Who is on your friends’ list? Can you refer to any of them as your soul friend? See, today’s global village way of life makes us refer to strangers as our friends for the sake of associating with them on social media. You know, some even call each other frenemies. Yet, true friends, let alone soul friends share an interpersonal bond that grows over time. They are honest, loyal, available, and understanding. More so, they are the people who will check on you, ensuring you are not lonely or living in isolation.
So, who is your soul friend?
The Definition
A soul friend can be a friend, lover, sibling, spouse, or anyone else that you share with feelings of deep affinity. Think of it as having one soul in two separate bodies. Hence, the friendship cuts across all aspects of your lives and is never based on monetary or sexual gain. Indeed, it is a platonic tie, way beyond a sexual relationship or loyal friendship.
Importance of Soul Friendships

When you discover your soul mate friend, you keep each other lively and vital regardless of your circumstances. This friend becomes your spiritual sidekick, nourishing your soul with love and encouragement always. A true soul friend is with you through your darkest nights and brightest days.
Recognizing your soul friend early will benefit you in many ways:
- You get an affirmation of how strong and resilient you are, boosting your self-confidence
- Now, you can let go of any limiting beliefs you have due to childhood traumas to live a more fulfilling adult life
- A soul friend helps you discover your purpose in life and supports your life journey unconditionally
- Soul friends make a conscious effort to pursue soul growth, attaining a state of peace for a better life
Signs You Found Your Soul Friend
Then, how do you know that you have met your soul friend? Here are 8 distinct ways to do so.
#1: You Count On Each Other

Soul friends count on each other for protection, moral support, and getting an energy boost whenever they feel low. More so, a soul friend will: –
- Be brutally honest with you
- Stick around even after a heated argument
- Offer immediate help to help you prepare for your career breakthrough meeting
- Take you in and offer you a shoulder to cry on when your home or family is falling apart
- Be your wingman or woman as you explore new territories
- Know what to do when you are having a bad day
- Be your partner in crime when you need to get your hands dirty on some backlog
- Never judge your bad decisions, but lets you know if you made a mistake
#2: Forgiveness Comes Naturally
How many times do you have to forgive your friend? Or, are you the type who says, “I thought you were my friend”? Soul friends share lots of memories; ups and downs that they learn to tolerate each other’s flaws. Likewise, a soul friend will not take advantage of the other’s kindness to hurt them. Instead, they overlook offenses for the sake of their friendship.
#3: Mutual Trust

Your soul friend is the type of person you can trust with your life, literally. Hence, soul friends will:
- Set and respect their boundaries
- Keep their word
- Maintain integrity in all their interactions
- Adopt a straightforward and consistent behavior towards each other
- Keep confidential things between themselves
Mutual trust allows soul friends to share intimate details about their past knowing the other person is a reliable confidant.
#4: Soul Friends Practice Effective Communication
When soul friends converse, they are in tune with one another. Hence, one of them may not agree with what the other is saying but will listen actively all the same. In contrast, most frenemies tolerate the friendship for as long as it suits them. Hence, they are guilty of selective listening. Hence, most soul friendships are free of drama, frustrating compromise, or misunderstandings.
#5: No Topic is Too Taboo

Soul friends talk about anything and everything. It is a two-way sharing of ideas, ensuring both friends benefit. Hence, think of a person you term as your soul friend. Then, think of an issue that is too uncomfortable for you. It can be your childhood scars, stereotypes that you do not agree with, or opinions on politics, same-sex marriages, or spirituality. Can you raise and discuss it with this friend? A soul friend will respect your opinions and not judge you afterward.
#6: Find the Best in You
We all have aspects about our bodies, careers, or lifestyle that we feel inadequate about. It could range from those who feel not beautiful, handsome, intelligent, or rich enough to those who fear losing control when under pressure. Yet, soul friends have a flipped perspective on this. They choose to see and remind each other of their best traits. For example, when recovering from substance abuse, a soul friend will remind you how you battled and won depression, ensuring you put up a spirited fight. This conscious relationship helps soul friends to care for one another when the other is feeling low.
#7: All Criticism is Constructive
Soul friends weigh their words when they want to criticize each other. That is, they consider the other person’s emotional wellbeing, and are out to find solutions, not just identify a problem. In contrast, negative criticism leaves one of the friends feeling superior to the other.
#8: Life is Unimaginable without Your Soul Friend
Finally, before we discover our soul friends, life seems quite normal. Then, the soul friend comes along; all of a sudden you cannot imagine a life without them. Most soul friends have never thought of a time when they will have to part ways. Indeed, soul friendship makes the soul buddies feel incredibly full.
Despite the devalued way that today’s generations refer to friendships, soul friends do exist. When you find one, cherish him or her. Use the above signs to pinpoint them from your group of purported friends. That way, you have a life companion.