Did your friends mention that you have a superpower in discerning things? They probably don’t understand how you do it, and it’s also hard to explain because you just know it. Could you possibly be a claircognizant empath?
In this article, we explore the key character traits of Claircognizant Empaths and how to understand them better.
The Intuitive Sense
Humans have the five common senses namely, sight, smell, touch, taste, and sound. Some people, though, have an extra one called the intuitive sense. This sense has four classifications namely:
- Claircognizance: This is the inner knowing of an event without having prior knowledge.
- Clairsentience: This is a heightened form of empathy that involves receiving intuitive messages through emotions.
- Clairvoyance: It’s the ability to see visions, images, and symbols that are not visible to other people.
- Clairaudience: This is the psychic ability to hear sounds beyond the normal such as from the spirit world.
What Is Claircognizance?

It’s the ability to know things without understanding how you do it because it neither involves reason nor logic. It’s as if you have insider information about an event or outcome only that you don’t.
Please be warned, claircognizance is not to be confused with clairsentience. The latter involves actual feelings and hence knowing whatever you’re feeling to be accurate. Claircognizant empaths, on the other hand, have this inner knowing of things to be true without leaning on feeling, logic, or even reason.
So, what are some of the indications that you could be a claircognizant empath?
The 9 Signs You’re a Claircognizant Empath
Claircognizance manifests itself in different ways. Below are some of the most common:
1. Having insights into problems at unexpected times
Have you ever experienced something troubling you for a while, and then you decide to catch a wink? On waking up, you get a light bulb moment and voila! a solution to your problem.
It’s interesting, right?
So what really happens?
When we are sleeping, our logical part of the brain shuts off, and the gut takes over by providing a solution to your persistent problem. Sometimes you don’t have to take a nap to get results because sometimes you could be engaged in something, then suddenly an unrelated idea pops up in your mind.
Who knew that those aha moments would classify you as a claircognizant empath, huh?
2. You judge character accurately

Maybe they call you the character whisperer because you can tell when someone is dishonest be it with emotions or expressions. It’s something you can’t explain, and sometimes you know what somebody will say before they even finish speaking.
Sounds creepy, right?
It’s this consistent ability to detect insincerity that makes your friends and family be able to trust your views regarding people.
3. Correct prediction of events
Do you always know the outcome of a situation before it happens or even provides hints on how it will turn out?
If you do, welcome to the claircognizant empath family.
At times you could be watching a movie or even a TV show and be able to tell what the actor will say before they speak it. In another scenario, before you take a test, it’s possible to have the gut feeling of what you will score. Later, when the results are released, they will prove what you had in mind.
4. You think a lot and your mind is ever in a race
Ideas will tend to come to you automatically, but sometimes they keep you up at night, and you have to write them down. At the same time, you have a longing to share the insights. This could be because you’re deeply curious and have a desire to unpack complex issues.
For instance, if you’re self-employed, you get numerous ideas, or even as a creative, you are a never-ending source of proposals.
5. Problem-solving ignites a fire within
You love figuring things out, and people always seek your opinion, be it work-related or personal stuff. In addition, you do a lot of analytical thinking and help people find solutions when they are stuck.
6. Books are your best friends

Claircognizant Empaths naturally love reading a lot since it encourages mental stimulation and also strengthens their writing abilities. In case you need to learn something, books or any other written material are always your go-to resource.
7. You write for a living
Did you know that you could be a claircognizant empath if you’re good with words?
Yes, it’s true! You can either be doing it for a living or for recreation such as journaling. What matters is the frequency of putting down the words.
Writing bonds well with relying on books for research since most writers are readers too. That could be the source of the multitude of ideas that keep you awake at night, right?
8. You have a great sense of direction

If you are not working out logistics, your friends are paying you compliments on how easily you navigate new places. Maybe you have also noticed that your colleagues come to you for directions. This is a strong character trait in this family of empaths. Moreover, it’s a good sign, so kindly embrace it.
And finally…
9. You have an enviable memory
You can remember things in great detail due to your photographic memory. This helps you in analytical thinking, and as a result, the ability to make sound decisions.
So what does all this mean?
If you have said yes to most of the above statements, then you’re no doubt a natural claircognizant empath. Each one of us is gifted differently, and being authentic will never be outdated.
You don’t have to feel like a weirdo every time you make an inference that turns out to be true. Pick yourself up and dust off the self-doubt. Look yourself in the mirror and make peace with that person looking back at you. Embrace the claircognizant empath you are.
Maybe the big question is, can you handle it?