We all love a good compliment now and then and we love to compliment others. But have you ever stopped to think about how often your compliments are based solely on appearance? In this article, I want to talk about non-physical compliments that are not used too often, however, it is such compliments that can contribute to the higher form of conscious communication. I believe that if we shift our focus from a physical appearance to the unique qualities that each of us has, we can build a more conscious society that recognizes not just the body but also the soul and the spirit of the individual.
Let me explain what I mean by that.
What’s Wrong With the Compliments That Are Based On Physical Appearance?
Of course, there is nothing wrong with physical compliments, and especially what woman doesn’t enjoy a compliment from their husband or partner. The problem comes about when we begin to believe that our physical appearance is our most important attribute as a woman and our primary expression of femininity.
I don’t know about you but to me, to be admired only for my appearance is no admiration at all. It’s objectification that shows me that my spiritual and intellectual qualities are not being recognized and my personality is being reduced to the level of my physical appearance. Mere things display the entirety of their value on the surface. We can look at a piece of jewelry and say it’s pretty, or a coffee table and think it’s cute, and have that be all that it is. Some people even refer to cars as sexy.
However, we need to remember that humans are complex beings with layers of interesting details, distinctive qualities, and unique experiences. Therefore, to reduce the worth of a woman to only what she looks like is not really a compliment. Although, there are women who are fine with that I find that it is becoming increasingly important to elevate our consciousness and understanding around the expression of the divine feminine.
Women have been taught to revel in the attention of men. Men have been taught that we should be flattered by their attention. Even, in the conscious community, some women are being objectified not just by men but even by themselves. They may use the term “sexual expression” or “sexual freedom” whereas it is still another word for “sexual objectification”. You see, sexual energy has nothing to do with your physical body. You’re not releasing this energy by showing naked parts of your body but rather you’re wasting it.
We are multi-dimensional beings and our physical expression is not only the densest form of expression we have but also the most temporal. As awakening conscious beings who desire to fully participate in the unfolding of our own spiritual evolution, we must begin to put more focus on the higher expressions of femininity while simultaneously honoring our physical form.
Be the Change

I’m not really blaming men for seeing women in a certain way, and, in reverse, I’m not blaming women for seeing their bodies as tools for getting attention. It’s not really that important who started that and why. But you can be the one who can start changing this perspective.
No matter if you are a man or a woman, you can start using non-physical compliments to draw people’s attention to other qualities of themselves and others rather than focus on their looks. By giving non-physical compliments you can help people to recognize their spiritual nature, their unique energy, and the vibrations that they radiate. When we start appreciating such things and let people know that this is what we really value in them, it will make a big shift in the collective conscious.
I don’t speak for all people — just myself and those like me who wish to be viewed as all that we are.
I get it though – it may be difficult or awkward to think of compliments that aren’t about physical appearance because, for many of us, that’s all we really know. Therefore, I have created a list of non-physical compliments that may inspire you to focus on deeper things when you compliment someone.
I don’t know about you, but I personally would much rather receive any of these non-physical compliments than “you look pretty” or “you are so sexy”.
Non-Physical Compliments
- The world needs more people like you.
- You inspire me.
- I love how you see the world.
- It’s easy to be myself around you.
- You bring out the best in me.
- I admire how open-minded you are.
- The world would be a better place if everyone had an ounce of your compassion.
- You have a beautiful soul.
- The way you support and serve others is so inspiring.
- You inspire me to be a better person.
- I am proud of you.
- You make me feel comfortable to be myself.
- I constantly learn from you.
- You’re really going to make a difference in the world someday.
- It’s obvious you put a lot of work into this.
- Your kindness is beautiful.
- You have a really refreshing perspective.
- I love how you speak your mind.
- You inspire me to show up authentically.
- I never get tired of being around you.
- Your dedication to self-growth is inspiring.
- I feel like I can tell you anything.
- You are a good friend.
- I always feel awesome after talking to you.
- You are so good at being creative.
- Your light shines so brightly.
- I admire how you stand up for your beliefs.
- You are truly making a difference.
- The way you treat others is invaluable.
- You are a ray of sunshine.
- I love how vulnerable and authentic you are.
- You have amazing communication skills.
- I admire how honest you are.
- You always make me feel seen, heard, and understood.
- I can be totally relaxed with you.
- Your vulnerability is powerful.
- I look up to you.
- You are an incredible friend.
- I love how you follow your heart.
- You are one of the bravest people that I know.
- I admire how deeply you feel.
- You are such a good listener.
- The way you speak to people with kindness is heartwarming.
- You restore my faith in humanity.
- I never feel judged by you.
- You always speak with gentleness.
- I love your creativity and ability to create such beautiful things.
- The way you treat people is beautiful.
- You have a calming presence.
- I admire your resiliency in the face of everything you’ve been through.
- Your presence fills the room.
- I love your confidence.
- You are so understanding.
- I admire your independence. You’re not afraid to pave your own path and speak your mind.
- You are kindness personified. From your actions to your words, there is so much kindness in you.
- The time we spend together means a lot to me.
- You have a great personality.
- Knowing you makes my life better.
- Your passion is contagious.
- You always have the best ideas.
- I love the way your mind works.
- You’re one of the most intelligent people I know, so I can totally rely on your opinion.
- I admire your integrity.
- You always give the best advice.
- Your tenacity boggles my mind.
- You are so talented at what you do. I know you may not get the praise you deserve, but I see your talent.
The Bottom Line
Modern society has taught us to appreciate purely physical/material things. It is a challenge to start seeing people beyond their physical form and embrace new values. But I believe that only when we start showing people that our values about them lay beyond their looks and material possessions they have, can we move a step closer to the soul consciousness. I pray that in the future people will stop spending thousands of dollars on plastic surgeries and expensive clothes just to get the attention and start investing their energy in developing the qualities that will move them closer to the Divine.