Can empaths use their sensitivity to impact positive change in others? Of course, yes! As an empath, you have a rare gift. You see the bigger picture from a compassionate perspective. People who are suffering always grab your attention, evoking a strong urge to help them. In addition, you and Mother Nature have a special bond. Indeed, empaths can be the best leaders the universe can ever get. But, how do you ensure your vulnerability never gets the best of you in the process? By living as an empowered empath!
And how do you become empowered? These are the 10 key steps.
10 Steps to Becoming Empowered Empath
Step 1: Understand Yourself
Before any attempts to approach anyone in need of help, understand how you tick. By doing so, you will create a shield around you from any negativity that comes your way. For example, do you know how you became an empath? What circumstance brought out this genetic trait in you?
Understanding yourself is also about knowing your limits. How much criticism or negativity can you take in a day without turning it into self-harm? Once you have this step in check, then you’ll have a solid foundation toward becoming an empowered empath.
Step 2: Heal Yourself Before You Heal Others

Think about the circumstance that made you realize you were an empath. Did you ever get past it? For example, if it was the loss of a loved one in a tragic accident, have you now forgiven, or are you still holding on to the grudge against the perpetrator?
As an empath, you ought to be healthy to impact health in others. Seek healing to all the scars you are carrying. Otherwise, you risk becoming a manipulator. You don’t want to base your actions on an urge to seek validation and approval from the world.
Step 3: Give Your Interests a Priority
Empaths know that they see and feel the world differently. They always put others before them. Hence, you must be proactive in looking after your own interests. For example, you ought to choose a profession that is not all about making money. Instead, find a career that allows you to make a positive impact on others and yourself too. For, empaths’ self-realization is not always measured by how much money they make.
Step 4: Be Clear From The Start
Now, empaths tend to internalize other people’s distresses. They are like a sponge that will take in all the energies around them, whether good or bad. But, what if this porous sponge gears itself to absorb only the type of substances that are beneficial to it? For sure, that is what empowered empaths do. They decide what works for them. Then they develop coping mechanisms to counter conflicting energies around them. That way, they live their lives with a central bearing to bring them back in check whenever they deviate.
Step 5: Understand Your Surroundings
Usually, what influences an empaths moods and feelings is in the surrounding yet out of sight. Such an environment makes empaths to experience mood swings. However, when you understand your surroundings, you can be more prepared to deal with it.
Sieve your surroundings for the things that will affect you. For example, if you know crowds overwhelm you, opt for a taxi instead of a bus or train. If you fear darkness, ensure you are home by sunset.
Step 6: Counter The Negative Energy By Radiating Positive Vibes

Picture this; you are in the hospital visiting a loved one, and all the sad vibes around you are making you feel sick yourself. Or, you are attending a funeral, and you can’t seem to get the grief feeling off your chest. It seems to take a sweeping toll on you.
How do you react to these scenarios as an empowered empath? By trying to find the positives in every tough situation.
For example, in the hospital, you can start by taking your loved one out of the ward to the play area or garden. While there, reminisce about the former times when his health was better. In a funeral, try and give hope to the bereaved. Let them know that the dark cloud will pass, and they will find ways to cope with the loss. This is your way of practicing emotional hygiene.
Step 7: Learn to Shake Off Your Mistakes
So, you’ve not gotten the scholarship you were working very hard to get. Or, you missed the sale when all the leads were in your favor. Learn from these mistakes and move on. As hard as it seems, empaths who forgive themselves more often also forgive others. Hence, they learn not to hold grudges that drain all aspects of their lives.
Step 8: Have Realistic Expectations
An empathic leader, learn to accept others the way they are. For, you may demand perfection where it is almost impossible. Then, you’ll end up with regrets and turn the failure towards yourself. Know that what you see as success may not be that important to the other person.
Step 9: Trust Your Instincts
Empaths have a rare gift of hindsight for both good and adverse events in their lives. Use this gift to stay clear of any misfortunes that are about to happen. For example, do you have a hunch that you are in love with a narcissist? Observe the tell-tale signs early to avoid emotional abuse.
Step 10: Empower Fellow Empaths

Finally, as an empowered empath, connect with other like-minded people in your community. Do you have empaths that are victims of narcissistic abuse? Form support groups where they can start their healing process. This way, you can help other empaths embrace their unique traits. Create an environment where you can mingle surrounded by positive vibes. It also gives you a chance to flourish.
Empowered empaths are a power to reckon in the universe. They use their sensitive nature to be understanding and compassionate to others. It is a breeze of fresh air in a world full of people dealing with anger, depression, stress, and frustrations. Take proactive steps to understand who you are. Guard your vulnerability by setting clear boundaries on how to interact with others. Ascertain that your intuition is always right. And, if possible, have an avenue where you can nurture other empaths.