Vedic name numerology reveals more insight about our personalities, behaviors, social life and marriage. It is especially important for representatives of such professions in which the public name matters (for example, politicians, artists, scientists).
Your name number is the most flexible number in Vedic astrology because this number can be changed by changing the name itself. By changing the name consciously people can choose what side of their personality they want other people to see.
Which Name To Analyze?
Often we are called by different names. Usually, family members and friends call us by our first names. At work, our co-workers can call us by our last name. Our ID contains the full name. On social media, we can use a short form of our name or even replace it with a different name. So which name should we analyze from a numerological perspective in order to get accurate information about our personality?
The thing is that we usually reveal different qualities in our interaction with different groups of people. Our behavior at home is completely different from our behavior at work or when we are around people we barely know. Usually at home we feel more relaxed and at work we are more focused. We usually think twice before we actually say something to, lets say, our boss. But in family environment we can be completely ourselves and we usually don’t control our speech.
We, ourselves, choose which side of ourselves we reveal to the world. And each of our names contains a certain numerological code that contains information about a certain “face” we show to the people that call us by this name.
Our first, middle and last names contain different numerological codes. By paying attention to which of these names people choose to call you by (or you choose to call people by) you can find out which side of you they’re most focused on in you (or you’re in them).
First Name
The first name tells about the character of the individual, innate talents and abilities, as well as temperament and energy. By analyzing the first name from name numerology perspective you can find out what planet determines a person’s energy, individuality, talents, temperament, and abilities.
Middle Name
Your middle name contains information about your basic potential. It also shows the qualities instilled in the process of education, transformed by the influence of personal characteristics of the individual. By analyzing the middle name from a numerology perspective you can find out what planet is responsible for your basic potential and your individual characteristics.
Last Name
The last name of a person is very important from a karmic perspective. By analyzing the last name you can find out “family” traits and talents that are inherited over generations. Moreover, you can see what planet influences ancestral karma and what karmic lessons this family needs to learn.
Full Name
The most important and significant number in name numerology is the number of a person’s full name.
But keep in mind that the name number in different situations can be also different which affects how differently people can see you.
Also, you have to remember that a woman’s marriage is often accompanied by a change of the last name. It changes her life and karma, and not always these changes are positive.
Public Name
For the name numerology analysis, most people use their “public names”, under which they are known to most people. Usually, a public name is a first and last name.
Also we need to pay attention to the first letter of our name. The first letter of your public name has the greatest impact on you.
Name Numerology Calculation
Simply consult the chart below and begin assigning the appropriate number to each letter in your first and last name.
Once you’ve done that, you will come up with a multiple digit number, like 26, let’s say. Using 26 as an example, you will then reduce this number to a single digit. Like this: 2+6=8.

Name Number 1

Number 1 is a great name number which is ruled by Sun. People with this name number easily succeed in any sphere. This number is especially good for writers, poets, musicians, actors, and leaders. It is effective and beneficial only in the public sphere.
These people like things to be done their way but sometimes they can be inflexible, or reject new methods of doing things. They are great leaders and have great self-confidence. Such a name number brings fame and leadership.
Possible negative qualities: pride and self-centeredness.
Name Number 2

The Moon controls number 2.
This number provides peace and gentleness of character, satisfaction with life and peacefulness. These people often experience lots of changes in their lives.
They are very patient, tend to be introspective, thoughtful, and sometimes moody. These people work their best in a team.
Others see these people as great advisors due to their unique way of seeing the world. Therefore such professions like as an advisor, a counselor, or even nursing are best for them.
People with this name number get lots of help from older women.
Possible negative qualities: duality, indecision.
Name Number 3

Planet Jupiter controls number 3.
This number provides popularity and willingness to help.
People with this name number are courageous, reliable, and disciplined. They are good storytellers and eloquent speakers.
They have a sharp intellect. People with this name number can be impatient with themselves and others, but they are not quick to anger. They tend to be quite lucky, and they always attract great opportunities.
These people are best suited in fields where their versatility and creativity are put to use. It can be arts, sciences, and sports that have a strong calling for you. Such people are often drawn to their artistic flair, and sense of style.
Possible negative qualities: excessive attachment to luxury and lavish festivals; overestimation of own abilities; criticism.
Name Number 4

Rahu controls number 4.
People with this number often miss opportunities, have a lack of vital energy, and get rewards for their work. Such people are rarely praised for their work, and often get unreasonably criticized.
People with this name number are honest, reliable, and have a supportive nature. Rahu helps people to be successful in such fields as construction, land development, research, and computer sciences.
These people value order and structure, which makes them good planners and organizers.
Possible negative qualities: introversion; inability to adjust to sudden changes in life.
Name Number 5

Planet Mercury controls number 5.
Mercury makes people progressive, sociable and cheerful, gives them popularity and fills them with positive vibrations.
This number is especially beneficial to those destiny number is also 5: in this case, it brings great material success and glory.
Name Number 5 is adverse for people whose Soul number or Destiny number is 2 or 7, or whose Destiny number is 4. People with the Destiny number or Soul number 2 and name number 5 become more unstable. People with the Destiny number or Soul number 7 and name number 5 become infamous. And those who have the Destiny number or Soul number 4 and Name number 5 face many difficulties, because number 5 is the number of communication, and number 4 does not like to communicate. In these cases, it’s best to think about changing your name.
Name number 5 is particularly favorable for writers, poets, business people, bankers, athletes, publishers, journalists, doctors, actors, politicians and media and communication workers.
Possible negative qualities:excessive fussiness and talkativeness.
Name Number 6

Planet Venus controls number 6.
Name numerology describes people with this number as kind, sympathetic, hospitable, compassionate, emotional, fickle, communicative. They are very attracted to the inner and outer beauty – both in people and in nature.
As a Name number, 6 is most suitable for poets, artists, musicians, and dancers. This is a good name number for those people who are interested in the Occult Sciences.
People with this name number have a lot of friends. Friendship and harmony are their watchwords, and they strive to maintain peace in their relationships. A sense of community is important to them, and they will go out of their way to ensure others are happy and comfortable.
Possible negative quality: laziness.
Name Number 7

Ketu controls number 7.
7 is a good name number. It harmoniously behaves in combinations with any Soul numbers and Destiny numbers except 1 and 5. If the name number (7) is equal to the Soul number (7), such people are usually pleasant, friendly, intelligent, sociable, cosmopolitan. If the name number (7) is equal to the Destiny Number (7), such people become great scientists, writers, artists, reformers of society or mystics, whose names are remembered for a long time due to their original way of thinking.
But if all three numbers (Soul number, Destiny number, and name number) are 7, there can be problems. Such people need special attention, guidance, and care. They can become weak and dependent. Therefore, in this case, it’s recommended to change the name in order to change the name number.
Possible negative qualities: gambling, illusiveness.
Name Number 8

Planet Saturn controls number 8.
8 is a good name number only if your Soul number or Destiny number is 1, 3 or 6. With all other options, number 8 as name number generates numerous difficulties, delays, and obstacles. It brings people loneliness and dislike of others. If Soul number or Destiny number is 1, 3 or 6, then 8 as name number brings success and glory. The difficulties remain, but since the numbers 1 and 6 are lucky they are not too big. So, a good Soul number or Destiny number can defeat the negative Saturn influence of name number 8.
If a person has 8 as Soul number, as the Destiny number, and as name number, he/she has an especially difficult life and is prone to suicide. In this case, it’s necessary to change the name in order to change name number to 1, 3, or 6.
Possible negative qualities: desperation, suicidal tendency, loneliness.
Name Number 9

Planet Mars controls number 9.
Name numerology considers this number as unlucky for those whose Soul number or Destiny number is also 9 – it increases the influence of Mars and creates problems in family life.
However, 3 can be a very lucky name number if Soul number or Destiny number is 2, 3 or 7. Number 2 as Soul number or Destiny number in a combination with the Name number 9 brings good luck. Number 7 as Soul number or Destiny number in a combination with the Name number 7 brings help and support.
Those people who have 4, 8 or 9 as a Soul number or Destiny number should consider a name change in order to change their name number to 2, 3 or 7.
In general, name number 9 makes people sincere, expressive, creative and independent, gives a strong will, determination, and endurance.
Name numerology considers this name number as a good number for politicians, athletes, military, artists, poets, musicians, and composers. Mercury brings them fame, honor, and recognition. It forces people to work hard and leaves them no time for entertainment and recreation. It makes people restless but creative, promotes adventurous and romantic character, makes men more courageous and adds charm to women.
Name number 9 is very good for those who are interested in spiritual life. It attracts them to famous spiritual teachers. All people with name number 9 should engage in spiritual practices, which includes mantras chanting, meditation, yoga, etc.
Possible negative qualities: uncontrollable aggression, violence.
The Bottom Line
Planets and numbers are a parallel drawn by Vedic astrologers. Different planets have different effects on us. Our name numbers determine what character traits we have, what family karma we carry, what our potential and temperament are. Do you want to determine which planets influence you? Simply calculate your name number and determine which planets influence you the most!