous?
There are some risks you should be aware of when practice astral traveling!
#1 Improper grounding
The very first thing you should learn is how to ground yourself before making an exit into astral projection. To learn more about grounding, read my article “Earth Grounding Techniques Everyone Should Use“.
#2 Astral Addiction
Once you master the astral projection skill, you will always have a desire to do it all the time. The more you astral project the more you want to stay in the astral. It can turn into a real addiction. And the problem is that your material life will start to suffer. Therefore, you should always try to find a healthy balance!
#3 Exhaustion
It is quite common to feel exhausted after returning from astral travel. Especially strongly it affects beginners. Therefore, it is very important to let yourself rest and sleep after your astral travel.
Astral Projection Guide
It’s better to start practicing astral projection in the morning, instead of doing it at night. Start in the early hours in the morning when you are still sleepy. Some say it is easier to achieve the necessary state of relaxation and heightened awareness at dawn.
Step 1: Relaxation
This is the most important step in the astral projection guide!
You basically need to relax every single part of your physical body and your mind. In other words, you need to create a synthesis of physical and psychological relaxation. Breathing exercises (pranayama) can help you with it.
With each breath, relax one of the muscles of your body, starting with the legs. Try to breathe deeply. A slow inhale fills the stomach and lungs and helps your muscles to relax. Then exhale slowly.
Step 2: Reaching The Edge Of Sleep

In psychology, this state is known as hypnagogic. Hypnagogia is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep. In this state, the presence of auditory, visual, tactile and logical hallucinations, as well as sleep paralysis, is possible.
To achieve this state, lie down on the floor or on a hard bed as if going to sleep. Arms bend at the elbows and keep upright with emphasis on the elbows. When you suddenly begin to fall asleep, your hand will fall and you will wake up. With practice, you can learn to control the hypnagogic state.
There is another method to get into a hypnagogic state. You need to relax and focus on any object. Gradually your mind will start to consume different thoughts. These thoughts will become more and more uncontrollable. Finally, your consciousness will step back and stop controlling your thoughts. This means, that you’re entering a hypnagogic state. Try not to strain. Allow yourself to be in this state.
Look at all the visions passively with no logic being involved. Don’t try to move thoughts in the right direction. Your goal is to maintain a passive state of sleep. It is known as the “alpha sleep” phase (or State A). This is the necessary step before you do a stable astral projection.
Step 3: Deepening Controlled Sleep
The next step of the astral projection guide is to start clearing your mind, purifying your thoughts and mental body. You can observe your mental body on a mental level through closed eyes. Try to mentally embrace your mental field. In the beginning, don’t do anything, just mentally look at it. Your physical eyes should peer into the blackness of your closed eyelids.
After a while, light patterns will start appearing in front of your closed eyes. Observe them. Patterns appear due to relaxation and nerve discharges. They do not carry any information and do not matter. Ignore them. When the patterns stop, it means that you enter another state, which is called “State B”.
Now you should perform another transition. From “State B”, you have to get even deeper relaxation, which will be “State C”.
“State C” is the phase of deep relaxation in which you lose your awareness of the body, and feel as you’re falling as if in a warm, safe shroud. Nothing affects your senses, you do not give in to sensory stimulation. You are in a void where your only source of stimulation is your thoughts.
“State C” is the anticipation of entering the astral, but the ideal state for this is another state – “State D” which is a modified state C. It is caused by a rested and refreshed state of your body and mind. “State D” is not caused by fatigue, but is a state of complete rest and readiness to make the transition. This condition can be experienced in a natural way. For example, enter it in the morning or after a short sleep in the afternoon. Practice it for a while. Observe all your sensations.
Step 4: Vibration

This is the second important part of the astral projection guide.
Many astral travelers have noted that such vibrations occur at the beginning of the projection. The vibrations feel like a slight tingling throughout the body, as if the electricity of a weak discharge permeates you completely and passes through the whole body.
The causes of such electrical discharges are a mystery. Perhaps this is a physical registration of the moment of leaving the astral body, that is, its exit from the physical, the moment of separation. Many of us experience similar sensations, for example, when we quickly fall asleep and suddenly feel some “shake”, a shudder of the physical body, from which we wake up.
How To Enter The Vibrational State?
Remove all jewelry or other items that touch your body, including headbands, bracelets, rings, chains.
Close the blinds on the windows for creating darkness in the room. But don’t block out all the light. Just make it dark enough.
Lie on your back. Do not cross arms and legs, lie straight. Attention: over the past year, the magnetic North has shifted towards Russia, so first specify its coordinates.
Before you begin to create an astral projection, ensure complete physical security. Warn loved ones not to disturb you, remove all possible sources of noise. You should not be disturbed by anyone or anything during the practice. Make sure there will be no noise, sudden phone calls, alarms, and other sounds.
Keep your eyes closed and step by step enter a state of complete relaxation.
Tell yourself that you will remember everything that will happen to you and your consciousness during the upcoming practice of creating an astral projection, and you will remember everything that will be useful for your experience. Repeat the intention in the formulated form three times.
Continue breathing slowly and calmly through your half-open mouth. Make sure that your jaw is relaxed.
While breathing, concentrate on the emptiness that is in front of your closed eyes.
Then start concentrating on a point 12 inches from the middle of your forehead. And then move it away, somewhere about 60 inches. Concentrate on this point again.
Rotate the point 90 degrees. Direction – up above the head along the axis of your body. Concentrate on that new point.
Mentally draw a line from the original point, which was 12 inches from the forehead, then to the remote point at 60 inches and to the new point. Imagine a new point vibrating. Start creating the same vibrations inside the body and stretch your vibrations to this point. Touch that point.
Return to your body.
The first experience will be weak, you may not even be able to understand what you experienced was vibrations. But, after the repeated performance, you will recognize the vibrations and will be able to feel them intensely.
Step 5: Vibration State Control
The next step of the astral projection guide is to learn how to control the vibrations. Mentally pass the vibrations through the head, through the whole body to the toes. Make the vibrations stay in the whole body at the same time and increase their strength. Create vibrational waves. Let the waves go from head to toe.
To create a wave effect, you need to concentrate the vibrations in your head, and then mentally push the wave down through your whole body. Practice over and over again. Your goal is to learn how to cause vibrations on command, adjust their strength and intensity.
Before you make your first astral projection, learn to control the vibrational state. When the goal is achieved, it means that you are ready for astral projection!
Step 6: Partial Separation

The key point of this step is thought control! Your goal is to keep your mind focused on the idea of leaving the body. It is necessary to forbid thoughts to wander. Your mind must remain static. The emergence of delusional thoughts often leads to a loss of control over the situation, and this, in turn, interferes with astral projection.
After you enter the vibrational state, start exploring the OBE (out-of-body experience). Get your experience outside of bodily existence!
Before you make an astral projection, learn to control yourself outside the body, first release the astral arm or leg from your physical body. If this is difficult to do, then try to stretch the limb until it reaches a familiar object, such as the wall next to you or the headboard. Then push the limb through this object. Put it back in place by placing it back in the physical shell. After that, reduce the oscillation frequency and stop the experiment. Lie still for a while after practice. You need to fully return to your physical body, to your reality. This exercise will prepare you for the full exit of the astral body.
Step 7: Exit The Astral Body From The Physical Body
There are different methods for performing the exit of the astral body from the physical body.
Method 1: “Lifting”
The essence of this method is to lift your astral body from the physical body. To do it, you need to think that you are becoming lighter and lighter. Find lightness after entering the vibration state. Mentally move yourself to float upward. Focus on this goal and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. In this case, the astral projection will happen naturally.
Method 2: “Rotation”
You can apply this method only after you have entered into a vibration state. After that, try to roll over, as if you are turning over in bed over your side on your stomach. There is no need to try to turn over your physical body. This should be done by your astral body!
Try to twist your body from the top and actually flip into the astral body right out of your physical body. If everything is done correctly, then you will find yourself as if outside the body, but next to it. Mentally force yourself to go upwards. Pull yourself up to the ceiling. At this point, you should be pushed to the ceiling and find yourself floating above the physical body facing it.
Method 3: “Rope”
Imagine a rope that hangs from the ceiling right above your body. Stretch out your astral arms towards it. You may feel dizzy, it’s normal. Now take the rope and focus on climbing up the rope.
The Bottom Line
Most astral travelers explore the physical world they know during their astral projections. However, there are limitless possibilities to explore during astral projections. When you are able to project into the Higher Astral plane you can even get access to the Akashic Records.
Moreover, during your astral projections, you can travel through time and space, and even communicate with other people (and sometimes with other astral projections), astral beings, build astral worlds, etc. All you need is consistent practice and you will discover many different ways to explore the Astral plane.
Hopefully, this astral projection guide was useful for you and very soon you will be able to start your own astral journey!