Did you know that listening to certain musical tones repeatedly can have a positive medical effect, especially on your vital organs? Simply put, music is food for the soul. And while some tunes make you irritable, others soothe you to more profound imagination or restful sleep. Why is this so? A scientist by the name of Dr. Joseph Puleo discovered this phenomenon. What we now call Solfeggio Frequencies. Out of these came the Meditation Frequencies Chart, which we apply to transcend in our meditation with minimum resistance. We will explain how, but first;
A Little History
Documented in the King James Bible, in the book of numbers, Gregorian Monks were said to use these frequencies when they chanted in their meditation. Dr. Joseph Puleo Rediscovered them in 1974.
Meditation Frequency Chart Analysis
There are nine Solfeggio Frequencies with a series of six repetitive codes deduced from the verse in Latin as follows:
With loosened voices, your servants may (Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris)
UT – 396 Hz and RE – 417 Hz
396 transforms grief into joy and guilt into forgiveness, while 417 removes and clears subconscious blockages and negativity while preparing you for the future.
Resound your wonderful deeds (Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum)
MI – 528 Hz and FA – 639 Hz
528 stimulates love and restores equilibrium. It is also responsible for miracles and DNA repair. 639 strengthens family and community relationships.
Lose the guilt from our stained lips (Solve polluti Labii reatum)
SOL – 741 Hz and LA – 852 Hz
741 is a toxin cleanser. It awakens your natural instincts and awakens your intuition. On the other hand, 852 helps restore spiritual balance, inner strength, and stability.
Saint John (Sancte Iohannes)
The Other 3 Frequency Combinations Based On the Same Pattern
174 – makes you more grounded, which calms you down and gives you more trust.
285 – this works on your subconscious mind to revive your beautiful memories and visualize your goals.
963 – activates your energy to concentrate on your third eye.
Nikola Tesla, the electrical engineer, physicist, and inventor, also knew this secret. He referred to the numbers 3, 6, and 9 as the numbers holding the key to the universe. And these are the three numbers we see above forming the root vibration of the Meditation Frequencies Chart.
What Is the Importance of the Meditation Frequencies Chart?

#1: They Help Deal with Fear and Loss
We all have our fears in life. An easier way to overcome them is by tuning into 396 or 417 Hz during meditation. If you combine this with intentional chanting and mantras, slowly, your fears will start leaving your subconscious mind. You can tune into 528 Hz for clarity, peace, and DNA healing to occupy this empty thought space.
#2: Relieving Pain and Tension
174 HZ frequency is fundamental in pain management. You feel very relaxed as you control your breathing and drift off to quiet meditation. Consequently, the healing frequencies will relax your muscles, reducing tension and pain.
Combining this with the miracle frequency, 528 Hz, you start experiencing total DNA healing, eliminating other underlying medical conditions.
#3: Enhancing Safety, Energy, and Survival
Frequency 285 Hz is linked to the root chakra. Located at the bottom of your spinal cord, the root chakra is the primal energy center. It draws energy from the universe and aligns you with it. Therefore, depending on what frequencies you’re emitting, you get them back in multiples.
For this reason, it’s essential to always keep your root chakra in mint condition for your safety and survival because you attract what you think in your mind.
#4: We Get to Achieve Better Inter-Personal Relationship
As we meditate, the frequency 639Hz can improve our relationships. You not only get to work on yourself and your emotions, but you can also tune in to other people’s emotions. Consequently, you love better and more profound without fear of being hurt.
To further enhance this virtue, you tune into problem-solving 741 Hz frequency, which allows your mind to diversify. You can discover various solutions and new ways of self-expression. Consequently, you think freely.
The Steps to Using the Meditation Frequencies Chart

As with any other guided meditation, the first step is to find a quiet and peaceful spot free from distractions. A place where you feel welcome and free to explore without the fear of being judged.
The next step is to further enhance your comfort by adding soft paddings such as a pillow or cushion. Also, find a comfortable sitting or lying position before you tune in to your playlist. Note that you can also meditate while walking or standing.
Listen to the healing music and try to relax. Once relaxed, play thoughts that are in tune with the particular frequency you are playing. Say, for example, you are on frequency 396. It would help if you had a positive flow of abundance thoughts to counter the emotional loss you’re trying to eliminate. You can also add chants and mantras as well as positive affirmations during this period.
I must also mention that for some of these frequencies, you can listen to them while sleeping or doing light duties that don’t require all of your attention.
Scientific Advancement on the Use of Frequency Charts
Have you ever heard of the 11th harmonic? Well, science has proven that to feed a living cell with the right frequency, you must have a combination of both low and high frequencies where the higher frequency is 11 times higher. This frequency combination shatters microorganisms like a high-pitched sound shatters glass into a thousand pieces.
This is the same concept used to shatter cancerous cells. At a particular frequency (100,000 Hz to 300,000 Hz), the cancer cells would not survive.
In today’s medicine, we also see the use of a resonant frequency device, which induces a resonant vibration in a living organism. If we feed the living cell, it will respond with 100 pulses and so on.
The Bottom Line
We can tap into the same medicine potential if we observe our meditation frequencies chart and provoke meditative thoughts that are in tune with whichever frequency we choose. Now that you understand the nine frequencies practice using them each day and identify the ones that work best for your current challenges and situation.