What are our thoughts? Do they exist independently of our mind with the ability to influence reality? Are they construct created by the mental and emotional faculties of our soul? If so, how do these abilities shape consciousness when creating thoughts? One idea from all these questions relates to a phenomenon known as “tulpa”. In this article, I will share with you some interesting information about tulpas, what they are and how they influence our reality.
In many world religions, mystical and esoteric traditions, there is a belief that as soon as a thought arises, it becomes a real entity that exists separately from the thinker. In this case, we are talking about a tulpa, a game of imagination or a truly autonomous entity that exists in the brain of the “master” who created it.
Tulpas have their own personalities, opinions, and actions that do not depend on the people that created them. They are conscious entities that are aware of themselves and the world they live in. A fully formed tulpa is a conscious and intelligent being created by the thought of a person – its master.
Tulpa is created by focusing on one thought and saturating that thought with intense emotions. This is how tulpas become something more than just mental energy. Created mental forms and tulpas exist in all spiritual realities and constitute the so-called imaginary Kingdom.
This imaginary Kingdom is the repository of the formations and energies of collective thinking. Thought-forms and tulpas can be experienced physically, but in most cases, they are perceived as phenomena. However, they exist as separate entities that manifest as physical formations.
What is Tulpa?
Tulpas are thoughtforms that originate in Tibetan Buddhism and the Bön religion. According to these traditions, tulpas are consciously created beings or objects. The word tulpa literally means “emanation” or “manifestation”.
There are many equivalents of tulpa in different religions and spiritual teachings. Some pagans believe that tulpas exist on the astral plane. They can appear on their own or be created by the effort of a person.
Thoughts and Tulpas

According to some theosophists, there are three kinds of thought-forms. The first kind takes the form of a thinker. The second one is the one that takes the image of a material object. The third one takes its own form expressing its inherent qualities. To this list may be added the fourth kind, which takes the collective thought-form known as the egregore. Although there are four different types of thought-forms, they have similar qualities.
Let’s take a closer look at each of these thought-forms.
1.Thought-forms that take a form of a thinker
In this case, the imagination of the thinker is concentrated on a thought that he/she is located somewhere in a different place. With an intense focus on this thought, people see themselves in a different place performing different actions. They have created a way of thinking about themselves that is separate from them, has autonomy and mental consciousness.
In some cases, other people may see and feel that person’s projection as a vision. Well known is the example of Padre Pio, who could be physically in a monastery and then project his thought-form in several different places. The people of those places could see him or smelled the roses that indicated his presence.
2. Thought-forms that take the image of a material object
Such thought-forms can be applied to a phenomenon called “doppelgänger” (doubles). In these cases, the double and the tulpa exist as separate physical objects.
3. Thought-form that takes its own form expressing its inherent qualities
Such a thought-form takes its own form entirely, expressing its inherent qualities in the surrounding environment. In this case, positive or negative thinking is projected into the person’s aura.
For example, when a mother asks angels or saints to protect her child she creates an angelic thoughtform using her concentrated thoughts along with energetic material of the aura of her child. The created thought-form penetrates into the aura of the child and remains there to avoid negative influences.
4. Collective thought-forms (Egregores)
There are lots of different egregores that people use for different goals. One of the most popular forms is religion egregore. I have to admit that religion egregores are ones of the most powerful egregores on this planet. Therefore you can often see how a simple prayer can be manifested into miracles.
Beings Created by Thought

In Western magical traditions, there are rituals of protection, which the magician uses to enhance and protect his/her auric field. In the late 1880s, the famous Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn used a special ritual known as The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram to create a strong aura field to protect the magician from intrusive influences.
By creating guardian angels and using the exorcism ritual, mental and astral bodies use the energy properties of the aura and surrounding energies to create a protective field as a positive thought-form.
Why Create a Tulpa?
Some of you may wonder – why do people create tulpas? What’s the point? You see, the process of creating a tulpa is very personal and each person may have his/her own reasons for doing this.
For some people creating tulpas is a journey of self-discovery or/and self-development tool. Others create tulpas for scientific and psychological breakthroughs. Some people do it for not being lonely. Others want to push the boundaries of reality as we know it.
The Bond
I should say that the most prevalent reason for creating a tulpa is the bond. Tulpa Creators tend to have incredibly close and personal relationships with their tulpas. A bond with one’s tulpa is usually extremely strong which is not surprising since tulpas know their creators intimately, understand them, and generally like and trust them. That allows them to understand their creators like no other person.
If you decide to open up to your tulpa it will have access to all your memories, your thoughts, reasons for doing things in the past that others wouldn’t understand. Some people are afraid of being disliked by their tulpas for what they can find in their memories or thoughts. Conversely, usually tulpas are very understanding of their creators and so they will understand why you did what you did in the past.
Another amazing quality of a tulpa is its ability to act as a controller of sorts for psychological processes. For example, if you have anger issues it can help you control your negative emotions and temper, and calm you down when you need it.
How to Create a Tulpa?
Think About Your Own Personality
Before you start creating your Tulpa you have to take a moment to really think about your own personality. Think about the qualities you would like to manifest that can help you to become a better version of yourself and open your potential.
Create an Image of Your Tulpa
Decide what your tulpa will look like. Many people like to draw their tulpas or let someone draw them. Before you start drawing, you should write down the description of your tulpa. Here are some questions that would be useful to answer before you start drawing the tulpa:
- is it a female or a male image?
- what are the qualities of the tulpa (female: calm, attentive, affectionate, patient, male: strong, persistent, protective, faithful)?
- is it a human, an animal, an alien?
- what is your tulpa’s eyes color? skin color? hair color?
- etc.
Try to be very specific with the qualities that are important for you.
Now that you have a basic description of your tulpa, you can start drawing it. Draw everything you can, walking style, different poses, and facial expressions. If you can’t or don’t want to draw, think about it and visualize it.

Meditate On Your Tulpa
Find a quiet place where no one bothers you. Sit down and relax. It is desirable that this is done in a comfortable chair, putting your feet on the floor and straightening your back.
Listen to your breathing and focus on it, slowly relaxing every part of your body.
Imagine yourself in a dream place or in a luminous space. While you are sitting in this magical world or space, visualize the outline of your tulpa image. It will be blurred first, but watch the process. At the same time concentrate on every detail of your tulpa’s image and make it real. This may take a long time, but be patient.
Once you can see your tulpa clearly in your mind, imagine how it walks, think about its overall walking style. Visualize how your tulpa is running, jumping, exercising and see how it reacts to certain actions. Keep in mind that this process can take up to a couple of hours each day. Continue until you get the result.
Communicate With Your Tulpa
Once you can clearly visualize your tulpa you can start communicating with it. You can talk to your tulpa mentally or aloud. The conversation will help your tulpa to develop, will teach it new words, emotions, and actions. Perform these actions until you hear that your tulpa can talk to you. It may seem strange at first, but it’s not crazy, it’s just that you’ve manifested your inner essence.
Accept the Change
I need to warn you about one interesting fact about tulpas. Usually, tulpas change something about themselves. Some people get scared of these changes or at the very least feel surprised. But I want to assure you that there is no reason to worry about it as long as both of you are content with it.
So why does a tulpa change? Well, the answer is pretty simple – a tulpa changes because it wants to! Always keep in mind that though you are a creator of your tulpa, it still has its own personality and independence. You have to respect that and accept the change.
The Bottom Line
It takes time for tulpas to develop convincing and complex personalities. As they grow older, your attention and their life experiences will shape them into entities with their own hopes, dreams, and beliefs. If you already decided that you want to make a tulpa, be sure to realize all the consequences and the responsibility that comes with it. Be consistent in spending time with your tulpa regularly. You have to remember that giving attention to your tulpa is very important since it leads to faster growth.
Look at this as a personal journey, and try to learn about yourself as you create your tulpa.
If you’re not sure whether you want to create a tulpa I would suggest not to do it and focus on guided meditations and visualization techniques instead.