The positive karmic experience accumulated during all earthly incarnations tends to be spent aimlessly or changed for the worse, which leads to negative consequences in real life. To reverse this process, it is necessary to constantly improve karma. In this article, I will share with you 16 powerful ways to attract good karma.
But first, let’s find out what good karma actually is.
What Is Good Karma?
Karma is based on cause-and-effect relationships. In other words, we always get back what we give to the world. The more good deeds accumulated on the invisible “account” of each soul, the more bonuses it receives in its future life and next incarnations. If karmic “savings” are spent selfishly, without bringing benefit to others and the planet, then in future reincarnations such a soul will have “to reap the fruits” of his irresponsibility, because karma will change from good to bad.
Therefore, to build good karma is the main goal of every soul.
How Do I Know If My Karma Is Good Or Bad?

If we try to create a simplified model of testing karma, it will be based on four components:
- relationships with others;
- health (both physical and mental);
- prosperity;
- life purpose.
If each of these components is present in your life, then we can probably say that your karma, in this case, tends to be good. Thus, the good karma manifests itself in the harmony achieved in all spheres of our lives.
However, most people have problems at least in one of these spheres.
Have you seen babies being born with disabilities? This is an example of negative karma brought to this incarnation from past lives. But sometimes healthy people get into car accidents and get disabilities. This would be an example of negative karma that was created during this life.
Why Should We Build Good Karma?

Bad karma involves problems in all or some areas of life. If a person is haunted by constant failures, negativity, then his karmic debts exceeded the profit from good deeds.
The karmic debts accumulated in all incarnations will result in diseases, poverty, alcohol or drug addiction, unsuccessful marriages, and other negative consequences.
Do you experience any health problems? Do you have relationship problems? Do you suffer from money loss or poverty? Do you feel like your life has no purpose? If you answered ‘yes’ to at least one of these questions then you should consider taking actions for improving your karma.
How to Build Good Karma?
#1 Keep It Clean
Try to make sure that everything in your life is clean: your body, home, workplace, etc. But especially important to keep your thoughts and actions clean! Keep in mind that negative thoughts, emotions, and actions create negative karma. And positive thoughts and actions create good karma. Be mindful of what you thinking and doing!

#2 Get Involved in Charity
This would be especially helpful for those of you who have financial problems. You may say: “How can I do charity if I have no money?” Well, there are different ways to do it. We can help people even if we don’t have money to offer. A kind word, a smile, good advice – this is also a kind of charity that can change someone’s life for the better.
#3 Help Others Selflessly

You can offer help to those who are currently suffering. The main thing is not to try to radically correct someone else’s karma. But helping them find their way is quite acceptable.
#4 Self-Development
Inertia is bad for your soul. Instead of dwelling on your past, you should be constantly moving forward. Every day you try to learn something new. Every event that life presents to you should be considered as a life lesson. Every night before you go to bed ask yourself: “What have I learned today? What did I realize today?“. If you find it difficult to answer these questions, then you probably have lost your awareness and mindfulness. Tomorrow will be a new day, try not to waste it!
#5 Spiritual Development

Constant training of the body is well reflected in its appearance and health. But we should also remember to give equal attention to our spirit. The purer your soul is, the higher your moral foundations, moral values, and the easier it is to learn the life lessons on the way to good karma. Make sure to train your mental essence with the help of prayers and meditations.
#6 Love

Open your heart to every creature of existence. Make your love available for everyone: people, animals, nature, planet, your work, every action you take, every word you speak, every thought you think. Unconditional love will help you achieve harmony and approach good karma.
#7 Take Responsibility For Your Life

You and only you are responsible for your actions, words, and thoughts. Thus, you and only you are responsible for every event and situation in your life. There’s no point in blaming other people, Government, President, parents, etc. for everything you’re not happy about in your life.
All your failures and successes are the results of your own actions and thoughts. You have the power to change your life, but it will require a change in your thinking. Stop hiding behind the mask of a victim of circumstances. You are the Creator of your own life, so start creating it! The more you take responsibility for your life, the more power you have!
#8 Be Honest

One lie inevitably begets another like a virus. Remember that lost trust is very difficult to regain. After catching you multiple times on lying people will eventually stop believing you. So in relations with others it will pursue misunderstanding and resentment. And sooner or later this will turn into another karmic debt.
#9 Listen to Your Inner Voice
Always remember that your subconscious has the answers to all your questions. You just need to be able to listen. Listen to your inner voice in every situation – this is the Universe talking to you. The more you’re connected to the Universe the more you follow the path that leads you to good karma.
#10 Be In a Present Moment

The past is gone. The future hasn’t come yet. Don’t distract yourself with thinking about your past or daydreaming about the future. Focus on the present moment and live it to the fullest. Put 100% energy and awareness in everything you’re doing in the present moment. The practice of being in the present moment will teach you to live your life consciously.
#11 Pray

When we pray we cleanse our karma. Especially powerful when you pray for other people, animals or planet. But such practice should be consistent and you should put all your attention to focus on the intention of the prayer. You can also use special mantras for purifying karma and chant them daily.
#12 Volunteering
By doing volunteering work you greatly improve your karma!
#13 Be Grateful

Never blame anybody (including God and Universe) for not receiving exactly what you’ve been asking for. If you believe in karma, then you have to accept the fact that we always receive exactly what we deserve.
Therefore if you’re not getting what you want you have to ask yourself: “Why am I not getting this?” Maybe it’s not time yet, or maybe the receiving of what you’re asking wouldn’t serve your Higher purpose and the Universe is trying to show you that you will receive something much better if you’ll be patient and grateful. Be grateful for every little thing you have in your life and very soon you will see that you attract more and more happiness and joy into your life.
#14 Forgive

Life doesn’t give us lessons that we are not capable of learning. And one of the most important lessons we come to this life for is the lesson of forgiveness. Most people choose not to learn this lesson which leads to repeating it again and again during many incarnations. But if you believe in karma and want to evolve you have to learn to forgive.
Every time we forgive someone we remove a giant block of negative karma and heal our heart. And the thing is, the more hurtful our resentment is, the more cleansing and healing the forgiveness brings to our souls. If you want to build good karma, sometimes the best way to do so is to forgive people for some of the bad vibes they’ve sent your way.
#15 Donate Blood
It is believed that when you donate your blood the ones who need it you improve your karma tremendously. The whole intention behind blood donation is saving someone’s life. And since the law of karma states that we receive what we give, then when you save somebody’s life the Universe will make sure that you will stay safe. Yes, it can even save your life if you experience any danger or health issues in the future!
#16 Inspire

Let every person that meets you become happier and inspired. Spread positive vibes and don’t let your negative emotions affect other people. Be mindful of what you’re saying and how you’re saying it.
Listen to other people who need to be heard. Sometimes inspiration is better expressed when we stay quiet to give other people room to speak their truth. Be a patient listener, care for other people, and provide them the type of inspiration they need at the moment.