The higher the level of your energy, the more effectively you will solve all the issues and problems in your life, including within the financial sphere. One of the most effective ways to increase your energy potential is to take steps to harmonize your main energy centers – chakras. In this article, I will share with you how you can activate abundance energy by tuning into your money chakra.
Chakras and Money
We all know that we have seven main chakras. So which of these chakras is the money chakra? My answer may surprise you, but it is that all chakras are money chakras.
All chakras should be tuned harmoniously in accordance with certain vibrations.
You can see that there are no primary and secondary chakras. And what chakras to work with for improving your financial situation depends on what your difficulties and questions in the field of making money are.
Let’s talk in detail about each money chakra.
Money Chakras
Root (Muladhara) Chakra

You should consider working with Muladhara as the money chakra if you:
- can’t escape from the feeling of scarcity of anything;
- feel a total inability to cope with life challenges;
- if you are exposed to the fears of the level of survival, such as to lose money, house, the main source of income, stability, etc;
- if you are attached to the material possessions;
- do not feel support in life and get lost in difficult situations;
- if you are a “dreamer” who has many plans and ideas, but nothing comes to life;
- want to find support and financial stability.
I always recommend people with financial difficulties to start work on chakra balancing with the Root chakra. This chakra is primarily responsible for the energy of life, procreation and survival issues: health, money, and also helps to find support and stability.
How to tune in to the Root money chakra?
Develop self-discipline, keep promises, plan everything and follow your plans. This will give you a sense of your strength and the ability to cope with life.
To learn more about Muladhara balancing techniques read my article “11 Powerful Techniques For Root Chakra Healing”.
Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra

You should consider working with the Sacral money chakra if money for you is primarily a question of:
- easy and spontaneous self-realization;
- the ability to enjoy making money;
- the ability to distinguish what you like;
- abundance mindset;
- the ability to enjoy life in general.
The energy of this center is directed to your feelings and emotions. You make decisions out of certain feelings, and you do the appropriate actions.
If you deeply feel your own value and are connected to your Higher self, if you can afford to have what you want, you will perform more harmonious actions in terms of making money.
How to tune in to the Sacral money chakra?
Start with simple things – practice deep belly breathing, relaxation; dance freely expressing yourself.
Engage in Qigong, Tai Chi or other Eastern energy practices – they help to make your Sacral chakra stronger.
More information on how to balance your Sacral chakra you can find in my article “8 Simple Tips On How To Harness the Power Of Your Sacral Chakra”.
Manipura (Solar Plexus) Money Chakra

Manipura chakra is responsible for your realization in society.
You should consider working with your Manipura money chakra if thinking about how to improve your finances makes you:
- doubt your ability to “present yourself”, cooperate and influence people;
- suffer from low self-esteem and self-doubt;
- feel shackled by fears associated with what other people think about you;
- constantly recall your past mistakes and be afraid of new ones;
- feel fear of competition and conflict;
- feel insignificant and weak compared to others.
Manipura chakra is the center of your personal power. It is responsible for what can be called “magnetism” and “charisma”, for the ability to express your talents in useful ways.
The Solar plexus is the center of the power that allows us to be influential and earn money through social realization and success.
How to tune in to Manipura Money Chakra?
The simplest way to do it is to learn to relax your Solar plexus area. It will help you to remove the blocks that affect its activity.
Follow the practice of abdominal breathing – it relaxes the diaphragm and allows the energy to flow more freely. At the same time, it is good to visualize the sunlight inside. This practice will fill your Solar plexus chakra with energy.
Act with high intention. Personal power can be used both for the good and for the harm of others. Consciously choose to act in a way that is beneficial for others and creative.
It is also good to use other techniques of Solar plexus chakra balancing that I described in my article “8 Ways To Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra For Success In Life”.
Anahata (Heart) Chakra

You should consider working with your Heart money chakra if you:
- can easily do everything for free, and it’s hard for you to ask for money for your work;
- feel that you have stopped “growing” and can not reach the next level at work, in relationships, in the financial sphere;
- you are in a mental prison of resentments and disappointments of the past, and can not let it all go to move forward;
- you are often in a pessimistic mood and lack of enthusiasm;
- try to embody the rules and expectations of your parents or stereotypes of society, but you do not know your own truth and your own way.
How to tune in to Anahata Money Chakra?
All the techniques you will find in my article “12 Powerful Ways To Heal Your Anahata”.
Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra

You should consider working with your Throat money chakra if you:
- have a creative job;
- want to solve your professional tasks creatively;
- feel tense in situations where you need to “declare yourself”, to prove yourself;
- find it difficult to negotiate and communicate with people;
- want to learn to speak (including public speaking in front of a large audience), to be heard and to influence people;
- want to be the “Creator” of your own life and make the right choices.
At the level of the Throat chakra, your personality is created. This is the chakra of creativity and self-realization in the broadest sense, and, of course, in relation to career and making money.
How to help abundance energy to be manifested through the Throat money chakra?
Practice your voice! Sing, read aloud, learn to express your thoughts aloud, learn to talk constructively about your feelings, try your hand at public speaking.
Work to act in your life from a position of true responsibility – as the author and Creator of your life.
You will find more techniques on how to work with your Throat chakra in my article “Throat Chakra Healing”.
The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra

You should consider working with the Third eye money chakra if you don’t have:
- the ability to hear the voice of your intuition;
- a vision for the future;
- the ability to foresee the consequences;
- a good intuition.
How to awaken your intuition?
To attract money energy intuition is a very important attribute. Therefore you should develop your intuitive abilities and learn how to balance your feelings and your logic.
You will find powerful techniques on how to activate your Third eye chakra in my article “Best Techniques For Your Third Eye Chakra Activation”.
Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra

You should consider working with your Crown money chakra if it’s important for you:
- to feel the connection between your decisions and actions in the financial sphere and more subtle and “high” matters – spirituality and the meaning of life;
- to learn to see in the events of the material world the manifestations of deeper processes from the sphere of energies and spirituality.
Sahasrara chakra is responsible for your connection with the cosmos and spirituality.
How to tune in to Sahasrara?
All meditations and spiritual practices will help you to tune in to your Crown chakra. For more techniques read my article “Crown Chakra Blockage Symptoms And Ways To Heal It”.
The Bottom Line
When working on attuning yourself with abundance energy, do not forget that chakra balancing is only half the battle. The second half is how you realize this energy in practical actions you take every day.