Bring Divine Shakti Energy Into Your Life With Durga Mantra

Durga mantra image

Durga is the protective Mother of the Universe and the warrior-goddess. She is also known as Shakti and the patroness of all women, protecting them from all evil. Durga is a special energy which is hidden inside every woman. By using it, a woman finds her inner power to stand up for herself and for her rights. Therefore, every woman needs to establish a connection with this powerful Goddess. And the easiest way to do it is to chant the Durga mantra every day.

How Does Durga Mantra Work?

In the human energy system, Durga energy is located in the Anahata chakra.  When your Durga energy is awakened in your Heart chakra it gives you the quality of fearlessness. In other words, you’re not afraid of anything because you’re always under the protection of the Mother Goddess. It gives you strength and makes your heart brave.

As I already said, Durga is the protective Mother of the Universe. Knowing this, you can understand how important the attitude of a person to his mother is. For example, any Indian’s mother is considered inviolable, because his (her) sense of security is completely dependent on his (her) mother. Mother is the one who provides protection.

Unfortunately, the correct understanding of the meaning of a mother has been completely destroyed in Western culture. It happened mostly because of Freud. That is why people in Western countries are always afraid of something and feel insecure.

Durga mantra protects people from any manifestations of negative forces and destroys everything that prevents spiritual development. It brings victory over obstacles, pain, and suffering.

Durga Mantra Benefits

Chanting the Durga mantra can bring such benefits as:

  • attracting protection, prosperity, beauty, and intelligence;
  • removing the mental, physical and worldly problems in life;
  • showering its practitioner with the blessings;
  • solving any kinds of life problems related to money, bad luck, health, etc.

How To Perform The Durga Mantra?

Mantra Chanting with Prayer beads image

Chant the Durga Mantra early in the morning or late at night for 108 times.

Set up your intention

Before you start your Durga Mantra chanting you should focus your attention on your intention. Say aloud what you want to dedicate this Mantra chanting to. It can be protection, removing obstacles, or clearing your spiritual path from any negative influences.

Visualization goes along with the chanting

While chanting the Durga Mantra visualize Her image.

Imagine Durga Goddess sitting on a Lion (which represents that the Goddess keeps animal tendency of greed for food and other sensual objects under total control) or a Tiger (which symbolizes unlimited power).

She is dressed in a red sari (which represents action) and red clothes (that symbolizes that Durga is destroying evil and protecting people from suffering, misery, and pain).

She has eight arms with weapons in each of them. They represent Her teachings:

1. A Chakra in Her first upper right hand is a symbol of Dharma. According to Durga teaching, we must be responsible for everything we do in life and follow an authentic traditional spiritual school.

2. A Conch in her first upper left hand symbolizes the OM syllable. It indicates the Goddess holding on to God in the form of sacred sound.

3. A Sword in her second right lower hand is a symbol of knowledge, which has the sharpness of a sword. It represents the knowledge which is free from any doubts.

4. A Bow and an Arrow in her second left lower hand is a symbol of character like Lord Rama (the 7th Avatar of Vishnu). According to Durga teaching, when we face difficulties in our life we should not lose our character.

5. A Lotus Flower in her third lower left hand represents the awakening of spiritual consciousness.

6. A Club in her third right lower hand represents Hanuman and symbolizes surrender and devotion. According to Durga teaching, everything we do in life we should do with devotion and love.

7. A Trishul/Trident in her fourth left lower hand symbolizes three qualities: non-activity (LAN), activity (CHA), and inactivity (SO).

8. Her fourth lower right hand symbolizes forgiveness and Her blessings. According to Durga teaching, we must always forgive ourselves and others.

Enter into the resonance with Durga energy

Try to feel Durga power and strength. Then visualize Durga inside your heart. Feel how your heart is expanding. And the more the expansion of your heart is the braver it is and the more fearless you are.

Heart Chakra Healing image

Visualize how the Durga energy is filling up your whole body and the space around you. Feel Her energy inside and around you. Imprint this feeling of protection in your memory. In the future, if you need Durga’s help you can simply bring this image of her energy inside and around you. And this will activate Her protective field fast and easily.

Consistency is the key

It is very important to do this practice daily for at least 30 days. Make sure you’re doing it with open heart and trust in Durga power. The more you do it the more powerful your protection field is!

Durga Mantra Text

This powerful mantra helps to overcome inner enemies, purify consciousness from negative energies, and transform negative energy into positive. Moreover, the Durga Mantra helps to achieve a higher level of consciousness.


Each Sanskrit word of this Mantra has spiritual significance:

OM is the cosmic sound vibration of creation.

DUM is the sound vibration of Durga energy.

DURGAYEI is the name of Goddess. In Sanskrit, this word literally means “the one who is unbeatable and can not be defeated, hence unconquerable”. This is a sacred symbol of female power which reflects the very pure aspect of the divine feminine.

NAMAHA can be translated as “I bow you”.

Durga Mantra translation in English would be: “Salutations to She who is beautiful to the seeker of truth and terrible in appearance to those who would injure devotees of truth.”


Goddess Durga represents the divine positive energy also known as Divine Shakti (Divine Feminine Energy). That’s why we can say that Durga Mantra is one of the most powerful spiritual tools you can use for multiple purposes. Whether you need strong protection or to remove obstacles from your spiritual path, Durga Mantra will activate your inner potential for solving any problems you face in your life. Just open your heart, be consistent with your practice, and trust in the power of the Divine Mother!