In this article, I want to introduce you to the Mature feminine energy, its importance in the creation process, and its essential qualities.
The Nature Of The Feminine Energy
The feminine role in the process of Creation is represented as the nurturing and sustaining aspect of energy consciousness. One of the most important things the feminine aspect does is creating and holding the space to nurture the creation. The feminine aspect creates the form, or womb in which creation will grow and unfold. Think of it as the limiting walls or boundaries of potential that masculine energy can express itself within.
SO is the magnetic or feminine force that exists in nature. CHA is the masculine electric force that exists within nature. All of life is electromagnetic or polarized. LAN is the state of harmony, balance and equilibrium between these two poles. SOLANCHA thus is the harmonious rhythm and cosmic pulsation of electromagnetic energy that flows throughout the universe.
The power of feminine energy depends on how much of herself she will give to nurture and sustain creation. If consciousness changes its focus and moves from the feminine aspect into the masculine to thrust into another direction, the initially desired creation may suffer if not die unless the focus is returned to the fullness of the original container of feminine wisdom. Feminine energy is qualitative while masculine energy is quantiative.
It is essential to realize that the feminine aspect of Creation is to become one with the Creation in some way. For most people, it is hard to understand since we live in separate bodies and physical offspring become separate (from their parents) individuals. Yet, the womb of the mother nourishes the fetus until it is born into the world. She and the fetus are one until it is born. So too the feminine aspect of our being for any creation in which we engage.
What Is the Mature Feminine?

The mature feminine aspect represents the willingness to give of herself and become whatever she needs to become to nurture the creation. She nurtures the creation in the way it needs to be nurtured to grow thus her limitations become the limitations of the creation. Those limitations can lead to a positive or negative manifestation.
It is essential to understand that the creation can only unfold true to itself to the extent the feminine nurturing energy has matured.
It’s important to understand that this statement is true for males and females alike for both possess a feminine aspect. We are just more aware of the feminine aspect of females.
Both males and females have a feminine aspect that is needed to nurture any creation in which the male or female become engaged in creating. If we cannot adequately nurture the need of our feminine creative aspect, we will be unable to properly meet the needs of our creation.
On this point, it needs to be realized the mature feminine does not throw her energy or her life away. There is no foolishness, ego, or parasitic relationship here. It is an act that transcends the individual. The mature feminine will give of her life if necessary but it is not done to sustain a creation that will not become self-sufficient.
When the mature feminine energy is active, it is able to pull out of the masculine things the masculine does not know it is capable of doing. In many ways, the masculine does not know what it’s capabilities are. It takes the feminine to call it forth and pull out its essence though the container of her magnetic form.
It’s important to understand that this is not about a woman needing to call out what she sees as inappropriate behavior within a man. It is about the feminine within a male or female calling forth the masculine within herself/himself.
Let’s look at this from the consciousness perspective. The masculine aspect of consciousness is not aware of itself unless there is a movement of contrast energy, the feminine aspect of consciousness, is presented. In this sense, it takes the feminine energy, for the masculine to awaken. Hence the feminine nurturing energy awakens the masculine aspect of consciousness and magnetically pulls it toward its full potential.
The ripening of the Self is really about the maturing of our nurturing creative feminine aspect of being. It is about being able to become internally and externally whatever is needed for the Creation to unfold.
The ripening of the Self is about learning how to become more feminine to call forth the masculine aspect of our creative spirit to thrust out into the world a more authentic version of itself. This is what each of us needs to learn – living our truth in the world.
Our truth and our creative energy and power to live that truth has long suppressed by the world in which we grow up. Although we can be successful in life, we can still be suppressing the inner spark. We tend to live in the way in which we have been programmed to live. Therefore, it is essential for each of us to develop our mature feminine presence, to call forth our creative spirit, and create a safe and secure space for us to live our full potential.
Mature Feminine & Mature Masculine Vs. Immature Feminine & Immature Masculine

For the Creation to be born, the Mature Feminine is as needed as the Mature Masculine. No matter what you’re trying to create – whether it is a balanced relationship or successful business – you need balanced energy that is based on these two principles – feminine and masculine. Any Creation, any manifestation, any idea needs these two qualities of energy to conceive the desired and give it birth.
However, most people are guided by false beliefs, and when trying to manifest all they can produce is a poor Creation, lacking any quality or even nothing at all. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between the mature and immature feminine and masculine aspects.
Immature Masculine:
- Competitive
- Separation
- Ego-centric
- Self-serving
- Boisterous
- Arrogant
- Emotionally detached
- Motivated by self-serving interests
- Insecure
- Identifies with material possessions.
Mature Masculine:
- Present
- Man on a mission
- Heart-centered
- Focused
- Determined
- Seeks collaboration
- Motivated by his mission
- Emotionally intelligent
Immature Feminine:
- Gossipy
- Jealous
- Needs validation from external sources
- Low self-worth
- Ego-centric
- Seductive – uses sexuality to manipulate others and get attention
Mature Feminine:
- Present
- Nurturing
- Empowering
- Emotionally intelligent
- Self-fulfilled and oozing self-love
- Sensual
- Confident in sexual energy
- Motivated by heart and what will be of benefit to others
- Whole
Next time you try to create something or manifest your goals, think about what emotions and qualities attract you to that project. If you are motivated by your competitive spirit – the immature masculine is speaking within you. This is the sign that with such poor intentions you will not succeed.
Or, if you try to build your new relationship based on pure sexual desires without heart and deep feelings being involved, the immature feminine is crying for attention within you. Such a relationship will not last long.
Test your desires on their maturity before you put any energy into their manifestations.
Developing Mature Feminine On External Level

Though every person despite the gender has both – feminine and masculine – energies within, women are external representatives of feminine energy on our planet. Therefore, it is especially essential for us, women, to develop mature femininity.
Though, we all have our slips between immature and mature – it is just good to be aware first and foremost of where our intentions are and what is motivating us. Therefore, I created the below list of mature feminine abilities as a reminder, first of all, for myself. Hopefully, this list can also provide some guidance for you on your self-development journey.
#1: The ability to love
The immature feminine begs for love and attention, while the mature feminine offers them to others as her precious gifts. This becomes possible only in a state of fullness, which is inseparable from the ability to love yourself unconditionally.
Loving yourself means accepting yourself and any emotions, taking care of your physical body and mental health, valuing your time, and not allowing others to overstep their boundaries. It means never, under any circumstances, betray yourself!
#2: The ability to enjoy life
Enjoying your life every single moment without regrets is a form of Zen. The ability to relax and really enjoy everything you do and be present is a sign of self-connection, inner balance, and high intuitiveness.
This means not thinking about work when you are spending time with your family and friends, not scrolling on the phone when you are having your morning coffee, not watching TV when having your dinner, etc. It all comes down to simply being able to breathe, hear, see, and feel consciously.
#3: The ability to be alone
This skill manifests itself in relationships: especially with the closest people. The behavior of the immature feminine is to “stick” to her protector/guardian, best friend, go with them at the same speed, “downsize” herself just to fit in, and not to stay alone.
The mature feminine loves and knows how to be alone and enjoys it. She sees aloneness as a gift to her soul and feels satisfaction from the bond she forms with herself.
This is also the ability to stay without a smartphone for several days and enjoy your own company.
The Bottom Line
We create our life every single second by choosing the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel, and the actions we take. Our reality is created by our thoughts that we color with emotions and express in actions. Every single thought – the seed we sow to manifest our reality – has its masculine and feminine qualities.
In order to create our desired reality, we need to support the inner marriage of the masculine and feminine energies of our thoughts. Let that support be based on harmonious and balanced qualities of the mature feminine and masculine so that the life you create brings you great happiness and joy.