Following the path of spiritual development, you increase the level of your energy and your aura radiates bright Light. So it attracts not only positive changes in your life but also negative attacks from negative entities and dark forces.
As you know, a third of life we spend in a dream. Religions and esoteric teachings pay attention to this fact. Many books are devoted to the ability to dreams interpretations, sleep management, and transfer of consciousness into the world of dreams.
When you’re following the path of spiritual development, the ability to control your subtle body during your sleep is vital.
In this article, I will share with you a very important topic that is dedicated to astral attacks while sleeping, as well as the most effective methods of protection.
Astral Body

In addition to the physical body of a person, there are also so-called subtle bodies. One of them is astral.
The astral body is connected with the emotional sphere of human life. It is the astral body that is responsible for human activity during sleep.
Your astral body is able to move away a considerable distance from the physical body and make the so-called astral journey. But don’t worry, in this case, the astral body does not lose connection with the physical body.
At the moment of sleep, when your physical body is resting, your astral body is leaving it for traveling into the metaphysical plane – the astral.
The more active and developed your astral body is, the “further” from the physical body it can travel.
Astral Worlds

The astral plane is infinitely more multidimensional than the physical world we are accustomed to. At the same time, the direction of time, gravity and other things we got used to in the physical world, don’t exist in the astral. The present and the future in the astral plane can exist simultaneously, and change in any direction.
It is interesting to note that the “astral plane”, as a matter of fact, is not an exact name. It would be more correct to say astral planes or astral worlds, because this is a multidimensional space, not like the physical world.
Moreover, different astral plans/worlds intersect with each other and are not “uninhabited”. Each astral world contains conscious and unconscious entities, plants, planets, galaxies, etc.
Every person regularly parts with his astral body during sleep. If a person does not see dreams at all or sees them rarely, there are two possible reasons can be: the undeveloped astral body or the inability to remember the information transmitted by the astral body during the journey.
The Purpose Of Astral Attack

Astral attacks while sleeping can be caused by astral entities and astral bodies of other people. For example, if a person experiences negative emotions towards you in real life, it is likely that his/her astral body makes astral attacks on you at night. Moreover, he/she may not even know what he/she does at night. Of course, there are cases, when people make these attacks consciously (for example, black magicians).
Astral attacks while sleeping usually pursue goals like:
- the abduction of energy;
- the weakening of the will;
- lowering aspirations;
- clouding of consciousness;
- changing the trajectory of the soul and the astral body;
- the destruction or weakening of the astral sheath;
- inducing fear or shock effect.
Signs Of Astral Attack

Here are the most common signs of astral attacks while sleeping:
- heavy sleep with a relatively light falling asleep;
- Acceleration of heart rate – tachycardia and, accordingly, a sharp increase in blood pressure. This feature is not mandatory but is quite common.
- often a feeling of negative premonition before going to bed;
- sensing of negative beings near you when you are on the verge between falling asleep and wakefulness;
- a feeling of fear, bewilderment, sometimes anger;
- As a rule, the dream during the astral attack is very realistic. You are aware that you are asleep, but it is either very difficult or impossible to make yourself wake up.
- Very often astral attacks in a dream are accompanied by profuse sweating.
- The usual time for astral attacks – 3-4 am and 5-6 am. Most people who have been astrally attacked wake up during this time.
- Awakening is accompanied by a complete loss of strength and exhaustion. Sometimes people are so exhausted they can’t even open their eyes. The body aches after the astral attack as if you had been doing hard physical work all night
The astral attack can be observed in the waking state.
One of the signs of such attacks is a sharp asymptomatic increase in body temperature to 37.5 – 38 C (99.5-100.4 F). The temperature of the head is usually 0.5 – 1 degree higher than the total body temperature. With this effect, redness of the face, a feeling of pulse in the temple or ear, headache are also often observed.
Types Of Astral Attacks While Sleeping
Let’s look at the most common types of astral attacks while sleeping.

1.Astral suffocation
During astral suffocation, it seems that you can not breathe, although there is no air in the earthly sense in the astral. Night suffocation is accompanied by complete or partial temporary paralysis of the throat center. Often there are thoughts of imminent death.
As a rule, such suffocations do not stop until you wake up and throw off the astral demon.
2. Astral pressure
Astral pressure resembles a directed hurricane wind that presses a person to the wall. Usually, it occurs either in the finale of the plot dream or in the morning without any external reason.
A person feels that he/she is under pressure from some undefined force.
3. Astral injection
This astral attack is experienced in the form of a short, burning sharp pain. This pain arises from approaching the aura and touching it by a negative entity from the subtle world. Such contact with the negative entities of the invisible world happens to every person much more often than we think.
The astral injection can occur not only during sleep but also in a state of wakefulness. If an astral injection occurs in a state of wakefulness, it causes a micro-shock accompanied by point pain. It seems that there was a sudden, rapidly passing pain in some part of the body or internal organs, although in fact, this is the astral body that hurts.
Such an astral injection is able to force you to make some movement. Moreover, the astral injection makes your subtle body shudder, so it begins to randomly rush about in search of a safe place. At this point, you may have a bad dream or suddenly wake up.
4. Astral voices
Astral voices themselves do not pose a serious threat. But in the general context of astral attack can be dangerous, especially if a person is too receptive to their words.
Especially dangerous when people begin to perform those commands that were heard in a dream. Such actions can destroy your life and drive you crazy. So, if you hear astral voices, then try to ignore them. This way you will save your mind from madness.
5. False dreams

False dreams alert you about a thread or push to some unnecessary actions. They do not carry a direct destructive energy blow that would threaten your integrity, pierce your aura or weaken the connection with the spiritual world. However, the acceptance of astral information, which is false in essence and not confirmed in reality, is a kind of blow, stretched in time.
Having received a false message about some troubles that should happen in the near future, a person loses emotional balance, spends large reserves of energy on waiting for an event that either does not occur or is attracted by persistent disturbing thoughts. All this leads to energetical and psychological injuries that draw energy from a person.
6. Nightmares with a storyline
This kind of nightmares represents the culmination of the entire astral negativity focused on you. If someone is trying to kill you or actually kills you in your dream, this is a kind of subtle blow.
Nightmares with a plot sequel and logical conclusion, basically, have a pronounced magical flavor that distinguishes them from amorphous and often meaningless nightmares. In “magic” nightmares a person purposefully gets beaten on the astral plane to affect his/her energy with an intention to ruin his/her health and entire life.
Methods Of Protection Against Astral Attacks
Now let me share with you the most powerful methods of protection that we can use against astral attacks.

30 minutes before bedtime, cleanse the energy of your bedroom with incense, sage, or Palo Santo. Burning incense, like burning sage or Palo Santo sticks, purifies the energy of the room, automatically reducing the number of astral attacks. Astral evil cannot stand the purified thin atmosphere and leaves it.
2. Essential oils
Place a bowl of water at the head of your bed, having previously dripped a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil or peppermint into it. This alone makes it impossible for night demons to stay in your bedroom.
3. Candles
30 minutes before bedtime, light a candle in the bedroom with the intention to cleanse the energy of the room. Live fire perfectly disinfects the energy of the room. If you do it regularly, the number of astral attacks on you is significantly reduced.
For safety reasons, do not sleep with a lighted candle!
4. Do not allow strangers to enter your bedroom
The teaching of Agni Yoga insists on this condition of the natural protection of the energy of the bedroom. The fact is that anybody, even a good person, carries a trail of energy, which does not necessarily resonate with your energy.
In addition, this trail may contain particles of impure energy, which is carried by everyone living in big cities and daily in contact with the aura of hundreds and thousands of people. All this, like the flu germs, will be brought into your bedroom, which will then facilitate the penetration of the lower astral entities to attack you and your loved ones.
5. Do not express negative emotions in the bedroom

It is also important not to quarrel in the bedroom with loved ones – with the spouse or/and children. If you have such a habit during the years of marriage and family life, it means that the energy of the place where you sleep (that is, spend a third of your life) is filled with negativity that facilitates the penetration of the lower astral. Scandals and quarrels destroy the natural protective shell of both you and your home.
6. Cleanliness and cosiness
Of course, all of the above tips will not fully work, if you do not take into account the cleanliness of your bedroom and the harmonious arrangement of furniture and decorative items there. Dirty untidy bedroom with unpleasant odors is a very harmonious environment for the stay of negative astral creatures.
Perhaps the most ominous role in facilitating the penetration of the lower astral bedroom, oddly enough, is played by dust. This is indicated by Agni Yoga, which recommends that everyone, especially among those who consider themselves aspiring to spiritual development and growth, should wipe all surfaces where dust may settle in the bedroom.
7. Prayer

Pray before going to sleep, trying to direct the subtle body to the highest Spheres. Set yourself the task of maintaining a clear waking consciousness while falling asleep and watching the whole process of entering your subtle body into the astral world.
8. Mindfulness
Sleep, in any case, does not mean the attenuation of consciousness and immersion in a certain unconscious state with a lack of memory. Even if the vast majority of humanity knows only this kind of sleep, a spiritually advanced person learns to fall asleep consciously and to control his subtle body during sleep.
Many teachings affirm the need to cultivate the ability to enter into sleep without losing wakefulness. Particular importance is attached to the state between sleep and wakefulness. It is believed that in this state a person is particularly exposed to contact with the Invisible world, on the one hand receiving messages (visions, images, instructions, energy) from a Higher Source, and on the other, becoming vulnerable to the blows of the lower astral.
The art of correct entry into sleep involves the preservation of complete self-control both at the time of entry into sleep and in the morning at the moment of awakening. This requires constant self-observation, clear self-awareness and tracking of all impressions. A person who falls asleep without trying to enter the world of dreams consciously, most likely, will not be able to protect himself from astral attack.
9. Get rid of the mirrors in the bedroom
If it is impossible to remove the mirrors from the bedroom, then at least try to close them during the night. If possible, also remove all reflective surfaces from the bedroom (such as a TV). The thing is that mirrors are portals to the astral worlds. Therefore it’s better to remove them if you want to prevent astral attacks while sleeping.
10. Dream diary

To reduce the number of astral attacks while sleeping, it is useful to consciously learn the experience of your own dreams. The spiritual journey involves the compulsory study of the symbolism of personal dreams, writing down any significant dreams in the diary with their subsequent mapping to real-world events, astrological and cosmic factors.
Write down all attacks in a dream, and then compare them with all earthly conflicts, and you will see a very instructive picture. Often cloudless relationships with some people on the external, physical plane of existence are actually in sharp contrast to the conflicts and wars that we are with them in a dream.
The more closely you study the dream experience with its positive and negative sides (primarily associated with astral attacks), the more powerful your defense will become.
Following all of the above tips and techniques will help minimize the risk of all possible astral attacks in your sleep.
Meditation To Increase Awareness During Sleep

This simple yet powerful meditation has helped many people to increase awareness during sleep and thus prevent astral attacks while sleeping. Try to perform it consistently and see how the quality of your sleep will gradually improve.
- Relax and enter a meditative state.
- Imagine that you will soon fall asleep. Mentally refer to Higher powers and ask for their support, energy, and protection while you sleep so you managed to send your subtle body in the highest spheres.
- Enter the state of maximum wakefulness and awareness and imagine that you fall asleep, but retain control of your astral body.
- Set the intention to fall asleep for the physical world and wake up for the subtle world.
- Imagine that by “waking up”, you gain a high degree of freedom and awareness in the subtle world and can freely fly, travel, climb into the high layers of the astral, create with your thoughts, and dissolve the negative mental images that you brought with you from earthly life.
- Live mentally in this meditative dream and try to feel completely confident, happy, conscious and protected in it. Then return from the world of sleep to the ordinary world, which can also be viewed as a kind of dream.
- Then try several times to move from the dreamy meditative state to the normal state of consciousness with your eyes closed, looking at the previous state as a form of sleep. This will help you get closer to the understanding of what true awakening is.
What To Do If You Experienced Astral Attack?

If astral attack took place do not stay in bed, trying in vain to fall asleep again. Take a cold shower instead. Your main focus should be to reduce the temperature of the body, particularly the head. In addition, the water washes away the residual negative energy. Then drink a few sips of water and open the windows in the bedroom. You can also use the incense/Palo Santo to cleanse the energy of the room.
The Bottom Line
Unfortunately, astral attacks while sleeping is a very common thing that happens every night with millions of people. Most people don’t want to think or talk about it thinking that it’s not important. But the thing is if you ignore it it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. You have to be honest with yourself and your feelings and admit the possibility of astral attacks that you may experience. In this case, you are aware of what’s going on and can defend yourself.