With COVID-19 spread, our planet is going through a major challenge. There are plenty of opinions on this situation that vary from highly scientific to purely intuitive. However, in this article, we are not going to reject or defend any of them. The goal of this article is to share with you some information about the microvita theory to give you some theoretical bases. This information is designed to be a thought-provoking tool that may inspire you to re-think all that you know about coronavirus.
Microvita Theory
The Microvita theory was first introduced by Indian philosopher Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar in 1986 through a series of lectures.
“Microvita” is plural for “Microvitum” and literally means “possessing or with micro-life”.
Microvita are entities that come within the realms of physicality and psychic expression. In other words, microvita exist in both physical and psychic realms. They are smaller and subtler than physical atoms and subatomic particles. In the psychic realm, they may be subtler than mind-stuff and contribute to “pure consciousness”.
According to the microvita theory, microvita is the cause of life. Microvita is mysterious emanations from a cosmic intelligence vastly beyond the scope of the human mind. According to the cosmic cycle of creation, the universe itself is an internal thought projection of the Cosmic Mind.
There are three categories of microvita:
- positive (or friendly) microvita;
- negative (or harmful) microvita;
- neutral microvita.
Positive microvita help to expand our understanding, elevate the psyche, refine perception, reveal the abilities of the mind, and improve health.
Negative microvita contribute to physical decomposition, mental coarsening.
Microvita are considered to be living entities due to the fact that they exist, multiply and die.
Microvita’s Environment

Microvita move throughout the entire universe. They pass through galaxies of stars and other celestial objects such as planets, satellites, and meteors. They have no mass, so their speed is not limited by the speed of light. Microvita move through sound, touch, taste, smell and even ideas. This is their environment.
For example, when we inhale a smell, this smell allows microbes to enter our gross mind. In other words, we can imagine that we are constantly swimming in an ocean of microvita of a very different nature. And depending on what images, sounds, smells and tastes surround us, we live in an environment with the corresponding microvita.
Ideas also carry a certain kind of microvita. The idea itself cannot capture people, but when it is backed up by positive or negative microvita, it becomes powerful and wins minds.
One highly developed person (meaning a person with a strong mind that can generate ideas, someone who has the ability to concentrate and control his mind) can give humanity a powerful progressive idea that will change the situation on the whole planet and allow you to make a leap to progress.
Microvita Theory And Viruses

Evolution is controlled by the cosmic factor. All beings evolve from simple to complex. The higher Consciousness creates a certain genetic code that is necessary for a living being, for taking it to the next evolutionary level. This genetic code is added to the genes of an individual being.
When the crudest type of microvita, responsible for the creation, destruction, and evolution of life, is added to our code, a change occurs. It depends on what the aspirations of the species are. Those species that are dead-end get destroyed. Entire planets can be destroyed by negative microvita.
The least subtle microvita come within the range of a powerful microscope. People call this type of microvitum “virus”.
Sarkar says, “these microvita of crude order which may be seen by a microscope, are named ‘virus”. They say, ‘This disease is of virus origin’. But the virus is a vague term. The better term will be microvitum, and not a virus.”
As we already mentioned, microvita has the ability to travel through ideas.
Positive ideas carry positive microvita whereas negative ideas attract negative microvita. These microvita maintain the balance of the expressed creation.
Extremely negative ideas attract negative microvita. These negative microvita are powerful enough to create new diseases. If we try to look at coronavirus from the microvita theory perspective, we will come to the conclusion that coronavirus is actually the outcome of a negative outlook and acute crudity.
You see, coronavirus is originated in a place where all types of animals are killed mercilessly to fulfill human greed. Therefore even the way COVID-19 is being spread is based on negativity. The whole world is scared. Day by day the number of deaths are increasing and thousands of people are being affected. Fear, anger, grief, the desire to prove that “they are wrong”, greed, the fights of opinions on its cause, conspiracy theory, victim mentality – are all contributing to the COVID-19 spread because all this negativity the society is going through is its very nature.
Here is what Richard Gauthier, Ph.D., wrote in his book “Microvita: Cosmic Seeds of Life”:
“When a microvitum has been awakened and enters a cell, a virus adapts to the environment of the cell. You get a virus when a microvitum has entered
a cell and developed.”
“The RNA and DNA of a particular virus is unique to that virus. Particles of Cosmic Citta (Objective Cosmic Mind), when microvita are emanated from
Cosmic Mind, already contain the information for RNA or DNA. This information is there but not seen until microvitum is awakened, and when it is in virus form then we can detect it.”
“Ectoplasm will affect what is going to happen to microvita in the area. As microvita enter the space of another person’s ectoplasm (thought waves) then microvita can be changed. A microvitum can be changed when it is affected by a person’s thought waves.”
“The Western scientific mind is asking what and how. Science is not asking WHY. The place to look for microvita is in WHY.”
Something To Think About…

Our immune system preserves the integrity of the inner universe – it is the biochemical memory of who we are. It is our immune system that is challenged by viruses, that is, by negative microvita. We all have to understand that negative microvita are no less a danger to society than a flood or a famine. These are real threats to our existence.
Frank van den Bovenkamp, a researcher from the Netherlands, says: “… if the immune system is the bio-chemical memory of who we are, then what attracts viruses is forgetfulness, not so much mentally, but in lifestyle and social outlook. In the 1st. world war, we forgot our humanity and this, in the end, attracted the influenza virus. In the decades leading up to the ’90’s, we forgot our personal sanctity and this invited HIV. It’s not rocket science. To understand the COVID-19 pandemic, we have to study what has compromised our “bio-chemical memory” in the current time. Only will there be a silver lining, when in the process we learn to benefit from new and unexpected ways of macrocosmic co-ordination which may be in the waiting, rather than pursuing a dead-end road. In the latter case, there is no such thing as macrocosmic patience.”
Therefore, our primary goal should be the creation of a balanced and peaceful global atmosphere through spiritual practices and calming down our thoughts to counteract negative microvita. We should return our bodies and minds to pure condition.
Observing our thoughts, watching our behaviors and reactions to the situation we are dealing with, taking care of our bodies and mental health is essential! It’s time to remember moral and ethical principles, Universal laws, and spiritual traditions. By returning to love, compassion, and kindness we develop immunity to the virus not just for ourselves but for the whole planet.
The Bottom Line
Because of the wars, cruelty, and aggression that took place in the 20th and 21st centuries, a huge number of negative microvita began to move towards the Earth from different parts of the Universe. They come to our planet constantly. In the future, the number of diseases caused by these negative microvita will even increase. Modern medical care specialists will be confused because it will become harder and harder to come up with effective ways to treat the diseases that negative microvita create.
Eventually, people will realize that negative microvita can’t be destroyed. They may be contained, but the reason that caused them will remain. Therefore, the only way to deal with this situation is to replace negative microvita with positive ones. There is no other way to protect humanity.