Suppose you didn’t know your current age; how old do you reckon you would be today? If you guessed a number higher than your current age, you could be having an old soul. See, anyone with an old soul behaves too mature for their age. More so, they find their age mates too immature; hence struggle to fit into society. As outsiders looking into life, Old Souls prefer living solitary lives. In turn, society misinterprets this personality as anti-social. So, do you have an old soul? In this article, we discuss the eight signs you’re an old soul:
Becoming an Old Soul
Some Old Souls are born that way, while others grow into it through a spiritual awakening journey. Whatever the case, you have wisdom and a mature outlook on life that indicates your intelligence. This intelligence comes from your past experiences and not from memorizing books. Hence, young persons who are Old Souls are a gift to humanity.
For example, they become better leaders who focus less on material possessions and more on solving societal issues. Plus, they have better intuition that keeps them and those around them from harm’s way.
8 Signs You’re an Old Soul
#1: Empathetic

Old Souls show lots of empathy towards others. Their high sensitivity, open-minded and open-hearted nature makes them emotional sponges. They pick up negative and positive energies from others and own these mixed feelings.
The Old Soul doesn’t think twice when lending a hand to those in need. And they use their wisdom to make other people’s lives better.
#2: Seeing the Bigger Picture
Does philosophy intrigue you? Or, do you question systems in institutions instead of accepting them at face value? An Old Soul has wisdom and a mature outlook on life that indicates their intelligence. This intelligence comes from observing what happens in the world instead of skimming through textbooks in class. Hence, such a person relates what is happening today to its possible impact on the future.
#3: Happiness in Solitude
Old Souls have unique interests, hobbies, and beliefs; different from their peers. More so, these are self-motivated individuals who are creative and original thinkers. They seek quality and not quantity in friendships. Hence, any small talk or group mentality annoys them.
For example, an Old Soul will struggle to stay up to date with friends on social media. Besides, they are direct in expressing their ideas, often seen as being rude. For this reason, an Old Soul prefers to have their own space and spend most time alone recharging their energies.
#4: Deep Thirst for Knowledge

Would you rather keep up with a reality star or spend an hour watching a mystery film? See, Old Souls are intellectuals who are always yearning for wisdom. Even though they never acknowledge that they are smart, they are the kind of people who challenge their knowledge by reading or trying out new things. They prefer factual instead of trendy literature.
#5: Abhor Superficial Small Talk
Do you prefer having meaningful conversations that stimulate your thinking instead of small talk about the weather, food, or trendy stuff? You could be an Old Soul. Here, Old Souls want to make all their thoughts count. Hence, they are selective in how they talk or the words they use to express their views.
That’s why an Old Soul will naturally have strong communication and verbal skills. It can get lonely when those around you struggle to keep up with your conversations.
#6: Struggle with Dating
We live in a hook-up culture where the young and old meet online and date. It involves shallow flirting, playing games, or stringing others along to know each other better. Yet, this dating language is too hard for an Old Soul to wrap their heads around.
See, an Old Soul lives by personal standards they don’t intend to lower in the name of dating. Doing so will deny a core part of their true identity. On the flip side, when an Old Soul meets another Old Soul, dating becomes almost automatic. The two connect easily and cherish their soul connection.
#7: Exceptionally Good at Reading People

If you are an Old Soul, you will often get strong gut feelings about someone you meet for the first time. This feeling will make you like or dislike the stranger instantly, regardless of how they portray themselves. Afterward, you realize that your intuition was on point, saving you unnecessary heartaches or propelling you to take risks that others would turn down.
Likewise, Old Souls are excellent body language readers and natural psychologists. By observing how someone twitches their lips, shifts eyes, or changes tone when speaking, the Old Souls can tell when the other is upset, honest, or deceiving.
#8: People Gravitate Towards You for Advice
Old Souls have a contemplative nature that will find valuable lessons in the most chaotic situation. They reflect and find clues to issues that we often overlook. In turn, friends and loved ones admire this maturity, clear and sound judgments. Others even view the Old Soul as a role model. Hence, they turn to them for advice, conflict resolution, or second opinions.
Can an Old Soul Be Bad for You?
Well, Old Soul traits can become challenging if: –
- Your focus on the bigger picture or future goals distracts you from accomplishing mundane but necessary tasks. For example, not paying your bills or going to work due to procrastinating about the possible multi-million business you intend to run in the next five years.
- Your desire for solitude leads you to chronic loneliness, even when surrounded by people.
- Lack of dating skills leaves you feeling empty and unwanted.
- You use your role model position in the society for selfish gain.
If you suspect that you are an Old Soul, use the above tell-tale signs you’re an old soul as your checklist. This will help you and those around you to understand and accept your unique personality. More so, determine if your Old Soul traits are interfering with your healthy lifestyle and make necessary lifestyle changes for better living.