This month, all seven planets that have a physical form and the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu will change their positions. These transits will affect each of us in a way that there will occur some big changes in the consciousness of each person. In this article, I will share with you some of the most important astrological events in September 2020, and give a detailed description of the transits of the planets and recommendations for a harmonious life.
Astrological Events In September 2020
Venus Transit In Cancer (September 1st – 28th)

Venus is responsible for receiving pleasure, building energy exchange between people, and sensory communication in personal relationships.
When transiting in Cancer, Venus is imbued with the qualities of this sign and loses its natural qualities – glamour, a claim to originality, the ability to adventure, sexuality. Now the main focus is on traditional family values.
Venus is a powerful planet that stands for personal and professional gains, whereas Cancer is symbolic of sensitivity and stability. It will also pull together forces to bless us with creativity, vigor, and the power to embrace changes well.
Since Venus manages personal relationships, there is a tendency to return to past relationships or start new ones.
Recommendations for this period (September 1st-28th):
- Spend more time with your family;
- Make some time to think about how you can improve the place where you live (use design solutions, buy new furniture, make repairs);
- It is better to shift the attention in the relationship to the traditional way of life: take care of your partner and create emotional security;
- Sexuality, flirting and intrigue should be left aside, otherwise there may be a conflict in the sphere of personal relationships.
Mercury Transit In Virgo (September 2nd – 22nd)

Mercury is the planet that governs intelligence, education, learning capacity, and wisdom. Our analytical abilities and communication skills fall under the governance of Mercury. It is also the major planet for salespeople, lawyers, scientists, and artists.
Mercury represents a model of information processing. Transiting in Virgo, Mercury gets a lot of power. It is very beneficial to focus on learning and communicating with other people during this period. This Mercury position will help you to solve various problems on the material level and to build a new strategy in life.
Recommendations for this period (September 2nd – 22nd):
- Focus on your education, self-education, learning new skills – during this time it is easier to understand new information and develop a new skill;
- Write down the structure of your business projects, paying more attention to details and minutiae – it will bring effective results in the future;
- Focus on solving problems;
- It is favorable to begin a medical treatment during this period (if you were planning this).
Rahu And Ketu Transit In Taurus And Scorpio (September 23th, 2020 – April 12, 2022)

Though Rahu and Ketu have been given the status of planets in Vedic astrology, yet they have no physical form. Though they are not physical, these planets have a significant impact on our lives.
The North Node marks the path of the Moon as it crosses the ecliptic moving from South to North. The South Node is created by the path of the Moon as it crosses from North to South. In Vedic astrology, the North Node is referred to as Rahu and the South Node – as Ketu.
Rahu represents that karma which causes our worldly desires – externalizing energies which push us forward or even cause us to overextend ourselves. It is capable of giving power, fame, political success, money, and beauty (when beneficially placed). Rahu indicates our future direction in this life.
Ketu indicates personal karma. It represents karma that is much more deep-seated, introverted, and internalized. Ketu shows not just karmic lessons that we need to learn but also karmic accomplishments – those skills and abilities which we have perfected in previous lives which we bring into this life fully developed.
Rahu and Ketu are points between the past and the future which is why they are called karmic and bring life lessons for each person.
This transit is going to be strategic because it will show the areas in which people’s consciousness will develop within a year and a half.
Through Rahu, new information is thrown into the system, which will need to be processed and adapted to our lives. Rahu is a force that disturbs the peace of the system. Getting into a particular sign, it begins to go through all the indicators that this field is responsible for and thus creates the basis for development.
Through Ketu, the system receives debts from the past and already developed qualities.
Two lunar nodes always “pull” a person’s consciousness in different directions – but if you know what areas Rahu and Ketu work in, it is easier for you to adapt to the changes.
Areas that will be activated during this period
Money and Finance
Here we accumulate and enjoy the material resources that are formed in the sign of Taurus. Transiting in this sign, Rahu will destroy stability and force us to develop and come up with new ways to earn, save, and invest.
Way of Life
Also, there is an indication that our general way of life may change. Rahu will destroy the sense of stability and it will make many of us move closer to nature, to buy land, and to focus on growing our own food. Many people will change their way of life drastically.
In this article, I’ve covered a few important astrological events in September. However, keep in mind that all nine planets will change their positions this month which means that September 2020 will be very intense and bring many changes.