The moon is waning to a new moon on September 25th at 5:55 p.m. EDT. This is when the Moon is lost in the glare of the Sun and completely invisible. The September new moon is a powerful time that can give impetus to our spiritual development and personal evolution. I will share everything you need to know about this new moon in this article.
The New Moon In Vedic Astrology
In Vedic astrology, the new moon is called Amavasya. It is the time when the Moon and the Sun line up.
According to Vedic astrology, Shukla paksha, the brightest part of the lunar month begins with Amavasya, when one can count on the indulgence and benefits of the gods. It is recommended to dedicate the new moon to spiritual practices, offerings, and prayers. It is also considered a favorable period for completing previously started projects, cleaning, and charity.
Amavasya is considered the most favorable period to engage in your personal development; spend this day in meditation and prayers.
It is said that any activity related to material affairs will not bring any benefits on this day. However, any spiritual practice you engage in will multiply its benefits when performed during Amavasya. The same can be said about charity and donations done during Amavasya – you will be generously rewarded for your acts of kindness.
The September New Moon

According to Jyotish (Vedic astrology), the September new moon occurs in Virgo.
The moon in Virgo is a time of fuss and the need to take into account a lot of little things. If you have a meeting or a deal to close, be prepared for a lot of additional stipulations and conditions. You will have to spend some extra time working on documents.
The energies of this new moon will make people criticize each other and focus on even minor mistakes that didn’t matter much on other days.
During this time, we will all want more order in life. On the negative side, many of us will be annoyed by negligence, inaccuracy, and violation of obligations. All these small tasks will increase internal tension, which will eventually lead to apathy and laziness.
The new moon in Virgo encourages us to pay more attention to the little things. We will have a desire to improve any shortcomings that we notice. At this time, it will be easier to notice small details than distant prospects. Therefore, it’s best to focus on a detailed study of ongoing projects rather than planning new ones.
If you have to interact with authorities during this new moon period, keep in mind that officials will be biased, uncooperative, and not willing to take into account your circumstances. Therefore, it is better to plan a visit to state institutions for other days.
Virgo increases the need for cleanliness and simplicity, so if you have an interview or important negotiations, pay attention to your appearance! It is better to give preference to calm tones in clothes, and pay attention to high-quality accessories during this period. Also, it is good to wear white quartz, which has the ability to absorb all the negative energy, purify your aura, and relieve stress.
The New Moon In Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra
According to Vedic astrology, the September new moon takes place in the lunar mansion of Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra. Let’s take a closer look at this lunar mansion and what kind of energy it represents.
Uttara Phalguni is the Sun-ruled nakshatra. It carries the iconography of a hammock or the rear legs of a cot. Its symbolism is associated with tranquil spaces, healing, and recuperation.
Uttara Phalguni is also called the “Star of Patronage” for its love of humanity and its caring nature. It will drive a desire to alleviate the suffering of society. However, in this desire, a person could become controlling and very stubborn. During this new moon, we may see how those in power will become more totalitarian and controlling, pushing their agenda “in the name of love for humanity”.
Also, this nakshatra deals with relationships and commitments, which makes this new moon a good time to reflect on your relationships and what you can do to improve them. Use this powerful time to honor your current relationships and express your gratitude for the people around you. This is a good time for introspection. Think about what you can do to develop a deeper level of commitment in your relationships and become more loyal to others.
Health-related Issues
Uttara Phalguni may cause weakness of the small intestine (ulcers), disease of the genitalia, injury to the lower spine, severe headaches, appendicitis, thrombosis, and inflammatory conditions of the liver.
The nature of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra: Rajas
Rajas is the energy of change. It represents passion, desire, effort, and pain. The nature of rajas is characterized by a sense of attachment, a desire to satisfy desires.
The new moon in Rajas manifests itself as an active desire to do something, irritation, passion, and strength. The energy of the new moon in Rajas gives anxiety, stubbornness, and a strong possessive instinct. Many will experience anxiety and difficulty with mental concentration during this time.
The goal of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra: Moksha
Moksha is the release from the cycle of rebirth impelled by the law of karma. It is liberation from dependence, from the mirage created by dharma, kama, and artha. Moksha is the dissolution of delusions. The influence of this nakshatra gives an impetus to spiritual practice. During the new moon period, we should be more focused on our spiritual goals and less on the material.
Spiritual Lessons to Learn

- During the new moon in Virgo, we will be more than usual irritated by other people’s shortcomings. This is a good time for working on patience and acceptance of others the way they are. The energy of the new moon will help to acquire these qualities throughout the month.
- Refrain from criticism! Don’t criticize people even in your thoughts. Let people be the way they are without trying to change them or tell them what to do. Any criticism during the new moon in Virgo may turn into a conflict. Therefore, try to control your thoughts and your words.
- Learn to relax and let go of your attachments. Your desire to control everything causes lots of stress and may even lead to depression. Use this powerful time of the month to relax, meditate, and practice pranayama and yoga. This will help you to clear your mind and cultivate more self-love and compassion for the world.
Dos and Don’ts During the September New Moon
Amavasya is one of the best days for donations. When you’re making donations during the new moon, the beneficial effect of it is greatly enhanced, and your negative karma gets purified.
Our emotions play a very important role on the new moon. If you are happy on this day, you will become even happier; if you are unhappy – you will become unhappier. Any of our qualities are strengthened on this day. Therefore, the new moon is a very important time for spiritual seekers since the effect of any puja or recited mantra becomes even stronger on this day.
Amavasya is a great time for new beginnings. This is the time to discard old habits and thoughts, all failures, and embrace the new experience that the new moon promises us.
Favorable activities during Amavasya:
- Completing tasks
- Paying off debts
- Throwing away the old and unnecessary things
- Fasting
- Giving donations and gifts
- Meeting with your parents or other family members
- Performing any spiritual practices
- House cleaning (it will help you to clean not only the space around you but also your mind)
- Honoring deceased ancestors (you can just think about them or look at their pictures)
- Doing charity (you can donate anything except money)
- Tuning in to harmony and love
- Forgiving yourself and others
Unfavorable activities during Amavasya:
- Making important purchases
- Getting married
- Making important appointments
- Start training
- Making promises
- Surgeries
- Start building a house, or enter the house
- Making final decisions
- Taking trips, business trips, travel
- Making repairs, renovations
- Appointing important meetings that can affect the execution of transactions, the conduct of business, etc.
- Making money transactions (invest money, transfer large sums, borrow or lend);
- Overworking
Manifesting On New Moon

It’s very beneficial to use positive affirmations during the new moon. During this time, affirmations have a special power – they make your positive thoughts and intentions grow and gain strength more quickly. That is why such practices as creating a vision board or Reiki wish box, will be particularly effective on the new moon.
Here are some examples of the high-vibe affirmations you can practice on the New Moon:
- Love is my inspiration, my conversation, and my life! Peace is my natural state! Gratitude is my way of seeing and being! The face of God greets me everywhere I go!
- Every cell of my body temple celebrates health and wholeness!
- All my relationships match the high vibration of unconditional love!
- Positive thoughts revitalize my body temple!
- Abundance blesses every aspect of my life!
- I am guided, governed, and gifted by the eternal presence of Spirit within me! The high frequency of divine love resounds through all of my relationships! Excellence is encoded in my soul and evident in my expression! A consciousness of awe and wonder makes things possible in my life!
- My commitment to peace, love, and kindness raises the vibrations of the planet!
- The sweet water of appreciation bathes everything I do!
The Moon Mantra
During the New Moon, it’s beneficial to chant the Moon mantra “Om Chandraya Namaha” 108 times. This powerful mantra vibrates with the energy of the Moon. Chanting this beautiful mantra will help you see things more clearly and look beyond “illusions” to see the deeper meaning in things and the truth that lies within.
Buddha Shakyamuni Mantra
It is very beneficial to chant the Buddha Shakyamuni mantra during the new moon. Recite “Om Muni Muni Maha Muniye Soha” 3, 7, 21, or 108 times. When chanting the mantra, visualize how the Divine Light purifies all your subtle bodies and frees your consciousness from outdated programs.
Chanting the Buddha Shakyamuni mantra brings a change in our consciousness, helps to reach enlightenment, inspires us with new ideas, and gives us confidence in our abilities. Also, it relieves uncertainty and distorted perception of reality.
The Bottom Line
The September new moon will make us more attentive to others’ shortcomings. Don’t let your inner critic ruin your relationship. Focus on your inner peace instead and give yourself a gift of relaxation by meditating, practicing yoga, taking a ritual bath, and doing breathwork. This is a great time for hobbies, studying something you’re really interested in (like astrology, tarot, or foreign languages, for example). It’s great to spend this time closer to nature, hiking or gardening. This is a powerful time for loosening control and following Divine guidance. Be kind, compassionate, and gentle with people during this new moon and always!