The total Lunar eclipse will occur on Sunday, May 15th. In this article, I will share what we can expect from this time according to Vedic Astrology (Jyotish). Also, I will share with you what opportunities are hidden in this eclipse and what we can do to neutralize its negative influence on us.
When Is The Full Lunar Eclipse 2022?
A Lunar eclipse takes place when the Earth, sun, and moon align in a way that causes the Earth to cast a shadow onto the moon, making the moon appear reddish.
The Moon is expected to enter the penumbra at 9:31 p.m. EDT on May 15th (6:31 p.m. PDT) and leave it at 2:52 a.m. EDT on May 16th (11:52 P.M. PDT on May 15th). The eclipse peak will be at 12:14 a.m. EDT (9:14 p.m. PDT).
The total Lunar eclipse will be visible across much of North America (except in northwestern regions), South America, Western and Central Europe, and much of Africa (except the extreme eastern part). If you live in these parts of the world, take security measures against the eclipse (described below), and do NOT look at the eclipse.
The Full Moon Eclipse from Vedic Astrology Perspective
According to Vedic Astrology (Jyotish), lunar nodes – Rahu and Ketu – take part in the eclipse. By their nature, lunar nodes are formless clumps of unfavorable energies. They can be compared in some ways with points of radioactive energy. Radiation is invisible, but its consequences are known to everyone.
However, from the perspective of Vedic Astrology, such eclipses are not harmful in the literal sense of the word for our physical bodies, but they instead affect our inner world. Solar eclipses affect our consciousness and subconscious, and lunar eclipses affect our mind and psyche.
To understand how the upcoming Lunar eclipse will affect us, we need to understand the nature of the Moon from the perspective of Vedic Astrology.
The moon supports our mental calmness and clarity of mind. Therefore, three days before and three days after the eclipse, we can usually see an increase in quarrels and conflicts. People become more aggressive and intolerant. As a result, accidents, violent acts, and terrorist attacks may happen.
Mentally, the number of fears and emotions increases. At the physical level, the moon can manifest its effects in disturbances in the lymphatic and circulatory systems and aggravate lung problems. The moon is also associated with water. Therefore, there may be dysfunctions of fluid metabolism and hydro balance in the body. In addition, a lunar eclipse can create problems with water transport. And also, there is a possibility of threats from water, such as floods, tsunamis, storms, etc.
The main effect of the eclipse appears in life with a delay of 6 or 18 months after the eclipse. Therefore, it is essential to monitor your thoughts and desires at the moment of the eclipse.
The Full Moon In Vishakha Nakshatra

The eclipse takes place in the constellation Scorpio. Scorpio is a very karmic sign that requires you to reconsider your views, mindset, habits, and behavior. This eclipse may reactivate your unsolved problems, karmic debts, and life lessons. Any past issues may surface during this time. You may also experience a sudden sadness or an unexplained feeling of void.
According to Vedic astrology, the lunar eclipse takes place in the lunar mansion of Vishakha Nakshatra. Let’s take a closer look at this lunar mansion and what kind of energy it represents.
Vishakha is the Jupiter-ruled nakshatra. This nakshatra motivates people to explore and discover the truth of things.
The nature of Vishakha nakshatra is Sattva. Sattva represents the energy of balance and harmony. It promotes life, energy, health, and contentment. The Full moon in Sattva is balancing, harmonizing, and spiritualizing force. The energy of the Moon in this guna manifests itself very gently. Its influence is favorable to our minds and feelings. Thus Sattva guna slightly mitigates the impact of the eclipse.
The power of Vishakha nakshatra is the ability to manifest and achieve. However, during the eclipse, it’s wise to focus on the spiritual aspect of manifesting by performing mantras, meditations, and other spiritual practices. Focus on improving your karma via prayer rather than visualizing the material goods you want to attract. This will “fertilize the soil” of your karma so that you can “plant the seeds of your intentions” in it later.
Health-related Issues
Vishakha nakshatra may cause abdominal pains, bladder infections, uterine cysts, vertigo, blockage of pancreatic ducts, problems with kidneys, hemorrhoids, bladder wall inflammation, enlarged prostate, weakness of arms, and problems with the rectum and pancreas.
Sutak: Particularly Unfavorable Time
Sutak is an exceptionally unfavorable time before the eclipse. It begins 9 hours before the peak of the eclipse. During this time, the most destructive energy accumulates in the Earth’s atmosphere.
Count down 9 hours from the beginning of the eclipse in your region — this is the beginning of an unfavorable period. Note that Sutak is even more unfavorable than the eclipse itself.
Do not schedule any important things for this time. Observe a feasible fast to mitigate the impact of the eclipse. Oil massage, drinking water, combing hair, brushing teeth, and being involved in sexual activities are not recommended during this time.
Recommendations for the Lunar Eclipse

This Lunar eclipse will have a significant impact on everyone. We will experience a release from restraining factors, and new life changes will begin. This is the time when one period ends, and the next comes.
The eclipse will karmically scan each of us and reveal our debts. We need to be prepared to face any consequences of our past actions. Performing the practices described below will help us soften the karmic lessons and align ourselves to the rhythms of our planet and the Universe.
Here are some essential recommendations for this Lunar eclipse based on ancient teachings:
- put thoughts and emotions in order;
- practice mindfulness;
- do not get provoked by others;
- show more love for yourself and others;
- Let go of everything that doesn’t serve you anymore – toxic relationships, old connections, negative thought patterns, bad habits, etc. Clear space for the new chapter of your life;
- DO NOT observe the eclipse and DO NOT leave the house during the eclipse hours (keep your blinds/curtains closed);
- DO NOT start new projects, cases, or transactions during this time. The moon causes emotional instability. Therefore, anything new started during this time will not work out. There is also a significant risk of various mistakes and miscalculations;
- postpone trips, if possible;
- DO NOT eat at least 3 hours before and after the eclipse (ideally would be fasting 9 hours before and after the eclipse);
- avoid crowded places;
- DO NOT eat food that is exposed to the eclipse. Make sure you cook fresh food after the eclipse;
- postpone physical activity;
- DO NOT perform psychic readings or hypnosis during the eclipse time;
- DO NOT make big purchases;
- STAY AWAY from any arguments, conflicts, or unpleasant talks;
- donate;
- DO NOT plan a wedding on this day;
- if possible, postpone your cosmetologist or dental appointment.
By following these simple recommendations, you will be able to avoid the negative influence of a lunar eclipse. To make it easier to get through the eclipse:
- take a shower before and after the eclipse or, at least, wash your face and hands. Water is the element of the Moon. Therefore, it’s a perfect way to align yourself with its energy;
- meditate during the eclipse;
- read prayers or chant mantras.
The lunar eclipse will affect us especially strongly during the three days: May 14th, 15th, and 16th. But we can start seeing its effect 1-2 weeks before the actual eclipse. We can also keep noticing its influence for about 1-2 weeks after the eclipse.
Mantras For Lunar Eclipse
These mantras will help you neutralize the Lunar eclipse’s negative influences and align yourself with the cosmic energies and the Divine plan. You can chant these mantras during the eclipse or listen to them.
#1: Om Som Somaya Namah
#3: Mahamrityunjaya Mantra
#4: Om Namah Shivaya
#5: Om Dum Durgaye Namaha
The Bottom Line
Any eclipse is a reboot of humanity’s deep state. Eclipses can be compared to the “Reset” button on a computer when the only way to get the computer working again is to restart it. Therefore, we should be mindful of the importance of the role of eclipses in our lives because this is our chance to “reset” our consciousness and our lives.
It is very beneficial to work with subconscious programs during the eclipse time. It is better to write down all those qualities you would like to transmute in advance. During the first half of the eclipse and at its peak – in meditation, mentally transmute them into the positive qualities you would like to have. After the peak of the eclipse, mentally say those positive qualities and absorb them into the body in meditation. This practice is simple but very effective.
Also, remember that each eclipse is a powerful opportunity for us to purify our karma and evolve spiritually. This is an excellent time for our personal and collective evolution that carries tremendous potential for humanity and the planet.