We live in an unprecedented time when it’s hard to feel safe and protected. What seemed to be solid and stable yesterday, feels unsafe and fragile today. The world economy, health systems, and even jobs and schools don’t provide us with a sense of security anymore. Along with that traditional beliefs and old systems are so shaky that it seems like that they can collapse anytime. This is all a big lesson that’s teaching us how to look beyond the material and see the spiritual support and guidance despite the chaos. It is only when we reconnect with the Divine within us can we make sense of what’s really happening in the world. Therefore, in this article, we want to share with you a very powerful protection mantra for emergency help that will assist you on your spiritual journey and create a sense of spiritual safety and stability during the turbulent times we live in.
Sacred chants in Sanskrit can make miracles for those who consistently practice them because they are a powerful appeal to Divine energy. And one of the most powerful keys to this is the mantra Om Mahadevaya Namaha, an appeal to the Absolute.
How Does Protection Mantra Work?
The protection mantra is a powerful tool you can use in difficult and dangerous situations when you feel hopeless. The sacred sounds of the mantra are endowed with a special power that gives you energy and strength to protect yourself from negative energy, evil eye, people with bad intentions and even save your life in a dangerous situation.
The protection mantra has the power to change the negative vibration of the situation by neutralizing them. By pronouncing the sacred sounds of protection mantra you’re expressing your trust in the Universe and Highest Powers to solve your problem in the most harmonious way.
Shiva Protection Mantra
Now let’s take a look at what Om Mahadevaya Namaha means.
The literal translation of the mantra is:
“OM” — the original sound of the cosmic vibration, the root cause of everything that exists. Being a Maha-bija mantra (“maha” – great,” bija “– seed), it repeatedly enhances the energy and effect of mantras.
“MAHA” — translates as “Great”.
“DEVA” — translates as “God/Lord”.
“NAMAHA” — can be translated as ‘I respectfully bow/greet/humbly trust/worship/thank you’.
Who Is Mahadev?

Mahadev is one of the principal deities of Hinduism, also known as Shiva.
Lord Shiva is revered and glorified all over the world, his image occupies an honorable place in many philosophical and religious movements around the world. According to the authoritative Indian researcher R.N. Dandekar, Shaivism (recognition of Shiva as the Supreme Deity) is the oldest of the currently existing religions of the civilized world. A number of researchers believe that yoga was precisely the pre-Aryan heritage associated with the cult of Shiva.
Shiva represents the cosmic consciousness, the static masculine principle of the Universe (Purusha). He is in union with Shakti (Prakriti), which symbolizes the dynamic material beginning of the Universe and embodies its creative energy.
Shiva is the key deity in the philosophy of Hinduism, where he is recognized as part of the supreme Divine triad — Trimurti. According to classical Hindu philosophy, our universe exists due to three Divine aspects: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Brahma is perceived as the creator of the universe, Vishnu is the deity responsible for maintaining life, and Shiva is revered as its destroyer.
Mahadev manifests himself in the most difficult situations, supports life, protects the Dharma, brings order to the universe, destroys illusions, and gets rid of obscurations. Shiva is the Supreme God, and both the Gods (Devas) and the Asuras worship him equally.
His mind is calm and unshakable, like Mount Kailash, his heart is filled with the greatest compassion. Lord Shiva himself, unlike other Deities, constantly performs his sadhana, staying in deep meditation, and also helps spiritual seekers on their spiritual path. His protection makes a person almost invulnerable.
How to Practice Protection Mantra?

First of all, you need a quiet atmosphere so that no one distracts you from chanting.
The second important condition is the inner attitude and firm belief in the power of the sacred sound.
The third thing to pay attention to is the correct posture. Ideally – the basic yoga asana – Lotus position. However, you can just sit comfortably on the mat. The main thing is to keep your back straight.
First, chant the mantra along with the audio recording. When you learn the proper pronunciation of the Sanskrit words, you can start chanting without audio recording.
When chanting, listen to your own voice and feel how your body reacts to the sound. Count the number of repetitions. It should be 108 times. For your convenience use mala beads with 108 beads.
To enhance the effect of mantra chanting use visualization. For protective purposes, it’s good to imagine an energy shield around you that is reflecting all the negativity. You can also visualize Shiva and His protective shield.
After mantra chanting practice, stay in a meditative state so that the results are fixed. Also, it’s essential to tell gratitude to Shiva for His love and protection.
The Bottom Line
The law of concentration says: “you become what your attention is constantly directed to”. By practicing the protection mantra, a spiritual seeker seeks to achieve unity with Mahadev, cultivating the qualities of a Great Lord in himself. Once you make the protection mantra chanting practice a part of your daily routine, you will face far fewer troubles and danger. The positive vibrations of your aura will not resonate with negative people, toxic environments, and dangerous situations, therefore you will stop facing them.